The closest archetype this deck fits into is turbo fog, I suppose. Although, it actually only runs 8 copies of fog effects. It relies very heavily on having an Isochron Scepter, which will allow the deck to cast fog every single turn.
Bad Matchups: Burn, Bloom Titan (Hive Mind plan. Primetime plan is not that worrisome)
Weaknesses: Again, you really need to have a scepter to have a chance. Blood Moon could be really problematic, but is not insurmountable.
Good Matchups: Infect, Merfolk, Elves, Basically any linear, creature-based strategy. Although, the more burn spells an aggro strategy has, the worse our matchup becomes. No exaggeration, though, I'd chart the probability of a pre-sideboard win against Merfolk or Elves at 85%.
Twin Matchup?: Reasonable, I think. I'm more afraid of Twin's backup plan (bolt, snapcaster, bolt, etc.) than the combo. Fog is still great against the combo.
R/G Tron Matchup?: Difficult to Say. Probably not great. Probably not horrible.
Strengths: Locking your opponent down and crushing his spirit.
This is a swiss army knife kind of a deck. Let's look at what the cards actually do.
Isochron Scepter: Runs the deck. Enough said.
Dawn Charm: Quite versatile. Is an even better fog than fog, especially when imprinted on the scepter. Counters burn and discard spells.
Fog: You get the idea.
Boros Charm: Quite versatile. It answers artifact destruction, including Abrupt Decay. It becomes the most common win-con when imprinted on a scepter. But... not until the second scepter you play. The first scepter you play should almost always have a dawn charm or fog.
Boomerang: Fairly versatile disruption. Most importantly, it bounces lands. This brings me to another way to win. If you go first and have a hand containing any 1 land, 1 boomerang, 1 Isochron Scepter and 1 Simian Spirit Guide, you can get a scepter with a boomerang on T1. After that, as long as you have one more land, you can effectively lock them on 1 land for the entire game. Even burn would have a hard time coming back from that.
Muddle the Mixture: Incredibly good in this deck. Counters artifact destruction, discard, burn and more. Most importanly, it can "tutor" for a scepter. And, to boot, transmute can't be countered, because it's an ability, not a spell. If you don't need to tutor for a scepter, dawn charm and boros charm are very viable targets.
Thought Scour: Put it on a scepter, and you have a win-con and a card advantage engine. It's a 1-of, but you can get it back with Day's Undoing, if necessary.
Simian Spirit Guide: Again, possibly enables the T1 nut hand. In general, having extra mana on the first few turns is very important.
Remand: Pretty good disruption and card draw. Can be quite good on a scepter too, but should usually not be prioritized over imprinting dawn charm, fog and even boros charm.
Day's Undoing: Find what you need. Can oftentimes be played before T3. Side all of them out against burn.
Mana Dorks: They help. Could still help you get a second chance at the boomerang lock after your first draw, if you played first.