It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This

Standard* magnetcrocodile


MrSweet says... #1

Awesome deck! Have you considered some Zulaport Cutthroat to be fueled by Bloodsoaked Champion/Strike Leader?

November 9, 2015 6:35 a.m.

@MrSweet Tried him. He's good with Secure the Wastes and suicidal warriors, and can act as a deterrent against boardwipe if I have the field, but the 1/1 body kinda slows the deck and the fact that he's not a warrior hurts.

Also I'd prefer casting Chief of the Edge or Blood-Chin Rager in Turn 2. Thanks for the suggestion, tho

November 9, 2015 6:47 a.m.

minorokt says... #3

I am actually playing a warrior deck right now found here Timely Horde, Untimely Demise (FNM 1st place).. It's a mono-white version but it does have similarities on what it wants to do to your deck just without the lose life on more on the swarm side..

Anyway, glad to see you winning in your area as well using a warrior deck, anyway let me share to you stuff I learned will playing and testing my deck..

  1. Raiders' Spoils has its own advantage over Sorin, Solemn Visitor but the same can be said to the other.. Sideboard cards contain often contain enchantment removal, hitting a plainswalker instead of player can be tedious and gaining lifelink with the +1/+0 just cannot be ignored.. His flying token and especially his emblem cannot be ignored either.. I suggest if you have access to it changing 1 or 2 Enchantments to Sorin is great addition.. I suggest this coz' I wanna change my Citadel Siege to Gideon, Ally of Zendikar for the same reasonings and findings as well.. Mine would be harder though asyou how that blasted Gideon costs right? Hehehe

  2. Timely Hordemate trust me is very strong, I even named my deck after it.. He has a way to maintain initiative even after being pummeled with removal often assisting a 5th-6th turn win if the 4th turn did not work.. I do not treat him as a 4 mana peep, I often treat him as a 2 mana peep with recursion for another 2 mana peep.. However, he is not good in your deck as you already have Brutal Hordechief which fit better in your plans.. If you can fit him though (highly unlikely) please do..

  3. Another guy posted here about the same thing I was thinking as well in your deck, I'm suprised you don't experience land issues in your games.. My deck also has around 6 4-drops but i do have 23 lands and fewer 3 drops.. You on the other hand have not only the number of lands to worry about but also color fixing as well.. I suggest tweaking your curve for a bit.. Sorry for being a little negative on this one

Hope this helps.. Goodluck fellow Warrior Commander..

November 9, 2015 7:35 a.m.

Thanks for the advice, minorokt. For the mana fixing, of course I have experienced my fair share of manascrew, but the new mulligan rules helps

And for PW, it's always great since they take the aggression off you. Gideon's perma-pump + hordes of tokens is great, but my wallet can't afford him XD

For Sorin though, I got a couple lying around, so I'll try it and give the feedback here :)

November 9, 2015 8:58 a.m.

Davish says... #5

magnetcrocodile I am torn between lifelink and card advantage too. Since we aren't really blocking decks, Sorin is only good IF we have creatures on the board. I think Read the Bones will be better for my deck b/c there's some high costing creatures in mine. It would be interesting seeing what 1-2 Sorin's would look like in yours.

minorokt I have a higher mana curve at the tail end and it's a really big hit or miss. On the last standard night, I had to cut down from 22 to 21. I guess that's why we should focus on drawing cards. Good suggestion!

November 9, 2015 2:16 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #6

just a question, but why do you play Mardu Shadowspear instead of Dragon Hunter or Mardu Woe-Reaper ? would a white one-shot not be handy ?

November 13, 2015 5:54 a.m.

Sure, Aric-Haldan:

Mardu Woe-Reaper lifegain is not really needed, and while Dragon Hunter excel in some matchup, it's too conditional.

Honestly they all are quite the same, a 1-drop that can deal 2 damage(shadowspear from its effect), but I prefer Mardu Shadowspear for its flexibility with dash

November 13, 2015 6:08 a.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #8

Aha I see, I was thinking mana-wise mostly, but dash is fricking handy.

On another note, Mardu-Woe Reaper is funny against some match-ups as well. it is quite handy to exile a Bloodsoaked Champion or Deathmist Raptor :D

November 13, 2015 6:27 a.m.

Yup, the early iteration of the deck uses Woe Reaper for exactly that reason(when DenPro combo is the rage). But this BFZ standard is kinda slow, and I dont really see anyone uses DenPro anymore(at least in my LGS) so I swapped it out

It's a matter of preference, really. Hope that helps :)

November 13, 2015 6:31 a.m.

razelfark says... #10

I like what you are doing but I have to admit I like the idea of running Mardu Woe-Reaper not for the life gain but because of the number of decks I have seen/played against that run grave recursion. It's strong vs jeskai, ally, and any deck that runs green with Den Protector. At the very least I would run a couple copies side just because of their ability to deny your opponent options.

November 15, 2015 11:18 p.m.

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