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Is This Evolution or Creaturism?

Modern Counters Evolve GU (Simic)


Do my creatures evolve or am I the great creator that set things in motion?

Distributing 123 +1/+1s on turn 5. Supper ramp +1/+1s.

End of turn 5 creature/Enchantment list.

Simic Ascendancy with 128 counters. I know you only need 20 but Simic Ascendancy only has 5 counter on it by the end of turn 4.

Gyre Sage with 25 +1/+1 counters,

Ooze Token 20/20 with 5 +1/+1 counters,

Fathom Mage with 4 +1/+1 counters,

Vorel of the Hull Clade with 3 +1/+1 counters,

Ooze Token 18/18 with 3 +1/+1 counters,

Ooze Token 16/16 with 3 +1/+1 counters,

Ooze Token 14/14 with 3 +1/+1 counters,

Ooze Token 12/12 with 3 +1/+1 counters,

Renegade Krasis with 2 +1/+1 counters,

Master Biomancer with 0 +1/+1 counters,

Birds of Paradise with 0 +1/+1 counters.

(0) is a running count of +1/+1 counters. You have to not go first for this to work out by turn 5 because of hand size.

Turn 1. Play and tap a Forest. Play a Birds of Paradise.

Turn 2. Play a Hinterland Harbor, tap the Forest, Hinterland Harbor, and Birds of Paradise. Play Gyre Sage and a Forced Adaptation on Gyre Sage.

Turn 3. Forced Adaptation puts a +1/+1 on your Gyre Sage(1).

Play an Island. Tap the Island, Forest, Hinterland Harbor, Gyre Sage(1), and Birds of Paradise.

Play a Master Biomancer and a Hardened Scales.

Turn 4. Forced Adaptation + Hardened Scales puts 2 +1/+1s on your Gyre Sage(3).

Play a Oran-Rief, the Vastwood. Tap the Island, Forest, Hinterland Harbor, Gyre Sage(3), and Birds of Paradise.

Play a Simic Ascendancy and a Vorel of the Hull Clade(3). Evolving +1 Gyre Sage(5), putting 5 counters on Simic Ascendancy(5).

Turn 5. Forced Adaptation + Hardened Scales puts 2 +1/+1s on your Gyre Sage(7) and 2 counters on Simic Ascendancy(7).

Tap the Island, Forest, Hinterland Harbor, and Birds of Paradise.

Play Fathom Mage(3), drawing 3 cards and putting 2 counters on Simic Ascendancy(10).

Tap Vorel of the Hull Clade, doubling +1, +1/+1 counters on Gyre Sage(15), putting 8 counters on Simic Ascendancy(18).

Play a Karn's Bastion. Tap Gyre Sage(15) then play a Renegade Krasis(3), evolving +1 Fathom Mage(5), drawing 2 more cards and putting 5 more counters on Simic Ascendancy(23).

Play an Ooze Flux. Activate Ooze Flux's ability. Taking 12 +1/+1 counters. 5 from Fathom Mage(0), 3 from Renegade Krasis(0) 2 from Vorel of the Hull Clade(1) and 2 from Gyre Sage(13) creating an 12/12(3) Ooze Token. Evolving +1 Fathom Mage(2), drawing 2 cards and evolving +1 Gyre Sage(15) and evolving +1 Renegade Krasis(2). Triggering Renegade Krasis's(2) ability, putting a +1/+1, +1 counters on Gyre Sage(17), Vorel of the Hull Clade(3), Ooze Token 12/12(5), and Fathom Mage(4), drawing 2 more cards. Putting another 17 counters on Simic Ascendancy(40).

Activate Ooze Flux's ability again. This time taking 14 +1/+1 counters. 4 from Fathom Mage(0), 2 from Renegade Krasis(0), 4 from Ooze Token 12/12(1), 2 from Vorel of the Hull Clade(1) and 2 from Gyre Sage(15), creating a 14/14(3) Ooze Token. Evolving +1 Fathom Mage(2), drawing 2 cards and evolving +1 Gyre Sage(17) and evolving +1 Renegade Krasis(2). Triggering Renegade Krasis's(2) ability, putting a +1/+1, +1 counters on Gyre Sage(19), Vorel of the Hull Clade(3), Ooze Token 12/12(3), Ooze Token 14/14(5) and Fathom Mage(4), drawing 2 more cards. Putting another 19 counters on Simic Ascendancy(59).

Activate Ooze Flux's ability again. This time taking 16 +1/+1 counters. 4 from Fathom Mage(0), 2 from Renegade Krasis(0), 2 from Ooze Token 12/12(1), 4 from Ooze Token 14/14(1) 2 from Vorel of the Hull Clade(1) and 2 from Gyre Sage(17), creating a 16/16(3) Ooze Token. Evolving +1 Fathom Mage(2), drawing 2 cards and evolving +1 Gyre Sage(19) and evolving +1 Renegade Krasis(2). Triggering Renegade Krasis's(2) ability, putting a +1/+1, +1 counters on Gyre Sage(21), Vorel of the Hull Clade(3), Ooze Token 12/12(3), Ooze Token 14/14(3), Ooze token 16/16(5) and Fathom Mage(4), drawing 2 more cards. Putting another 21 counters on Simic Ascendancy(80).

Activate Ooze Flux's ability again. This time taking 18 +1/+1 counters. 4 from Fathom Mage(0), 2 from Renegade Krasis(0), 2 from Ooze Token 12/12(1), 2 from Ooze Token 14/14(1), 4 from Ooze Token 16/16(1), 2 from Vorel of the Hull Clade(1) and 2 from Gyre Sage(19), creating a 18/18(3) Ooze Token. Evolving +1 Fathom Mage(2), drawing 2 cards and evolving +1 Gyre Sage(21) and evolving +1 Renegade Krasis(2). Triggering Renegade Krasis's(2) ability, putting a +1/+1, +1 counters on Gyre Sage(23), Vorel of the Hull Clade(3), Ooze Token 12/12(3), Ooze Token 14/14(3), Ooze token 16/16(3), Ooze Token 18/18(5) and Fathom Mage(4), drawing 2 more cards. Putting another 23 counters on Simic Ascendancy(103).

Tap Oran-Rief, the Vastwood and Karn's Bastion to activate Ooze Flux 1 more time. This time taking 20 +1/+1 counters. 4 from Fathom Mage(0), 2 from Renegade Krasis(0), 2 from Ooze Token 12/12(1), 2 from Ooze Token 14/14(1), 4 from Ooze Token 16/16(1), Ooze Token 18/18(1), 2 from Vorel of the Hull Clade(1) and 2 from Gyre Sage(21), creating a 20/20(3) Ooze Token. Evolving +1 Fathom Mage(2), drawing 2 cards and evolving +1 Gyre Sage(23) and evolving +1 Renegade Krasis(2). Triggering Renegade Krasis's(2) ability, putting a +1/+1, +1 counters on Gyre Sage(25), Vorel of the Hull Clade(3), Ooze Token 12/12(3), Ooze Token 14/14(3), Ooze Token 16/16(3), Ooze Token 18/18(3), Ooze Token 20/20(5) and Fathom Mage(4), drawing 2 more cards. Putting another 25 counters on Simic Ascendancy(128).

Turn 6. Simic Ascendancy(128) with 128 counters on it definitely wins the game.

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.


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96% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

40 - 0 Rares

6 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.27
Tokens Ooze X/X G
Ignored suggestions
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