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Its Godzirra! The Samurai Deck

Commander / EDH*


The Best synergized Commander deck for a Samurai-Tribal Theme

In pure enjoyment of the Godzilla reference, Iroas, God of Victory surely is such a creature by its card artwork. I also needed a "Boros Colored" Commander to take advantage of the Red and White Samurais that make up the majority of all Samurai cards printed. Note: There is a very good green Samurai (only green Samurai) and a half dozen or so black samurai cards, but it wasnt advantageous enough for me to have a black/White/Red commander. Tajic, Blade of the Legion or Legions Edge are also 2 good red/white Commander options with Aurelia, the Warleader a solid tertiary option, but after everything weighed, a 7/4 Inestructable God for 4 mana that prevents all damage to attacking creatures was just too good. Add the additional mechanic of Menace to all your creatures and you have a true "GODzirra" as a commander.

I have 19 Samurai creatures in this deck and 12 non Samurai creatures. I made sure that if they were not Samurai, they were buff characters to elevate the Samurai. Artifacts are the main boosters for the Samurai's but the more Samurai's you can field, the more they feed off of each other. Bushido is a great mechanic, its just unfortunate that there isnt more Samurai's in standard print to keep pushing and evolving the Creature Type. One of the great things about this deck is the way enchantments to boost power are utilized. Bushido, albeit a good mechanic, just isnt great. Its seriously behind other mechanics. Magic just hasnt put out enough Samurai to make this build easy. But surprising, the speed of the deck makes up for it. Its not insanely fast, but for a commander deck, its very fast.

Take a look and give me some feedback. I've played all 4 of the 2018 Precon Commander decks and have won each time vs 2 different commanders. The only one that gave me issues was against adaptive enchantments and thats because of the good amount of disenchants that slowed me down a bit. In the end, a God as a commander makes the biggest of differences.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 103
Avg. CMC 3.53
Tokens Copy Clone, Servo 1/1 C, Soldier 1/1 W
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