It is an Honor to be Sacrificed (Budget Build!)
I like the deck, it's got great gas which is an awesome start and potentially a great finish. My only worry for creature based decks that aren't Eldrazi is boardwipes.Crux of Fate and the new Kozilek's Return(which will be huge in standard) seems like a blowout against you, not to mention targeted removal hitting your haruspex and other utility.
I'd consider going Sultai to add in some hard counters to prevent a wipe, not to mention just adding some control.
I like the list, alot, I feel like your main focus should be on Nantuko Husk and it's synergy with its sac outlet. From Beyond is awesome (I feel) in the deck and should be tested as a 4 of. Now mentioning that, I feel like a bomb Eldrazi could be a great finisher in here (with husk being a surprise outlet). Not sure which one would work best for you, but I feel like newlamog would work best for you.
BUT! These are just thoughts and words and this is your deck. Just my 2 cents ;)
+1 sir.
Maybe PreZchoICE1 can expand and give you some better direction, dude is a wealth of knowledge.
January 25, 2016 8:54 p.m.
I also feel like Altar's Reap should be abused over Grim Haruspex. Instant speed sacrificing netting you 2 cards is great in a deck that wants to do that sort of thing.
Not to mention it makes their removal fizzle.
January 25, 2016 8:59 p.m.
ninjaclevs13 says... #4
Those are all great suggestions, I may consider going with Sultai. I'm afraid to run From Beyond in conjugation with Grim Haruspex, but it is better with Altar's Reap. I will also consider the Eldrazi thing, since From Beyond can search one up.
Thank you very much!
January 25, 2016 9:05 p.m.
Not a problem, before I stopped in standard I was to tinkering with a very similar list abusing jund colors, it was quite explosive, but with Eldrazi on the rise midrange control seems like it could be best, From Beyond imo is a poor man's Bitterblossom. It nets you a dude and has built in utility, definitely why I recommend a couple Eldrazi bombs in here to tutor one up late game.
There's a new "combo" that can work with the scion tokens very well goes like this:
Get Sanctum of Ugin into play, cast Deceiver of Form, netting you Conduit of Ruin(off the sanctum) , next turn, cast Conduit of Ruin first main phase, top decking either Ulamog's Crusher or Bane of Bala Ged.
Combat phase, tokens out, board presence, Deceiver of Form ability goes to stack turning everything into 7/5 annihilator 2 or 8/9 trample.
Neat combo, not sure if it's playable, but definitely feasible with mana and tutors. Not to forget dorks that make mana.
January 25, 2016 9:17 p.m. Edited.
AwesomeName says... #6
Merciless Executioner/Fleshbag Marauder could be worth considering, since they act as removal for opponents while doing exactly what you want to be doing to your own creatures-saccing them for value.
+1 Cool deck!
January 25, 2016 9:19 p.m. Edited.
ninjaclevs13 says... #7
Thank you AwesomeName (nice name) and everyone else that has upvotes this deck!
I have definitely considered Fleshbag Marauder and Merciless Executioner. They very well may replace some of the Catacomb Sifter.
January 25, 2016 9:53 p.m.
ThoAlmighty says... #8
Your deck looks great, I hope you don't mind if I use some of these card ideas in my deck. I have a similar deck like this, which you may want to check out:
Scion Sacrifice
I primarily use Scions as sacrificial fodder, as opposed to manifest cards, partially because they can sacrifice themselves at instant speed for my Zulaport Cutthroat. It's a bit lacking in artifact/enchantment/creature removal for now, thinking about cards like Caustic Caterpillar. +1 from me!
January 25, 2016 11:23 p.m. Edited.
Spark0fPrimus says... #9
I really dig this, definitely an interesting take on the deck. How is From Beyond working for you? I always thought it would be just a smidge too slow so I avoided it in mine. Have you thought about Hangarback Walkers at all? Much more affordable than they used to be and are still total tanks waiting to die.
January 26, 2016 6:21 p.m.
ninjaclevs13 says... #10
I have played Hangarback Walker before, and I pretty much replaced him with Tasigur, the Golden Fang. The reason for this is really in my personal meta. Most decks are grindy and midgame, and Tasigur really helps refuel in the late midgame. I like Hangarback, it's just that my mana is usually tapped out, so I can't really use Hangarback's ability too often. As for From Beyond, it searches me up a Reality Smasher, and it again helps in the grindy midrange game.
January 26, 2016 6:29 p.m.
ninjaclevs13 says... #11
I am thinking about replacing Whisperwood Elemental for Hangarback though
January 26, 2016 6:33 p.m.
If you are able to splash white then you can do the Eldrazi Displacer + Brood Monitor Infinite combo.
February 3, 2016 2:14 p.m.
ninjaclevs13 says... #13
Rothus- I am aware of the infinite combo, and it is not worth splashing a color for it. I would need to take out other cards, and Eldrazi Displacer isn't that relevant. To me, the deck really needs to be built around the combo.
February 3, 2016 3:28 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #14
Looks good. Maybe try to get more out of sacrificing with Sifter of Skulls? As for the mention of splashing white, it would probably be worth it for Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim and Veteran Warleader for huge combat pressure and a wincon or two.
February 12, 2016 10:53 p.m.
afteralter says... #15
What do you think of Vile Redeemer here? He can double the pods' ability to generate scions.
February 14, 2016 9:22 a.m.
If you were to add Liliana, Heretical Healer who would you replace her with?
February 14, 2016 10:10 a.m.
afteralter says... #17
I'm not too sure on how to read your deck, when you add up the numbers for each section (Utility, Land, Sacrifice outlet, and to be sacrificed), it adds up to 67. Would you kindly just list which is in your deck?
February 14, 2016 10:23 a.m.
ninjaclevs13 says... #19
VeggaGFX: I would probably take out a Sultai Emissary since you get a 2/2 creature token from Liliana anyway.
afteralter: Vile Redeemer would be a good card if I do a mass sacrifice from Nantuko Husk, which I have done before. I will definitely consider it.
Thank you both for feedback!
February 14, 2016 12:37 p.m.
Enraged_Turnip says... #20
I ran a modified version of this deck at a Standard night (3 games) last night, and went 2-1. The first deck I played against was a morph-control deck running lots of Deathmist Raptors, Bounding Krasis, Reflector Mage etc. I ended up flooding the board and neither of us could attack, resulting in me eventually getting two cutthroats out and saccing enough creatures to kill him outright. The second game was Abzan, where I lost 0-2. This deck struggles against trample creatures like Rhino unfortunately. The third game was red/blue prowess, where I won 2-0 quite quickly. I expected this to be one of the tougher games, but getting early blocks (Blisterpod, Carrier Thrall) allowed me to stabilise and he ran out of steam.
Cards that I'm running:
1 x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
Perfect for this deck imo. The +1 token can be sacrificed or used to protect. The -2 is excellent on a flooded board, and the ultimate can be used to refuel or stabilise.
1 x Hangarback Walker
I replaced one Carrier Thrall for this. It's a great defense against Stormchaser Mage, which is a challenging card to face for this deck and is present throughout the meta atm.
1 x Sidisi, Undead Visier
Great defensive card. The card search exploit is very powerful in this deck as you can search for any card in your deck.
1 x Collected Company
Will almost always net you at least two creatures. I dropped one From Beyond for this.
1 x Ruins of Oran Rief
This deck often floats a lot of mana, so this is great to buff your creatures with.
1 x World Breaker
Great defense against Stormchaser and other flyers. The enchantment/land destruction is also very useful. Destroying a land to return it to your hand doesn't hurt this deck very much since you can sac scions to get it back out if necessary.
3 x Hissing Quagmire
Great deterrent against early game attackers. 3 may be overkill.
I experimented with Sifter of Skulls and wasn't too impressed. Ulamog and Liliana would definitely be great additions to the deck.
February 17, 2016 8:45 a.m.
dissdude22 says... #21
I'd recommend adding Hangarback Walker and Undead Servant, and at least 2x Sifter of Skulls
If you splash white, Murder Investigation is awesome.
Also if I may ask, why a Reality Smasher?
February 27, 2016 3:19 p.m.
ninjaclevs13 says... #22
Of course, Hangarback Walker would be a great addition to this deck, but keep in mind it is budget. Sifter of Skulls is not that great, I would rather draw cards from Grim Haruspex. As for Reality Smasher, I originally added one to be tutored from From Beyond. I then took out From Beyond, but haven't had the heart to take it out, he has won me 2-3 games. I guess he is another win condition if my board state sucks.
Thanks for the feedback!
February 29, 2016 4:33 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #23
You're forgetting one big, important thing. Grim Haruspex replaces your creature when it dies. Sifter of Skulls is amazing because it gets you more than double the value whenever a creature dies, if you're using both. It's not a matter of one or the other.
February 29, 2016 10:02 p.m.
ninjaclevs13 says... #24
I didn't say it was one or the other, but in terms of space, I would rather have card advantage than...scion advantage. I will try to playtest with it further though.
February 29, 2016 10:09 p.m.
In what phases can you cast utility cards? Are they like sorceries?
ThoAlmighty says... #1
Ummm... Kalastria Healer is a rally trigger, doesn't do squat when your creatures die.
December 21, 2015 12:11 p.m.