DakFarrel212 says... #2
Can you tell me what I should put in and take out to win on turn 5 because this is my strategy get ogre Battledriver turn 4 Odric turn 5 and swing for game
September 8, 2013 11:34 a.m.
SlumberingDragon says... #3
I can't say what will get you the win on turn 5 exactly, but I don't think that Battledriver + Odric is the way to win. Ogre Battledriver would be the last in card in my curve. He's just there because sometimes you'll play creatures after turn 4 and want to get max value out of them. The issue is that you might not always have 3 creatures on the board when Odric enters play. If you're lucky you'll have two. This deck isn't meant for the late game (turn 5 and on), so I would suggest maximizing on cheap, efficient creatures instead of combinations that are likely to flop.
September 8, 2013 2:15 p.m.
DakFarrel212 says... #4
I just updated it now look at it and see if it is better
Still working on ways to win sooner
September 8, 2013 8:30 p.m.
SlumberingDragon says... #5
This is looking much better, but I still think you can cut down on 4-drops. Also, you can only have 4 Boros Charms.
September 8, 2013 9:17 p.m.
DakFarrel212 says... #7
I have added a side board tell me if I should fix it or leave it how it is
September 9, 2013 10:11 a.m.
SlumberingDragon says... #8
Your sibeboard is fine, but it doesn't do much to aid you. The sideboard exists to help you in other match-ups. I would advise that you should pack utilities instaed of more bears. Cards like Pithing Needle and Pacifism are what belong in sideboards. Things that other decks are generally weak to. This includes your own.
September 9, 2013 4:50 p.m.
SlumberingDragon says... #11
The dryads are great against control right now. And I suppose i could yeah, but i think you should only work on one deck at a time.
September 9, 2013 7:10 p.m.
DakFarrel212 says... #16
Here is the web link http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/esper-mind-control-2/
September 10, 2013 7:24 p.m.
DakFarrel212 says... #17
I have a post ratation board for my maybe board ill be adding more to it soon
September 16, 2013 10:50 a.m.
I think if you are trying to win by turn 4 you're really not going to want to put any of the gods in your deck. I think Anax and Cymede is a good choice because put a mad cap skills on it and all your little guys become scary. Maybe look at running Magma Jet it will help you get some of your opponents early creatures off the field, but will also give you the ability to possibly plan your next two turns. Also what about Mizzium Mortars . Its not bad if you don't overload it, but it gives you the option to clear your opponents board late game so you can hit them unblocked.
September 20, 2013 1:47 p.m.
DakFarrel212 says... #19
Ok the only reason that the gods are in there are so if it goes later Into the game the creatures will have vigilance
September 20, 2013 7:26 p.m.
I think you should minimise your 4-drops. You have 8 as it is. I would make it 3x Hellrider , and maybe one Firemane Avenger , or just 4x Hellrider . Also note that this deck is both pre- and post-rotation, so it's not legal in any form of standard. After Innistrad rotates next friday, run 3x Ogre Battledriver and one or two Firemane Avenger .
September 20, 2013 7:35 p.m.
You asked for my opinion, so here goes. First, I wouldn't get that many high-mana drops. You clearly aim at winning quickly. I understand the W God and Aurelia are attractive, but I would still say they're too expensive.
In the same vein, I reckon four Legion's Initiative are not optimal here.
I would say your winning strategy does not jump right out. You seem to have planned out in advance to include solutions to many scenarios but it seems to give less density to your deck. But I might be missing something (wouldn't be the first time).
Since you seem to be going for a 'Weenies' archetype or at least a strong aggressive start, I'm guessing you want the board clear as long as possible. By the time ou get even a great card like Ogre Battledriver out (with the possible mana problem with the RR cost: sometimes we're just that unlucky), you won't need the haste component in my opinion. All the more so as your R and RR drops already have it. The +2/+0 is nice, but wouldn't you prefer and across-the-board boost so that all your small creatures get pumped up for a quick finish?
First, try to run the new tapland from Theros: Temple of Triumph . Then, I would consider concentrating on smaller creatures. Or get some bigger (and more expensive) creatures with flying (then Aurelia could be good) to finish the other guy off if you can't win quickly, maybe?
What I went for is board nullification: I try to prevent the enemy from blocking (or even reacting, for that matter) with Aurelia's Fury and Seismic Stomp . But if you choose to go this way, you'll need more boosts. I would also include more removal: any creature burn or stuff like Chained to the Rocks , or even Banisher Priest if you want a more versatile choice.
I might be biased in giving your such advice: this is my usual strategy, and it seems to be quite effective of late. But if your playstyle if different from mine, feel free to ignore this rant :).
Hope this help :). Don't hesitate to ask if you need precisions or more detailed possibilities.
September 25, 2013 4:20 p.m.
DakFarrel212 says... #23
I like the lands but they take away from getting a creature so I'll keep the shock lands but they also let me plan out my next turn so I can win sooner it's hard to decided the others if like to keep the god because if I do get stuck my creatures will have vigilance and can attack for a lot and then block. As for my deck I'm thinking if getting 1 or 2 Boros Reckoner . But I'm not sure if that'll help but I want to get major damage by turn four and then win turn 5 or 4. Thank you for helping me though I have some Chained to the Rocks if that'll work better if you think thank you for your input but not all will be used though
September 25, 2013 6:22 p.m.
Why so many 1-2 of's? Why not make some of those 4 of's?
-2x Akroan Hoplite-2x Anax and Cymede+2x Ash Zealot+1x Boros Elite+2x Boros Reckoner-2x Cavalry Pegasus+2x Firedrinker Satyr-3x Frontline Medic (Sideboard)+1x Imposing Sovereign+1x Soldier of the Pantheon
SlumberingDragon says... #1
Here are a few things I would change about this deck. First of all, Curse of Stalked Prey is AWESOME, but kinda slow for you. If I were you, I'd rather be playing another 2-drop on turn two. Next, let's talk about your creatures. I would recommend running 8-12 1-drops. These should be all be the same colors preferably. In my deck, for instance, I run 4x Legion Loyalist and 4x Rakdos Cackler . Then, you'll want efficient 2- drops. These could be Ash Zealot , Daring Skyjek , etc. However I wouldn't run Truefire Paladin because you're gonna want that extra mana to capitalize on creature spells. Next, I would pick two 3-drops you REALLY like and would run just 3 copies of each. Finally, pick one 4-drop you want and run a playset. As an aggro player, I can tell you it's EXTREMELY important that you establish a curve to play on. In this deck, I would also remove Ajani and the Skullcrack from the mainboard and place them in the sideboard. Remember that you can have up to 15 cards in your sideboard. I wish you luck and if you need more help, hit me up or ask the deck help forums.
September 7, 2013 3:27 p.m.