

About to try the Commander format with a few friends. For now I do not try to get an over the top deck and mostly go with what I already have. I could not get past Thundermaw Hellkite though.

Depending of the power level of my friends' deck, I might adjust the power of mine accordingly.

Deck breakdown

Maelstrom Wanderer I wanted to play Temur as it is the combination of my favorite colors. With Commander 2016 and 4 colors commander, I might add White to get access to Dragon Lord Dromoka and Ojutai, but I'm not sure what I will move out of the deck for them. We will see once we are there.

Surrak Dragonclaw was the first Commander I thought about since I started playing magic with Khans, but he is not quite that much Commander friendly. Yes he does give Trample to everyone which is great, but compared to Cascade, with the Dragon/NonDragon ratio of the deck, Maelstrom Wanderer is likely to ender the battlefield with 2 other Dragons ready to attack thanks to him giving haste to everyone.

Animar, Soul of Elements: Pretty good in a deck like this since dragons cost so much, but Animar is more expensive (in term of real money) than Maelstrom Wanderer since it has been reprinted in Eternal Masters.

Well, this is kind of the reason this deck was built for, put a bunch of Dragon Creature in it! Though you might have noticed a few "non dragon" in here
  • Altered Ego (recently cut out) With so many actual dragons, this is either a cheap one (by copying another one for 4) or a beefier one (like if Dragons weren't already big).
  • Clever Impersonator like Altered Ego, but also has the possibility to copy any enchantment or artefact as well. One of mines, or an opponent. I like flexibility.
  • Dragonmaster Outcast is a dragon generator and cheap creature (though I do not recommand to cast it T1)

Dragons are expensive and a little help to cast them is always welcome. This is where I think I might need a few more, though they are susceptible to get removed/wiped. More ramp spells might be better after all. Though they also have a second purpose, low drop.
  • Beastcaller Savant + Rattleclaw Mystic + Shaman of Forgotten Ways for mana fixing

  • Dragonlord's Servant + Dragonspeaker Shaman dragon casting accelleration
  • Whisperer of the Wilds is a normal ramp.
  • Nissa, Vastwood Seer   helps ramp land, and filter them once she is flipped.
  • Savage Ventmaw in addition to be a dragon, it helps other dragons to come! If it enters with haste, it repays itself and we can cast another dragon during the second main phase!
  • Selvala, Heart of the Wilds: Once something with a bit of power is on the battlefield, she start generating a lot of mana!
  • Some extra creatures that help filling low/mid drop before we get to cast some Dragons, they also have cool abilities that also help in various ways
    • Den Protector: Helps get back a card that was sent to the grave.
    • Shaman of the Great Hunt: Can pump our dragons and help us fill our hand (with so many dragons, it should be pretty easy to draw 3+ cards each time this ability is triggered))
    • Surrak Dragonclaw: (Recently cut out) Make our creatures uncounterable, but I'm not sure this is really relevant in Commander, I've not played Commander yet so I'm unsure of the frequency I'll see counter spells/abilities. Trample is a bit more relevant, though since Dragons are already flying, might not be as good as just having another dragon. I still have Utvara Hellkite waiting to get a place in the deck.
    • Surrak, the Hunt Caller: Makes dragons hasty!
    • Yasova Dragonclaw: (Recently cut out) From what I understand, it is the wife of Surrak, so I'm obligated to put her in the deck, plus her ability seems fun to use.
    Putting dragons into play is fun, but using them is even funnier. So to be sure to be able to use them before they get killed, making them hasty is a big plus!
    • Maelstrom Wanderer: How convineant that our commander makes our creature hasty!
    • Surrak, the Hunt Caller: First dragon to be with Surrak will already trigger Surrak's ability.
    • Swiftfoot Boots: (Recently cut out) Also grant protection
    • Temur Ascendancy: I've been running those for a litte while in all my Temur decks. It's an MVP.
    • Fires of Yavimaya: (Recently cut out) Nothing else to add
    • Dragon Tempest: Haste with an extra punch!
    • Arlinn Kord  : We get to use a dragon and it will be able to block as well! If we manage to reach the ult, hasty dragon all the time!
    • Flamekin Village: Harder to remove than an enchantment or artifact. Does enter tapped though.
    Fighting dragons is pretty epic. Even more when you are controlling the dragons.
    • Foe-Razer Regent: I know we should probably not have a mechanic based on a single card over a hundred, but I would be sad if we get this dragon on board and never have the opportunity to take fully advandage of its ability. Using fight cards on dragon is pretty much plain removal.
    • Frontier Siege: If we do not need extra mana at the time we cast this, the second Dragon option won't be put to waste.
    • Epic Confrontation + Pit Fight : Regular fight card.
    • Kiora, Master of the Depths: Ok, this is a strech, I'm pretty sure that ults are really hard to reach in commander, but in case we do, the battlefield will be ours. Anyway, she is in the deck mostly for her first ability to untap a ramp creature and untap a land.
    I already mentioned this at least a couple times, dragons are expensive to cast. So we got a few ways to ease their arrival into the battlefield.
    • Maelstrom Wanderer: Again, it is one of the reason it is the commander
    • Intet, the Dreamer: Was also a considered commander. No reason to not put it in the deck.
    • See the Unwritten: We are likely to put two dragons for 6 mana with this. Additional tastyness, if Hypersonic Dragon is on board, we could cast it instant speed!
    • Tooth and Nail: Can works as tutor and/or put dragons directly on the battlefield.
    • Sarkhan Unbroken: Just wanted to mention it even if we aren't going to reach it, but its ult put pretty much all our dragons on board.

    I know there is an enchantment that makes you check the top card and put it on the battlefield if it is of the same type and the Quicksilver Amulet that bypass summoning, but for now I'll wait to see the power level of my friend's deck. After all, we are playing casual.

    Note that this deck will be played in Multiplayer EDH. I think right now I might be missing ways to interact with more than one player at the time.

    Any comments is welcome. You can suggest cards to make it better. If my deck is too weak compared to my friends, I'll be looking to ways to improve it.


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    So I bought the C2017 Dragon Deck because I like dragons. At first I was planning to kill this deck and merge them both, but there is too many new dragons in colors I did not have access before I want to try that I decided to keep both deck alive.

    So this deck is about cheating dragons into play and the other is about casting them. There is just Selvala's Stampede that was moved to the other deck that was about cheating stuff but it is because it is way better over there. There is no non-dragon creatures.

    This deck did lost Sourge of the Throne and Glorybringer though.

    Maybe one day I'll just merge them for goods. For now, let's have them both.


    Revision 21 See all

    (6 years ago)

    -1 Skyship Stalker main
    +1 Verix Bladewing main
    Date added 8 years
    Last updated 6 years
    Key combos

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    23 - 1 Mythic Rares

    35 - 4 Rares

    17 - 1 Uncommons

    7 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 4.14
    Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Dragon 1/1 RG, Dragon 4/4 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Dragon 6/6 R, Emblem Arlinn Kord, Emblem Kiora, Master of the Depths, Human 2/2 G, Karox Bladewing 4/4 R, Morph 2/2 C, Octopus 8/8 U, The Monarch, Wolf 2/2 G
    Folders decks, Neat Decks, temur, EDH (Tribal), Cool EDH Decks
    Ignored suggestions
    Shared with