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It Takes a Soldier to Lead Unblockable Warriors

Standard* Tempo Tribal WB (Orzhov)



Creature (3)

Enchantment (3)

Instant (3)

Sorcery (6)


Warrior Tribal decks are very strong as a group but the warriors themselves are usually weak. The solution for big power and small toughness is simple, First Strike or Unblockable. Enter Archetype of Courage, yeah he is not a Warrior himself, but he makes the rest of the Warriors smash heads and live to tell the story later. Blood-Chin Rager combos with Brutal Hordechief's second ability and makes all Warriors Unblockable! Mix in a couple of group pumps and some Lifegain and things get unmanageable quick for my opponent. Please comment on the deck and +1 if you like it. Thanks

Aven Skirmisher starts things off on turn one and feeds Brutal Hordechief as well as Raiders' Spoils .

Battle Brawler comes in as a 3/2 with First Strike on turn two if a Skirmisher is out. Blood-Chin Rager lets my warriors start swinging freely. Chief of the Edge is already a 3/2 that gives +1/0 to every Warrior for only 2 mana, really!

Archetype of Courage makes turn 3 a dangerous proposition when everyone is swinging with First Strike. Arashin Foremost brings the heat with Doublestrike and if Blood-Chin Rager is out, it is straight to the face.

Turn 4 is when things take off with any of my 4 drops. Brutal Hordechief lets everyone do direct damage even if they are blocked and gives some Lifegain as a bonus. Raiders' Spoils gives everyone +1/0 and is an overpowering draw engine. And then there is Sorin, Solemn Visitor, the perfect mate for this deck, I can swing with everyone and don't care if there is a counter attack.

Valorous Stance and Hero's Downfall help to remove anything that I can't smash with my Warriors. Gods Willing keeps my guys on the board or gives me free swings.


Banishing Light removes anything.

Bile Blight gets rid of tokens and small creatures.

Nyx-Fleece Ram floats me through Burn decks and Aggro.

Stain the Mind gets rid of anything that mopped the floor with me in game 1.

Thoughtseize cause you just can't place enough value on being able to peek at your opponents hand and poofing their best card!


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I have been looking for a replacement for Seeker of the Way because he just wasn't having a big impact on the game and Arashin Foremost fills that space oh so well.

Blood-Chin Rager replaced Bloodsoaked Champion and just sent this deck over the top. He allows damage through early game and later he hits the Brutal Hordechief combo that is just a finisher!


Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 6 Rares

20 - 9 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 65
Avg. CMC 2.59
Tokens Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Vampire 2/2 B
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