Pulling the RUG out.

Commander / EDH DarthTrevyn


SomeDipshit says... #1

March 31, 2013 12:22 a.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #2

@illumfolly brilliant! Thanks for the suggestions! Vedalken Shackles is a great idea! That's getting added in today! The others you suggested are a totally possible too! Thanks again!

March 31, 2013 2:01 p.m.

Rofelos says... #4

Hey man, solid build. I think that since you're already playing Boundless Realms and since you've got a good ratio of permanents I'd play Genesis Wave . I'm not sure if you're playgroup cares but Primeval Titan and Worldfire are on the US banned list. You can definitely cut Chandra's Phoenix because you don't really have any burn. You've got See Beyond and Blue Sun's Zenith but you could also be playing cards like Fact or Fiction Foresee and Recurring Insight , all cheap cards. You might like Insurrection and it might not hurt to play Control Magic and Mind Control . I don't really know otherwise, there's Rampaging Baloths . Good luck peace.

March 31, 2013 9:13 p.m.

Traveler247 says... #5

First off, Worldfire and Primeval Titan are banned. Just sayin. But on to constructive things.

It's always fun to Cascade into Tooth and Nail for Avenger of Zendikar and Craterhoof Behemoth . All of those should be in your deck btw. Along with Mystical Tutor , Sensei's Divining Top , Scroll Rack , and Brainstorm (maybe) to help choose what you Cascade into.

Ramp is an obvious inclusion in this deck. Right now you've got Cultivate , Rampant Growth , Ranger's Path , Birds of Paradise , Ondu Giant , and Gilded Lotus . (By the time you cast Boundless Realms , you're just getting an excess of mana, which is awesome, but those early ramp spells are what we care about.) This isn't bad by any means. Personally, my UBG deck runs Cultivate , Garruk Wildspeaker , Harrow , Chromatic Lantern , Sol Ring , Gilded Lotus , Exploration , Sakura-Tribe Elder , Oracle of Mul Daya , Joraga Treespeaker , Birds of Paradise , azusa, Lost but Seeking, Explosive Vegetation , Kodama's Reach , Nature's Lore , Rampant Growth , and Skyshroud Claim .

Next up, you want good cards to cascade into. Cascading into a Primordial Hydra is just depressing. What you run for this part is really just whatever you want. Obviously, higher cost cards are going to give you better results, and 8 costs aren't awesome. But at the same time, running 30 7 cost spells doesn't seem good.

My one suggestion is to make every card in your deck spectacular. Caged Sun , for example, is far worse than Mana Reflection . But this can cost money, and it can take time to recognize a card as not being especially good. Personally, I dislike Mass Polymorph and Polymorph unless you're running a tokens deck with eldrazis/Blightsteel Colossus , or some other ridiculous creature...I can see tokens with Polymorph and Craterhoof Behemoth being good. But that's not an EDH deck necessarily.

March 31, 2013 9:33 p.m.

Traveler247 says... #6

Also, Rofelos had some awesome suggestions.

March 31, 2013 9:34 p.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #7

Wow thank you islip, Rofelos and Traveler247 for all the suggestions! I was unaware that Primeval Titan and Worldfire were on the banned list.

I will be looking into changing this up a bit with some of your suggestions! Some of the cards you mentioned I didn't know even existed! I will be doing some reconstruction here soon!

Thanks again!

March 31, 2013 11:39 p.m.

Traveler247 says... #8

No problem! There are so many cards available, and so many that fit into every signle deck that just becomming aware of what cards would be good is often the first challenge. When I'm building a new EDH deck, I'll do two things: 1. I'll look on the gatherer (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Default.aspx) and 2. I'll look at decks other people have made with the same commander. Both of these can give you an awesome list of cards which work excellently with your commander, and from there you can pick which list you really want to run.

For example, I want to build a 5-color chaotic group hug deck. I've found some crazy cards like Knowledge Pool , Confusion in the Ranks , Scrambleverse , Thieves' Auction , Grip of Chaos , and many more. Some of these I already knew of, some I found in various decks around tapped out, and others I found by using the gatherer to find every magic card printed that has "each player" in the text.

April 1, 2013 4:53 p.m.

apt142 says... #9

Consider replacing Guard Gomazoa with Fog Bank . While the guard can hit back, but you're unlikely to kill much with that 1 point of damage.

Master of the Wild Hunt is a great card. And I think he'd be a lot of fun outside of EDH. But not necessarily in EDH. I think you'll find that he's on the receiving end of creature hate long before he nets you a decent amount of wolf tokens.

Noggle Ransacker for Rummaging Goblin or Merfolk Looter ? Those are more reusable and would not benefit your opponent much. If you want something a bit more resilient Compulsion would cost you more mana-wise but be less susceptible to board wipes.

Considering you only have 8 islands (9 with breeding pool) Vedalken Shackles might be a bit lackluster. Since you're playing red, I'm a big fan of haste. It would be extremely useful with the cascade/Genesis Wave goodness you have going on. What about Fires of Yavimaya , Fervor or Anger ? (Or all three!)

I'd play Brainstorm over See Beyond if you have one. Rofelos was spot on with the card draw. EDH games can go on a while and replenishing your hand is a constant concern.

April 18, 2013 12:56 p.m.

apt142 says... #10

Oops. I forgot the wanderer gave haste. I'm not sure if you need the extra haste makers.

April 18, 2013 1:05 p.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #11

@apt142 thanks for all the suggestions! Thank you the suggestions! I will be digging through my cards when I get home and add in some of the cards you suggested! There SO many cards out there that can be used for the format that I tend to forget most of them! Haha!

April 18, 2013 7:03 p.m.

fricaj says... #12

Id suggest playing a few more lands and/or some creatures that accelerate your lands like Wood Elves , Yavimaya Elder , and Solemn Simulacrum .

April 20, 2013 1:37 a.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #13

@fricaj Yavimaya Elder ! I have been trying to remember the name of this card for awhile now! Thanks for the input! I was unsure how many lands I should have in this... as the title states this is my first EDH deck after all.

Thanks again!

April 20, 2013 1:44 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #14

April 22, 2013 11:50 p.m.

mccracka says... #15

Fiery Fall , Obstinate Baloth , Kavu Predator , Scourge of Geier Reach all seem kinda weak. I would take them out for more draw power, Jace's Ingenuity , Blue Sun's Zenith , Jace Beleren , Mind Spring Staff of Nin , and the such are all good choices. The last thing you want to be doing is top decking.

Also, since you lack any real board wipes, cards like Cyclonic Rift and Wash Out can be your best friends for gaining really strong board position.

April 23, 2013 12:17 a.m.

mccracka says... #16

Oh, and Garruk, Primal Hunter can be fantastic draw power in a deck like this, but he's a bit more pricey.

April 23, 2013 12:19 a.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #17

@Lhurgyof Defense of the Heart is brilliant!

@mccracka I agree with you on some the card draw... I like the Staff of Nin and Garruk, Primal Hunter idea! I will be adding in some changes soon!

May 11, 2013 2:14 p.m.

Enratic says... #18

Chromatic Lantern
and you most definitely want to drop Gitaxian Probe if you are looking for a draw spell play something like Blue Sun's Zenith and if you are looking to peek at hands than use Telepathy .Good deck +1 from me. (hehe I can see the planeschase deck in here)

May 11, 2013 2:36 p.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #19

@Enratic Haha yes I used the plane chase as a starting point and went from there! I like the suggestions! I will see what I can do to work them in! Thanks!

May 11, 2013 3:02 p.m.

Survival of the Fittest is good and Sol Ring is always worth it. Also, Deadeye Navigator is just mean Soulbonded to the Wanderer! Multiple Cascade!

May 22, 2013 9:55 p.m.

Chicken says... #21

I think Deadwood Treefolk would be excellent in this deck. It's pretty much an auto-include in every green EDH. I also believe that Mulldrifter would be a pretty nice cascade from your general. I think you also may be able to abuse cards like Roaring Primadox or better yet, Species Gorger with your cascade spells and token producers. Hope this comment helps!

May 22, 2013 9:59 p.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #22

@Human_Rogue_21 Deadeye Navigator ! I never thought about that! BRILLIANT SIR! Also I was unaware of Survival of the Fittest ... Seems like it could help tons! I am in the process of getting a Sol Ring as we speak.

Thanks for the suggestions!

May 22, 2013 10:02 p.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #23


I didn't know about Deadwood Treefolk . All the cards you recommended could very well find a place in this deck! Thanks!

May 22, 2013 10:05 p.m.

Not a problem. I have more suggestions but it is difficult to format them on a Smart Phone. Lol. Will add more suggestions on tomorrow.

May 22, 2013 10:06 p.m.

Bobgalarneau says... #25

@ Human_Rogue_21, Deadeye Navigator does not work with cascade. Cascade is a triggerred ability that trigger when you cast the spell. Deadeye navigator does not cast anything.

What you need is to return it to your hand and cast it back so the cascade will trigger.

May 24, 2013 1:48 p.m.

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