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It's Arlinn's Turf Now (Competitive R/G Midrange!)

Standard Midrange RG (Gruul)




(Because of Gruul Turf. Get it? Get it?)

I plan to play this deck or Arlinn on the Midrange (Jund reconstructed!) at FNMs and competitive standard events so feedback would be great! And as always, +1s and comments are appreciated.

Let me know what you think! I am modeling this midrange/aggro deck after my favorite Abzan Aggro list from Khans standard (the one with 4 Fleecemane Lion, Rakshasha Deathdealers, Siege Rhinos... the good days)!

Thought I should mention OutspokenFerret as the reason I decided to test out Tireless Tracker! That card didn't work in my Jund version of this list, but in this version it's awesome. Credit where credit is due! :)

Mina and Denn, Wildborn function as a very powerful lategame with Tireless Tracker, as I can bounce a land to give trample and then replay the land for an investigate trigger. It also lets me play two lands a turn to ramp up the Tracker quickly!

All of the other cards should be fairly self-explanatory. Thunderbreak Regent is my #1 beater, Sin Prodder is card advantage on a menace stick, Arlinn Kord   is the midrange walker we've been hoping for, and Goblin Dark-Dwellers is a beater with value.

Lambholt Pacifist: I'm currently testing Lambholt Pacifist   as another set of aggressive 2-drops that get better. It's worth noting that it can attack if it is pumped by Arlinn, even if I don't control other creatures. :)

This will change heavily depending on the meta, so I'm just throwing in good stuff right now.

Clip Wings deals with the stuff Roast can't; painlessly hits Thunderbreak Regent in the mirror, gets rid of Mindwrack Demon , flipped Westvale Abbey  , Archangel Avacyn  , Dragonlord Ojutai.

Kozilek's Return is our sweeper; it is at instant speed, which is great, and most importantly it is flashback-able with Goblin Dark-Dwellers. It also doesn't kill our early Lambholt Pacifist   s or Sylvan Advocates.

Nissa, Voice of Zendikar is a possiblity against decks that are similar but a little bigger. She allows us to play more aggressive and buff our 2 and 4 drops.

Display of Dominance is the trump card against Blue/Black/X control. The first ability negates all black removal, including Ruinous Path , Ultimate Price, Grasp of Darkness, Anguished Unmaking and others. It also negates blue bounce spells or tap spells. This stops the control decks' 1-for-1 trade strategy.

The second mode kills all manner of planeswalkers, including flipped baby Jace, Ob Nixilis Reignited, Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, and Sorin, Grim Nemesis . It's our best option for one-for-one walker removal and it's honestly a powerhouse.

Pulse of Murasa can come in for the more grindy control games as well, for recursion of threats that were countered or killed.

The worst conditions for this deck are decks that run Languish and Declaration in Stone.


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Revision 5 See all

(8 years ago)

-1 Arlinn Kord  Flip main
-2 Burn from Within side
+4 Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip main
-1 Goblin Dark-Dwellers main
+3 Rending Volley side
-4 Sin Prodder main
+1 Tireless Tracker main
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 4 Mythic Rares

22 - 0 Rares

13 - 8 Uncommons

5 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.89
Tokens Clue, Elemental 3/1 R, Emblem Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon, Human 2/2 G, Plant 0/1 G, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders SOI Standard, R/G Standard , standard, possibilities
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