It's evocational! Heartless Esper Control

Modern Draw_Wurm


Nef says... #1

lol i said lax luster instead of lack luster q.q

April 7, 2016 5:30 p.m.

chrisiver says... #2

Looks like an awesome deck, I was wondering if you needed more lands though, 22 seems pretty light for a control deck, even with Heartless Summoning.

April 7, 2016 9:31 p.m.

Draw_Wurm says... #3

Hey chrisiver. Funny you mention it. Just been doing some playtesting, and thinking of upping the lands to 24. Was thinking of dropping the lich for Thought-Knot Seer or Reality Smasher and running some pain lands as a test. Or maybe Phyrexian Metamorph. I do love the lich, but it feels to vulnerable to bolt/removal without any etb.

April 7, 2016 9:43 p.m.

Draw_Wurm says... #4

April 7, 2016 9:47 p.m.

Rooah711 says... #5

Not running the Perilous Myr/Havengul Lich combo?

April 8, 2016 7:18 a.m.

Nef says... #6

Languish would probably be fine

April 8, 2016 7:59 a.m.

Draw_Wurm says... #7

Hey Rooah711. Aware of the Perilous Myr, Havengul Lich combo. Trying something different!

April 11, 2016 3:42 a.m.

demonicgrizzly says... #8

April 11, 2016 9:54 p.m.

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