Inverted Crucifixion (RTR-THS)

Standard Rasta_Viking29


ketoryuu says... #1

since you are in 3 color you shouldent use things as restricting as Counterflux , Syncopate would work better i belive.

Slaughter Games will alwais be a sideboard card ...

i also dont feel like liliana is doing mutch there. and i do think some burn would be a nice win with Master of Cruelties , giving Magma Jet a special home in this deck by smothing your draws and providing a win con, but the deck still needs more burn than that xD i think you should look at Guttersnipe he bring a lot of damage to spell heavy decks such as yours.

October 14, 2013 12:15 p.m.

trintin says... #2

First you have to test this deck against variety of decks that are:
-control: UW, Esper, UB, UWR, BUG, mirror,
-aggro: monoR, WR, GW, Naya, RG
-midrange: monoU, monoB, WB, RG, Jund, GB
Ok, so far Im not very helpful but Ill try it.
Good cards everywhere (but this does not mean that you should play 4 copies):Syncopate , Desecration Demon , AEtherling , Hero's Downfall , Dreadbore , Thoughtseize , Magma Jet
Against control you should play cards like: Slaughter Games , Read the Bones ,
Against midrange you should play cards like: Devour Flesh , Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver ,
Against aggro you should play cards like: Anger of the Gods , Devour Flesh /Doom Blade
I hope you will find more cards that are fitting into the deck. So if you test this deck, you will see what is good, what is bad, what makes probleme, what makes not etc...
So, my tips on the end: Slaughter Games , Pithing Needle , Rapid Hybridization always in sideboard, some good counterspells allways in mainboard.
After this you should have the best mainboard and sideboard.

October 14, 2013 12:26 p.m.

trintin says... #3

Ok, I see some changes, but let me give you some questions.
1. What decks have you played against?
2. Is Izzet Charm that good?
3. Has Liliana of the Dark Realms any special reazon to be there?
4. Why you play Slaughter Games mainboard?
5. Do you want to play Master of Cruelties 'combo' or clasic control w/ AEtherling ?
Please answer, it's important.

October 15, 2013 8:37 a.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #4

  1. Playtested against mono-red 2x and won 2-0 and 2-1. Also tried against Mono Green(ish) is Better Then Mono Blue!! and lost 2-0, this is its worst match up I think. Haven't found an American or Esper control deck I want to test it against yet but I'm familiar with the archetypes from FNM.
  2. Izzet Charm is versatile. I at first wasn't a fan of it but after playing with it I realized how handy it was. 3 burn spells, 3 counters, and 3 draw spells while only taking 3 spots in my deck. I envision it being a card that can be sided out after game 1 to emphasize a strength or address a need.
  3. Liliana of the Dark Realms is just a card I like and enjoy playing with. I know she isn't the best pw and could probably be replaced by something better. She helps fixing mana, assures a land drop, thins my library, and can be used as spot removal. If left unchecked she turns Rakdos's Return into legit wincon. Without any lifegain I depend on my planeswalkers to act as pseudo life when I stabilize.
  4. I love Slaughter Games . I used to always side it in my Rakdos decks but it was something I always found I wanted main. Being able to remove a wincon and physically search the opponent's hand and library is valuable in every game. I get to see their whole plan and adjust mine accordingly. I'm familiar with the decks being played in standard so playing it turn 4 game 1 I'm going to know what to call, it's never a dead card.
  5. Both. Master of Cruelties has worked well in testing. I think there is enough removal to get him through and drop em to 1. He is also a solid defender. AEtherling seems fine as a one of and I feel comfortable backing it with 13 islands.
October 15, 2013 10:46 a.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #5

Playtested against a Rakdos aggro deck and went 2-0. Also playtested against ComNomUnists (2nd Place FNM) U/W/R control deck and went 2-0, it got mana screwed first game though. I feel like I am on to something here.

October 15, 2013 12:32 p.m.

trintin says... #6

Ok, just asking :), I didn't see these aspects. Basicly you play the deck and if you feel it's good, just play it that way.
Here are Best Pro Tour decks, so some decks to test agaist and maybe you'll get some inspiration. About sideboard, do you have any idea? I think that Pithing Needle , Anger of the Gods , Underworld Connections , Doom Blade have to be in, other depend on meta

October 15, 2013 12:42 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #7

Sort of. I built the deck to answer most problems presented by the meta and be competitive. Most Grixis decks are running similar builds except most seem to be dead set on casting Anger of the Gods turn 3. I see it as a sideboard card and I'm having no problem slowing aggro down without it. Planeswalkers are my my answer to lack of lifegain. Liliana of the Dark Realms is really the only card that never see's any play in standard in my deck. She'd be solid if she ITB with 4 loyalty but I still think she's good with 3.

I've briefly considered the sideboard. I had to order a few cards to complete this build so the deck wont make its debut till the following FNM. Anger of the Gods for aggro , Mizzium Mortars for mono green/midrange decks, Gainsay for control, and maybe Pithing Needle .

There will be no Pro Tour in my future but I would love to dominate FNM with a home brew.

Thanks for your help and sugestions.

October 15, 2013 1:40 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #8

Playtested against esper control everything this morning, 2-0. The games went 40+ turns but it felt as though my deck had control the whole way. Had I been able to board in its Thoughtseize for Supreme Verdict it might have been a lot more competitive.

October 16, 2013 12:16 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #9

I am toying with the idea of dropping Master of Cruelties from the deck and adding 1x AEtherling and 1x Stormbreath Dragon . Anyone have an opinion on this.

October 31, 2013 12:56 p.m.

I am toying with the idea of dropping Master of Cruelties from the deck and adding 1x AEtherling and 1x Stormbreath Dragon . Anyone have an opinion on this.

October 31, 2013 12:59 p.m.

Hey, Rasta_Viking29, I have seen you comment on a couple of decks I have been looking at, and after looking at your decks, you seem to know what your doin. So, maybe if you could look at my Grixis Control mostly, but maybe my USA Control, and maybe show a little feedback with your opinion. Thanks.

October 31, 2013 10:03 p.m.

Just bought 2x more Jace, Architect of Thought this morning. Got em for $34, quite the deal. I think 1x more in the main board is perfect for the deck, I'll try all 4 of them main but I'm not sure that it will work better.

Coming soon: -2x Master of Cruelties and +1x Jace, Architect of Thought +1x AEtherling

Master of Cruelties is good but a little fragile and I end up holding it waiting around for a counter to protect him, then we are talking turn 8 or later. Might sideboard him as he is good at nullifying lifegain, but then again maybe not as the decks that utilize lifegain can remove him easy.

November 1, 2013 12:43 p.m.

trintin says... #13

Hi there! You should try Pithing Needle in sideboard against black devotion decks. B/W/G Midrange is a deal, maybe Domestication in SB, but not sure. Is it good to play only one temple? I think that you have 2 choises: 0 temples or 4 temples. Anyway good luck and beat them all :)

November 2, 2013 6:31 p.m.

Pithing Needle is an option. I prefer what Rakdos Charm does in the matchup because it can remove whip and get rid of the lifegain. Pithing Needle has many other uses especially against planeswalkers but I have plenty of other ways to handle them.

Domestication is not a playable card. Even on the play stealing a 3/3 creature turn 4 is a tempo disadvantage. I'd much rather play a planeswalker, keep mana open for a counter, use removal ,or if the occasion calls for it Rakdos's Return .

November 4, 2013 10:49 a.m.

I have all but decided to cut Magma Jet from the deck, it has under preformed. I end up using it for the scry more than anything. I am either going to replace it with Shock , Turn / Burn , or Steam Augury .

Shock would give me a cheap efficient way to kill mana dorks, Experiment One , Soldier of the Pantheon , Rakdos Cackler , and most importantly Mutavault . Magma Jet has not preformed well at this.

Turn / Burn loses scry2 but is much more versatile with Turn. Can kill indestructible creatures or Turn an attacking creature then block with Frostburn Weird to kill. Maintains relevance throughout the game.

Steam Augury I really like. I felt like I missed the extra card draw this past weekend relying only on Jace, Architect of Thought . The downside is that it gives me 10 4CMC at an already congested spot in my curve.

Mizzium Mortars is a possibility as well. I have liked it in the sideboard though as it is a narrow card.

Anyone have any thoughts on the change?

November 4, 2013 4:13 p.m.

vintr says... #16

im still working on mine.. but as far as Steam Augury I love it, but I hate luck is they put my wincon in the graveyard.

toying with the idea of using Inspiration Opportunity instead, but far from making a permanant decision.

November 5, 2013 3:51 p.m.
November 5, 2013 4:11 p.m.

vintr I always seem to get what I want with Steam Augury . I run 2 AEtherling , Frostburn Weird , and all the planeswalkers can win the game so im too worried about losing one. The straight forward way is to separate the card you need into its own pile and the other 4 in the other. You always win this way. I'll post some other scenarios when I get back to a computer.

I think I'm going to try out Shock main for 2 rounds Friday and then Steam Augury for 2.

November 5, 2013 4:27 p.m.

*not too worried

November 5, 2013 4:28 p.m.

So I won't be able to make it to FNM tomorrow but I'm going to a SCG IQ on Saturday. Still haven't decided what card I'm running in my last 2 slots. Here's my options:

Shock - aggro stoping, maintains relevance being combined with Anger of the Gods and my red walkers.

Steam Augury - great card draw and I could use more, creates a log jam at 4CMC though.

Quicken - I run a lot of sorceries and it essentially makes all of them more attractive and the cantrip will help me dig through my deck.

This is tough... going to sleep on it. Advice is very welcome.

November 7, 2013 10:42 p.m.

Castform says... #21

So after checking out the list I have a few options to add to your greater considerations list.

You mentioned having a rough time dealing with aggro, so if you want a heads up on decks like Naya and selesnia varients try Lifebane Zombie . It stomps them hard, takes a creature, puts an early clock, and even trades with more valuable creatures. Another creature to consider is Desecration Demon , as its body is huge and its offensive power can quickly turn the game in your favor.

Ral Zarek can be kind of clunky if its not in the right build. I played a tapout style control deck before innistrad rotation and he had lots of great synergy with the cards in the deck. Here I feel the slot could be used for something better like a 3rd Ashiok. You could also consider a Jace, Memory Adept as an alternate win condition.

Quicken is one of those cards that is deceptive. It seems great in theory but in practice it can be a bit meh. Example, when are you ever going to quicken thoughtseize? you were contempt about running izzet charm, but the charm is better here.

I have been testing AEtherize and it could be a fit here. Lets you keep mana up to counterspell, ect. and gives you the option to set your opponent back a turn or two. Combines well with counterspells.

November 8, 2013 8:18 p.m.

vintr says... #22

well this is dissapointing to hear.. maybe i should go a different route with my grixis. im enjoying it with thassa in it.

November 11, 2013 5:42 p.m.

Grixis can work at FNM but at competitive tournaments it just cant hang with the big boys. No reason not to play it if you are just going to FNM, I actually had decent success. But when there is $250 on the line most people are going to play the top decks and they are too fast and hit too hard without a solid sweeper or lifegain to stabilize. Grixis really could become a player when the next set is released.

November 11, 2013 9:14 p.m.

P1NG4S says... #24

How about running Duress for early game? or running some Thrull Parasite to take counters off of enemy things or your own Ratchet Bomb in case you need to change plans on what to blow up, also good for the lifegain if you have that extra black mana.

November 12, 2013 10:57 a.m.

Duress is good against control but that is already a good match up for my deck, reanimator, aggro and midrange are the problem. Thrull Parasite doesn't seem like a good card. It is fragile and doesn't threaten the opponent. I'm not sure there is anything I'd want to take a counter off when I can just kill planeswalkers, especially for 2 life a pop. Also there really isn't time to be doing things like that in competitive magic. Extort I don't think I've seen used outside of limited/draft as it is slow and means you are playing behind the curve.

November 12, 2013 12:04 p.m.

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