Just a shell for a monoblue mill deck I'm making. Suggestions are greatly appreciated. Please try to keep them budget. Also need sideboard suggestions. I've never played a deck that has blue in it so I'm unaware of many of the cards that would be useful.
Fog Bank: Just a really good blocker that is really annoying to go up against. Gives me time to set up my mill cards and pump my...I mean,
Jace's Phantasm
Hedron Crab: Just a really consistent mill source. Yes, I know he's better with fetches. If you guys buy them for me, I'll put them in the deck. Lol
Jace's Phantasm
: The Flying Horseshoe Crab himself! The beatstick of the deck. Once he hits 5/5, Lightning Bolt and other popular burn spells won't work so your opponent is going to have to waste their better removal spells on it.
Archive Trap
: In a format that has a shitload of cards that require your opponent to go through their library,
Archive Trap
will ALWAYS cast for 0. It also combos off with Ghost Quarter which is nice.
Mana Leak: Hard counters are always good. Still considering throwing in Dissolve instead though.
Thought Scour: Mill 2 and I get to draw card for 1 CMC? I like it.
Vapor Snag: Helps out against heavy creature/aggro decks. Slows down my opponent which is really helpful since I need all the time I need.
Visions of Beyond: Nice cantrip that gets me 3 cards instead of just 1 late game.
Mind Sculpt
: Easily my favorite mill spell in the deck. Mill 7 for 2 CMC makes me feel good in a very special place.
Tome Scour: Mill 5 for 1 CMC? Nothing wrong with that.
Jace's Erasure: While getting all these cards of my draw phase and all the other cantrips in this deck, this card helps me mill out my opponent without me using any effort.
Jace, Memory Adept: His +1 combos off with Jace's Erasure. His 0 is a free
Glimpse the Unthinkable
. His ultimate is pretty much a game ender. He's the Messiah.
Ghost Quarter: With the arrival of the Khans of Tarkir set comes a resurgence of 3 color decks with very greedy mana bases. Oh, you just paid 2 life to get a shockland that you so desperately need? What a shame.
Thanks for checking out my deck!