
Deck relies on Laboratory Maniac as a win condition but has a few methods of creating a combo to get there.

How to win!

  • Out 1 is Mirror of Fate + Lab Maniac + Opt, or the other draw engines to choose adding 0 cards to place as your library and draw with opt (Replaced Gitaxian Probe). Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas allows you to retrieve artifacts for your combo.

  • Out 2 is Inverter of Truth + Relic of Progenitus + Laboratory Maniac. On Inverter's Summon, use Relic's active ability to exile your graveyard as your deck is being exiled, then draw when the stack resolves.

  • Out 3 is Leveler + Laboratory Maniac + Draw Engine. Pretty straightforward. Wombo Combo and draw to win.

  • Out 4 is Tezzeret + Artifacts + Counterspells. Get a few artifacts on board and whomp your opponent for a whole bunch of damage. Pesky Relics.

Spellskite and Kira, Great Glass-Spinner help protect Laboratory Maniac along with a few counterspells in the deck.

Lotus Bloom is essential turn 1 to produce the mana for turn 4, so you can go off and blow up your library before your opponent can really respond.

Jace Beleren is a handy one of that can get cards to your hand and is another buddy of our good ol' maniac.

This is a rough draft, but I've got all the pieces and want to make this work! This is my first modern deck attempt, it's been a lot of fun testing online!

Sideboard has been updated with a mini delve engine and some cards that assist in opponent graveyard hate, and some damage. Tasigur may find his way into the main deck eventually as the deck runs few cards that actually wind up in grave, making his effect pretty useful if I can delve whatever I don't need.

I've thought about splashing white and siding the Inverter and considered adding a little more protection for my homeboy Laboratory Maniac.

Open to any and all feedback!


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(7 years ago)

-4 Gitaxian Probe main
+4 Opt main
Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years
Splash colors WB

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 5 Mythic Rares

28 - 6 Rares

3 - 4 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.54
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders 60 card stranger
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