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It's good to be Queen

Commander / EDH*



Every Queen needs to sit comfortably on the throne, so this deck aims to make Marchesa’s reign a long one. We’re going to discourage attackers by costing them an arm and a leg if they even plot against our queen, and if they somehow manage to threaten her reign, a loyal token army will be at her disposal. And if the peasants do manage to get uppity, we need ways to put them back in their place.

The Castle:

Because every queen needs a place to call her own.

Ghostly Prison - Self-explanatory.

Koskun Falls - Ghostly Prison in black? Why not! With a token army, tapping an untapped creature is no problem.

Mystic Barrier - Because a queen may not always be a monarch, but she can certainly choose her consort. Adds a little bit of politics to the table. Who wants to be monarch and why should I let you reign?

Sphere of Safety - Because theres enough enchantments in this deck to make you reconsider the cost of an assault on your queen.

Windborn Muse - Eyes the sky and a first layer of defense, this maiden locks up the castle tight.

Maze of Ith - Its really easy to get lost in the gardens on the way to assassinate your queen

Norn's Annex – Because this castle has a gate fee.

Righteous Aura - if you make it into the castle, it will be on my terms, and I will remain the monarch.

The Token Army

Darien, King of Kjeldor – Every threat to our sovereignty brings another willing soldier to the cause. With Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, or Suture Priest out, we gain that life right back. With more than one, we actually come out ahead. Synergy!

Assemble the Legion – It takes a little while to get rolling, but the Legion grows stronger every turn!

Mardu Strike Leader – He dashes in and brings a friend with. What else can you ask for. Grave Titan – It’s a big guy that swells the ranks of our army.

Warstorm SurgeImpact Tremors or Purphoros, God of the Forge would be cheaper picks, but with Warstorm Surge, it’s the token that’s doing the damage. Queen Marchesa’s tokens are now free removal when they enter the battlefield. Or with Odric, Lunarch Marshall, every creature is now a deathtoucher.

Spear of Heliod – Strengthening our army and promising swift rebuttal to all who dare strike at us.

Skullclamp – Because sometimes that one guy is dragging down the morale and effectiveness of the unit, and is better put to use as fodder to draw something better.

Cathars' Crusade – We grow bigger and stronger with every new recruit.


Archfiend of Depravity – Keeping other aggro strategies in check while I build my castle

Thalia, Heretic Cathar – Should also help slow down my opponents.

Mystic Barrier – Should the monarchy fall and another reigns, Mystic Barrier adds just a little bit of politics back into the game. I can help keep the monarch in place for one more turn, or I can encourage their opponent to the left to shorten the reign. Also works once Marchesa is back in charge to choose a favorable position

Dictate of Erebos – If our reign crumbles, at least we’re taking someone down with us.

Grave Pact – backup/redundancy for Dictate of Erebos

Martyr's Bond – If I’m going down, so is everyone else.

Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker – Swift retribution, Code of Hammurabi style.

Loxodon Gatekeeper – Slowing down my enemies that much more.

Other thoughts

Odric, Lunarch Marshall – I feel like anything remotely aggro with white can utilize him, and as a result, most of the creatures in the deck were chosen for their keywords to further fuel Odric and the tokens.

Maybeboard: Options I’m considering, but not sure what to cut for.

Season of the Witch – has great potential to lock everyone down, forcing aggro strategies or just by wiping their creatures. The downside is that this hurts me too. As a result, Season of the Witch needs a support package that would give me outlets to tap out, such as Diversionary Tactics, Field Surgeon, and Hair-Strung Koto. While that would leave me open, Masako the Humorless lets everything block until we get back to my turn. Until I can find 5 cards to cut, Season of the Witch will stay in the maybeboard.

Sigil of the Empty Throne – It’s flavorful and takes advantage of the 14 other enchantments I’m already running.

Equipoise – Seems like a great way to add some chaos and disruption to everyone else’s plans and slowing down their plans. Again, not sure what to cut for it.

Spelltithe Enforcer – Again, disrupting opponents plans and taxing their game plan

Price of Glory – It decreases interaction at a table, but would most likely benefit me in the long run.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.56
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Assassin 1/1 B w/ Haste, Dragon 5/5 R, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Ogre 3/3 R, Soldier 1/1 RW, Soldier 1/1 W, The Monarch, Zombie 2/2 B
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