"The Pioneers used to ride these babies for miles!" Welcome to my BG Eldrazi Brew.
With the banning of Leyline of Abundance, I had to change up my original Mono Green Eldrazi list. I have been on the fence about adding a color, since mono g was feeling consistent enough without the splash. I have been toying around with either UG or BG, and decided that black was the way to go.
The monsters are back! This is an Eldrazi Midrange deck that is supported by a black splash for better interaction (ie Thoughtseize, Abrupt Decay, Assassin's Trophy, etc). The deck is extremely grindy, but has the ability to turn the corner in a hurry.
Here is a short description of cards that are currently in the MB, but are flexible.
Gilded Goose - Another late addition to the party. I originally started off with 8 Elves for dorks, but shortly cut it down to 6. I have elected to run 2 Goose over 2 Llanowar Elves. It helps with fixing, and the life gain can be relevant in the late game. Since it doesn't play nice with Copter, I think 2 is a fine number.
Abrupt Decay - This may be better as Assassin's Trophy, but having a clean answer for problematic permanents is a must for this deck. I may attempt to slot in a full playset of either 2 mana removal, but I will have to test.
Tireless Tracker - Tracker is a staple in GBx strategies. Facilitates card draw and it is an efficient beater after a few clues have been cracked. With 6 dorks, playing this on turn 2 is likely and can snowball quickly.
Scavenging Ooze - As I am writing this, I think I will be moving Ooze to the SB to open a couple more spots for the full 4 Decay/Trophy. The card is great, but I think I would rather just bring it in against relevant matchups.
The sideboard is still a work in progress. I mostly have it set up as an idea of what I am looking to include. For the mainboard, I am still extremely open for testing different builds. I do like the idea of playing a walker, potentially Liliana, the Last Hope or Vraska, Golgari Queen. Let me know what you think! Once I am able to jam some events, I will update my results. I have been mostly testing against Hardened Scales, and find the matchup to be fairly favorable so far.
Original brew list for reference: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/mono-green-elfdrazi/