Its 2013 in 2022 V1.4 (Prossh EDH)

Commander / EDH* OHCyanide


All the Waffle. No Sauce or Cream. —Oct. 18, 2022

First outing at the local LGS in a pod of 4 and it waffled in 2/3 games. It just felt unfocussed (cause I guess it is) and it didn't really lean into what Prossh wants to do. I'm making the following changes to give it more direction, let me know what you think. I'll make the cuts when the cards turn up and post them as a follow up.

In - Token Generation - Awakening Zone, Mycoloth, Dragonlair Spider, Chatterfang, Squirrel General, Snake Pit, Creakwood Liege

In - Aristocrats Triggers - Zulaport Cutthroat, Bastion of Remembrance, Mayhem Devil, Poison-Tip Archer

In - Draw - Liliana's Standard Bearer, Moldervine Reclamation

In - Extra Value - Bloodsoaked Champion, Rohgahh, Kher Keep Overlord, Mahadi, Emporium Master, Juri, Master of the Revue

In - Win Cons - Impact Tremorsfoil, Burn at the Stake

OHCyanide says... #1

V1.1 - Cannibalizing other decks to flesh mine out


Ashenmoor Liege, Shattergang Brothers, Fell Shepherd, Walker of the Grove, Plague Boiler, Jar of Eyeballs, Vile Requiem, Empty the Pits, Rough / Tumble


Karametra's Acolyte - Green devotion mana dork. Xenagos, God of Revels - Generally great, explosive charges Balefire Dragon - Psuedo-board clear, can pump with Xenagos, God of Revels. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger - Psuedo-rap, board control Bow of Nylea - Attacking death touch tokens are way more threatening, can't chunk block them. Devotion to green. Cultivate - Ramp is good. Ranger's Path - Ramp is still good. Into the Wilds - Semi draw, semi ramp, top of library manipulation. Xenagos, the Reveler - Ramp, tokens, whats not to like? Death's Presence - A bit win more, but re-using the stats from stacked tokens can be great.

September 1, 2022 6:32 a.m.