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It's Mishra who changed CMC into Mana Value | DFT

Commander / EDH Budget Sacrifice Theme/Gimmick UBR (Grixis) Value Engine



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Hello there and welcome to my budget Mishra Mana Value deck.


I love deck ideas where you get to play with rules interactions that aren’t very common. And the idea to do something with the fact that token copies also copy the CMC of the original card has been on my mind for a while. Mishra was already a contender for that, but I had not gotten around to give it a proper try beyond brainstorming. When The Big Score bonus set came around with Thunder Junction, it made me reconsider that idea, because it has many cards that care about a card’s mana value. I also liked it that I could make this deck low power and that it would be relatively cheap to get the missing cards.

Deck premise

The main theme of the deck is to turn the high cmc of the token copies that the deck makes into value. There are several cards that can sac said tokens to gain resources equal to the CMC, such as Soldevi Adnate and Burnt Offering for mana, Scrap Trawler and Scrap Welder for recursion, Morbid Curiosity and Kethek, Crucible Goliath for cards, and Ayara, Widow of the Realm   and Reckoner's Bargain for life. There are also a few cards in here that prevent us from having to sacrifice our tokens end of turn.

We can create token copies of artifacts through our commander. Utility artifacts like The Mightstone and Weakstone   or several of the vehicles are nice targets to duplicate. Encore cards are also great to get some higher cmc token copies on the board. However the more interesting way is to get token copies of things our opponents play, through cards like Faerie Artisans or Hate Mirage. We can also straight up steal things from our opponents through a card like Mob Rule but I limited the use of such cards here.

In the end the deck can close out the game by ammassing a lot of Karnstruct tokens via Simulacrum Synthesizer or my creating multiple copies of vehicles that deal direct damage, such as Reaver Titan or Rolling Hamsphere.

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Rules Interactions

Apart from the mana value thing, there are some other interesting things that Mishra does. For example, when you use its ability to copy a legendary artifact, the legend rule does not trigger. This is because the copy gets a different name than the original card, so you don’t have 2 legendary permanents with the same name. Also, since the tokens are sacrificed at the end of turn, there are a few ways around that rule that you can use, like ending the turn with those triggers on the stack with Obeka, Brute Chronologist or with Hithlain Rope.

I was also excited to run Myriad cards in here, but then I realizated those tokens unfortunately go away at the end of combat and not at the end of turn. This greatly limits the tricks you can do with them.


This deck was also an opportunity to run the first rare I ever opened: Dracoplasm. Nostalgia points always help me to get a deck idea built. That is also why I included Imperial Recruiter, to have Dracoplasm out more often. Other targets include Solemn Simulacrum or Soldevi Adnate for ramp, Disciple of Bolas for card draw, Goblin Welderfoil for recursion, and Faerie Artisans, Phyrexian Metamorph or Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance for copies.

With this list I’m happy to have another low powered and cheap-ish deck that I enjoy mechanically and would love to play when the situation calls for it, even though I personally prefer higher powered games.

Thanks for stopping by. And, as always, if you have some ideas for cards to include that match the deck's premise, budget and intended power level, then please do share your recommendations.



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94% Casual


Revision 13 See all

(3 weeks ago)

+1 Demonic Junker main
+1 Repurposing Bay main
Date added 11 months
Last updated 3 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.39
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Hamster 1/1 R, Map, Mishra's Warform, Phyrexian Golem 3/3 C, Treasure
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