Isperia's Flying Circus of Tools


SCORE: 126 | 87 COMMENTS | 13880 VIEWS | IN 37 FOLDERS

lifemtg says... #1

My argument for Git. Probe is that you can just pay 2 life. It is sorcery speed, but still is effective.

July 14, 2019 6:27 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #2

A Quicksilver Amulet might help you to dump high CMC creatures that Ipseria digs up for you. Also, if you've got one floating around or can afford to get one, Teferi's Protection might be handy.

July 16, 2019 12:25 p.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #3

lifemtg - Windborn Muse flies for an extra mana, making it searchable. I'll give it a try though to see how it pans out, I just didn't want to go full on stax with this. The Archetype was in at the beginning, however it not flying itself made it less shiny for me. I don't find running out of gas a problem so the Sphinx seems an unnecessary expense. The Wrath I'm on the fence about, I've been thinking for awhile on replacing Sunblast Angel but wasn't sure... then I saw Flood of Tears and thought it could be a thematic replacement... I can try them both out though. I could also try out Git. Probe again as paying life is generally no consequence.

bushido_man96 - Tef's Prot. is one of those 'hope it's in a prize pack' cards. I can see the Amulet doing well though, I will have to try it. Now I shall go look for a flyer that Digs out artifacts maybe.

July 16, 2019 2:59 p.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #4

A message for my fans: This particular deck of mine was featured in an Archetune-up Article on EDHREC today. Paints a different picture for those looking for ideas on what direction to take. Apparently only 99 decks too... where's the love people. XD. Anyway, have a read if interested, and as always, stay tuned for further updates. This may have given me the inspiration/motivation I needed to start on the Extreme Budget/Cedh versions I want to make of this deck.

November 19, 2019 11:04 p.m.

cascadien says... #5

November 23, 2019 8:38 a.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #6

To all of my followers: I have finally banged out a Super Budget version "Isperia's Super Budget Flying Circus". It's not as super budget as I had hoped but it is still drastically less than this version. So if anyone would like to take a stab at it, test it out, or just peruse it, let me know what you think.

Now forgive me as I take another year to make a Cedh version XD

March 15, 2020 10:35 a.m.

Mj3913 its already budget lol, i cant even make a deck below 500$. teach me

July 28, 2020 7:50 p.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #8

casual_competitive budgets range from person to person. When I hear "budget" I think $50 or less. This particular deck started from my collection and was around that price, over time it slowly evolved to what you see here. I have since moved from solely collection building and now take to online, here on Tappedout to build before I buy.

Building before you buy is great because you really have no budget. You can take your commander/concept and brew with the best cards. Then, if it turns out to be out of your price range you can sort the list by price and start finding alternatives to the high priced cards. To do that I like to use keyword/text searches on Scryfall, and searching for like cards/redundancy with Mtgassist. You can use other resources as well like the ever popular EDHREC, as well as browsing other decklists on sites such as this one. You'd be surprised at the things you can find doing that.

Don't worry about lands until last. Any paper player with even a small collection can probably make a basic/tap land/draft chaff land base to start off with. Just upgrade as you can from there and eventually you'll have the deck of your dreams... unless you're like me and are in constant brew mode. Anyway, hope that helps a bit.

July 29, 2020 7:20 p.m.

i did it, i made a deck under $500.

July 30, 2020 4:18 a.m.

Sultai_Sir says... #10

Hey man, love the deck! Flyers are always fun, and the Monty Python reference is great. Anyways, here's some suggestions:

Inniaz, the Gale Force: Trade away your mana rocks for some sweet payoffs, play your opponents like a fiddle, and get in for big damage. Wheee!

Watcher of the Spheres: Discounts on your creatures, what more do you want?

Selfless Spirit: I know you've considered it, but seeing as you're a creature toolbox deck, it's nice to have some protection.

Also, sorry about not responding sooner, I've been studying for a big test. Hope these suggestions help, and as always, Happy Tapping!

October 20, 2020 8:20 a.m.

Massacar says... #11

I feel like many suggestions I might bring are going to help raise your price, but here's what I've got.

One that immediately comes to mind is Deadeye Navigator, as that creates an infinite mana combo when paired with your Peregrine Drake, but I don't know if combos are forbidden in your meta or not.

Another possibility that's only a little pricy, Semblance Anvil could help you shave off from all of your creatures (which tend towards the higher CMC to begin with).

Maybe Iymrith, Desert Doom as another effective flyer?

January 31, 2022 1:17 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #12

Jubilant Skybonder would offer some good protection for your flyers. Ornithopter of Paradise would be a good fit here. Not everyone is a fan, but I think Cartographer's Hawk could be of some value, too.

April 8, 2022 11:01 p.m.

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