Turning more and more into a mill deck every day, DMRxITxUP & jfmckillop95 I'm gonna add a Jace, Memory Adept in a week or 2
January 30, 2014 4:43 p.m.
jfmckillop95 says... #3
That's definitely a great step I'm the right direction, looking better every day.
January 30, 2014 8:26 p.m.
Codex Shredder
is great against scry. When they keep the cards they scry, Shred it. After about 2 or 3 times, they try to fool you and leave something they don't want on top, so stop for a few minutes, then go back to it. Keep them guessing.
I agree with DMRxITxUP about the consistency. Yes, you need functionality, but you should try to maximize those functions with repetition, not random variety. Anything that can make a huge difference should be maximized.
I also agree with -Logician about removing the unnecessary creature cards. Sage's Row Denizen
, Slate Street Ruffian
, Syndicate Enforcer
, Gutter Skulk
, Horror of the Dim
- none of these help toward accomplishing the Mill win condition.
Max our cards like Doorkeeper to mill and Wall of Frost to stall the board. Bump up to 4x of Pilfered Plans , Psychic Strike , Tome Scour , Breaking / Entering , and Mind Grind . This gives you room for about 8 more cards to make 36 spells, giving room for 24 lands.
February 2, 2014 10:41 a.m.
I just have to ask, is there any logical reason for why you have 1x of every card? Would it not be more efficient to build upon some kind of strategy?
February 3, 2014 6:15 a.m.
eXtazeh If you haven't noticed, I've been constantly updating trying to get more than one of each card and it is coming along rather nicely.
February 3, 2014 4:42 p.m.
jaggthemiller says... #7
Chsnge out ordeal for aquaform on my tabket so I prob misspelled, ....you want your creature to attack and be able to get threw the ordeal cards are only good with heroic and even worse if ur only running 1
February 22, 2014 10:17 a.m.
jaggthemiller says... #8
A rule of thumb to mtg I general is you want 4 most of all ur good stuff so you can see them. I take it your running off cards you own. If u want I can get on the comp n send u a message for a deck tech to have real fun and still give your opponents a hard time
February 22, 2014 10:25 a.m.
jaggthemiller says... #10
Okay gemme a few mins n ill privet message you a deck
February 22, 2014 10:45 a.m.
jaggthemiller says... #11
okay i sent you a share list....the deck goes off your cards. i didn't add much if i did its just changing the numerical value of them to make it better and it is still budget
February 22, 2014 11:03 a.m.
Have you played around with adding Phenax, God of Deception
or Thassa, God of the Sea
? I played against a Black/Red aggro in a tourney over the weekend with my mill deck, Dimir Mill & Denial. I was able to use the removal to hold him off until a supersized Wight + Nighthowler landed.
How is the Doorkeeper working out for you? With only 3 Defenders does it come up reliably enough?
You look to be a little light on removal for running UB. Grisly Spectacle is a bit costly at 4 CMC but does fit the mill theme.
+1 for the name and deck, I like the variety of cards you have there :)
February 26, 2014 4:04 p.m.
Thank you yad I had a Thassa but i traded it away for Jace, Memory Adept it was a good trade in my opinion and it suited my needs.
I'll look into Phenax though, because his ability to make my creatures mill my opponent would become such an annoyance (mwahahaha)
Doorkeeper and Wall of Frost definitely help me in defending myself during games. With my luck I'm usually able to get both defenders out especially because of cards that speed up my play like Pilfered Plans and Read the Bones
I want more potent removal without using cards that make my opponent gain something. I would rather get more counters and Hero's Downfall but it is really expensive.
I will take your ideas into consideration, thanks for your advice!
February 26, 2014 4:42 p.m.
Honestly, the Returned Centaur I find a little underpowered and unwhelming. I'd think about running more of the Wall of Frost , and try to get a Phenax, God of Deception or three and then add some Triton Tactics . The Deathcult Rogue and the Mindeye Drake I find also to be a little out of place here, especially the Rogue. Also, I'd look for more efficient Counterspells, like Dissolve and even Nullify , which do not give them an option to pay to keep it from resolving. If you need more removal, you can go with Doom Blade , Drown in Sorrow , and Bile Blight as well as the ever-popular Devour Flesh and Pharika's Cure .
I hope this helps some with your deck running.
February 26, 2014 5:54 p.m.
rochdalekilla9 says... #15
I recently got murdered by a standard Black/Blue/Green mill deck. If I were you I would look into adding a bit of green into here. Then you get to use fancy Prophet of Kruphix which is killer when used with Phenax, God of Deception . Also, Scavenging Ooze . I would add one more Jace, Memory Adept and even one more Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver . I'd maybe drop the Mindeye Drake and add another Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker . He is an annoying little brute. I would drop Warped Physique and Stymied Hopes for Cancel or another counterspell that doesn't have strings attached. Adding another Consuming Aberration would be awesome. Merely suggestions of course.
February 26, 2014 5:54 p.m.
I'm not sure if you've seen any of the discussions in the forums about milling (its come up a few times recently), but I'll give you a quick idea of my thoughts:
Most decks are built to win by dealing damage, because the most common way of winning is dropping an opponent's life to 0. However, milling is a completely different beast. If you want to build a mill deck, the deck should focus exclusively on milling. With cards like Consuming Aberration , you're really just dividing your resources. You spend the first turns milling, only to suddenly switch gears to trying to deal damage. You're better off just sticking to mill and dropping most of the creatures you have here.
Anyway, now that the theory is out of the way, a few specific thoughts on this deck, assuming you want to keep it a mill deck:
Jace, Memory Adept is an absolute monster in a mill deck, and you should have a minimum of 3 (if not a full set). He will be the biggest asset you have.
Cheap, early turn mill cards will also be your best friend. Things like Tome Scour and Breaking should be 4 ofs.
Cards that mill, in addition to other effects, can provide great utility. I would also recommend 3-4 of Pilfered Plans and Psychic Strike
Finally, 1-2 Mind Grind can work as a great finisher.
Now, to make room for those cards, I would drop almost all of your creatures, with the possible exception of 2-3 Returned Centaur , and 2 Wall of Frost . Throw in a few more counters and some more spot removal, and you'll be better off.
With these changes, you won't be dividing your resources. I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll never pull off a win by damage with the new build, but you will be much much much more likely to win by mill. And if that's what you're really going for, then who cares about damage right?
February 26, 2014 5:56 p.m.
rochdalekilla9 says... #17
Also, if you wouldn't mind giving me suggestions on my deck? Trying to get it ready for FNM. Thanks! Overabundance of Strength
February 26, 2014 5:57 p.m.
Preymantis says... #18
Hi dude, i am not such a mill player but one of my close friends is, and he tends to tear up with his Grisly Spectacle 's, so i would highly suggest you put at least 2 in, maybe swap the for the Tome Scour 's, however other than that i cant be of much help, sorry dude :) as i said, not a huge lover of mill.
February 26, 2014 5:59 p.m.
Ruglefrugal says... #20
If you're going to run the Deathcult Rogue then you should run something like Paranoid Delusions or something like that. It is a 2 drop for three, but you can Cipher it on him and do 6 in one turn and three every turn on top of that on top of all the other milling that you will be doing.
March 6, 2014 4:43 p.m.
derKochXXL says... #21
I would consider streamlining the deck even more. You still have lots of one- and two-offs. Also, Balustrade Spy could be better than the Returned Centaur in some decks (eventhough both arent really top-notch). I would get rid of the Doorkeeper s as well. I love the sweet Homunculi like the next guy, but since they are the only two defenders you have they're probably milling only one card most of the time. Also you should consider Phenax, God of Deception . It's just funny how he interacts with Consuming Aberration s. Doom Blade seems to be better removal than Warped Physique . You should also think about a sideboard. All the cards i mentioned should be easy and cheap to get, since you seem to be on a budget (I would advise to write this in your deckname or put a hub in).
March 12, 2014 6:59 a.m.
Hey man, you've got some nice stuff going on here now! I like this version a lot better.
My main suggestion would be, as derKochXXL mentioned, condensing the deck a bit. The big reason that 4-ofs and 2-ofs are so popular is that they make games more predictable. More predictability means more preparedness, and therefore with each game you play, you'll draw on the experience to figure out exactly how to play around your weaknesses. Not that you don't already-- like I said, it just makes games more predictable!
If you're wanting to mill, I would wholeheartedly recommend increasing Breaking from 1 to 4. Seriously, for only 2 mana, it's an awesome card for milling. And even though it's a rare, they're dirt-cheap! Same with Tome Scour . With 5 cards for 1 mana, it's just too good of a card to not run 4-of, in my book.
You may or may not agree, but hear me out: I'd scrap Traumatize . Believe it or not, Traumatize actually inspired my entire mill deck in the beginning. But a couple of other users made me realize that it has a quite high mana cost for what it actually accomplishes. If you think about it, the earliest you can possibly play this card is turn 5. Your opponent will start off with 7 cards-- then add in a card-draw for each turn, and that's 12 cards right there. So he's down to 48 cards. You cast Traumatize , and he discards 24 cards. But think about it: if you cast Tome Scour 4 times, that's 20 cards right there. It only takes 1 mana to cast Tome Scour , which means: 1) That's 1 mana less than it takes to cast Traumatize , and 2) You can actually do other stuff with your turn, while casting Tome Scour . Just my two cents! Personally, I was running 4x Traumatize in the original version of my deck, but when someone explained this to me, it blew my mind.
I see what you're doing with 2x Asphyxiate , and I know that derKochXXL recommended swapping that for Doom Blade , but I would definitely suggest using Ultimate Price instead. Asphyxiate is conditional on whether or not your opponent is tapping his creatures, and Doom Blade does nothing against black creatures; but Ultimate Price 's only condition is that the creature must be mono-colored (which to be honest, most are). It also costs 1 less mana, which is another plus. Hero's Downfall is even better, as it allows you to take down planeswalkers as well, but it's very costly for a full playset!! I had to save up for it, myself.
I would also recommend scrapping Doorkeeper , as you only have 3 defenders in your deck, and it would be rare to have them out on the battlefield all at once. Balustrade Spy does seem like a great upgrade from Returned Centaur , if that's a creature you really want to have.
So overall, here are my suggestions:
- Scrap 2x Traumatize and 2x Doorkeeper ; I think their usefulness in this deck is overrated
- Swap 2x Asphyxiate for 2x Ultimate Price , OR swing for a full playset of 4x Hero's Downfall , if you can
- Increase Tome Scour and Breaking to 4x
- If you can, scrap 4x Dimir Guildgate and some basic lands for some Watery Grave s and Temple of Deceit s-- but these are also quite costly
- Isn't Nullify just a better version of Essence Scatter ? Same mana cost, but can also be used against auras. If you want 4 counters, I'd just scrap the 2x Essence Scatter and go with a full 4x Nullify .
- Personally, I would remove some other cards... Some possibilities are Read the Bones , Warped Physique , Returned Centaur / Balustrade Spy , and 2 of your counterspells. Those are all good cards, but you may be able to find even better ones. I would use those extra card slots to, at the very least, bump up your 1-ofs to 2-ofs. Mind Grind and Gift of Orzhova are great cards-- they'd be much better if you had 2x instead of just 1! And this would also free up some card slots for increasing Tome Scour and Breaking to 4x, like I suggested earlier.
I hope this helps! Your deck's looking much better than when I first saw it-- you've made some nice improvements, and I hope that my suggestions help you find even more!
March 14, 2014 2:23 p.m.
Thanks very much Dralai I just added another Consuming Aberration too
March 14, 2014 5:41 p.m.
Check this out: Mill! Mill! Mill! Mill! Mill! Mill! Mill! Mill!
March 16, 2014 7:10 p.m.
thisKid619 says... #25
+1 just for the name haha maybe try Phenax, God of Deception ? and go more for defenders
DMR says... #1
No problem, I know it's a lot of changes, but the cards are cheap and relatively easy to acquire, especially if you just bought them off a site in one sale. Good luck with the deck!
January 26, 2014 1:02 a.m.