Arbor Elf 4 Prez!
So here is the deck that I do relatively well with at FNM's, have top 8'd once so far, and plan to keep doing it in the future! So basically the idea is to drop creatures and attack so fast, no deck can recover, I get em down before control can counter, burn cant get rid of em all, and weenies cant chump block enough!
As with all my decks I hope you tell me what you think (if it is constructive that is) and I hope for a couple +1's for this deck as well as my creatures xD
Some reasoning here xD:
Arbor Elf and Elvish Archdruid are my ramp, they are my bread and butter lol
Elvish Visionary, Strangleroot Geist, and Predator Ooze all help me set the tempo pretty quickly, Visionary gives me card draw and a nice little body that they won't worry about and then as soon as he gets through bam he gets hit with an instant and becomes a 4/4+ xD, also he is a nice body for my multiple pump cards, he has the potential to get really big really quick lol, Geist is possibly the hardest pressure card I have in here, getting damage in so quick its silly, and last but not least, got some Oozes to counteract all the board wipes (excluding Terminus -.-) and burn and getting big quick :)
My pump spells include
Giant Growth
Increasing Savagery
, and let me tell you, nothing is better than swinging for, say, 4, and they let it through, whamo, you just took 7 instead, regret that decision? Yeah ya do! xD
I have my Yeva, Nature's Heralds in because she is an elf that benefits my ramp theme, as well as giving basically every creature I have pseudo-haste, while also letting me get past sorcery speed removal :)
Craterhoof Behemoth is my heavy hitter, he is my go to guy when I have all the ramp I need and no where to spend it, draw him and it may as well be gg because they wont be able to stop me xD
Finally, my fight cards! I recently got Ulvenwald Trackers and I love them, they are such incredible fight cards its insane... one of my favorite things to do is make him big and then just use him as spot removal even if I have no other creatures.
Not too much time on this, but my sideboard:
Basically geared towards flying or enchantment hate, because I really can't deal with flying at all, it makes me sad :( and gotta take out those damned Detention Spheres and Oblivion Rings, mainly because they disrupt me, and I dont have to worry about anything on the ground because it is probably either 1) dead or 2) dying xD