It's all downhill from here

Standard MadMansPurity


Extra Aggro for your face! —Oct. 14, 2015



DruneGrey says... #1

Jaddi Offshoot is a good 1 cmc blocker, but the life gain off of him, even in a land fall deck should be counted on as incidental and not an engine. :\ You aren't super likely to hit 4 by turn 6, even with a knut-draw. With your opening seven plus 5 draws you'll have all 4 about 0.1% of the time.

I'd leave the offshoot's out as the rest of the deck looks like it wants to be a fairly low to the ground aggro deck. But I also don't really see a win-con. Beats can definitely be that for you, but you have a really low amount of creatures for that. Stuff like Become Immense and Temur Battle Rage look really good with Grove Rumbler and Makindi Sliderunner's on card trample.

October 13, 2015 4:11 p.m.

MadMansPurity says... #2

Very valid points,

I playtested it earlier against my girlfriends B/G Elves and realized I should have had Become Immense in it. Had Grove Rumbler at 11/11 by using Evolving Wilds and dropping an my last Evolving Wilds with Atarka's Command, just to be totally walled by a bunch of her elves -_-

So I need Temur Battle Rage and Become Immense. What do you think of me replacing the Jaddi Offshoot with Valakut Predator? It doesn't come stock with the trample but still gets buffed by land drops. I was also looking at Omnath, Locus of Rage as a possibility because he gets insane and creates a 5/5 token for every land which would fill in my missing aggro. Easy T5 play in the ramp shell.

Retreat to Valakut looks decent as it would help either open a hole for a big hitter or pump up my smaller creatures for a stronger force to hit with. My only quandry is should I convert to pure aggro or try and keep an element of life gain? Feed the Clan is cheap and would trigger often when cast due to the Landfall buffs on many of the creatures. A possible 40 life for 8 mana over the course of the game.

October 13, 2015 4:38 p.m.