Big update. I'm still working on updating the description. Will add the changes soon as well.
March 16, 2015 4:45 p.m.
LordAnimarOfSD says... #3
Hell yeah. Took my xen deck apart but this makes me wanna rebuild again. Awesome strategy :) check out my Animar, God of Combos Deck +1 to you
March 17, 2015 6:23 a.m.
Megalomania says... #5
Aggravated Assault + Savage Ventmaw will work nicely here.
April 5, 2015 4:19 a.m.
greyninja- I have a heavy control meta where I play, and this deck is my answer for it. Tectonic Instability is a fantastic way to slow control decks down (or any deck that wants to engage in instant speed debauchery).
May 19, 2015 11:38 a.m.
Definitely screws you too though, tapping lands
I have a fun xenagos deck that plays decently competitively, but I'm always looking for new ideas. Idk if I'll go w that one lol
May 19, 2015 1:18 p.m.
thegigibeast says... #10
You should try Price of Glory instead of Tectonic Instability, better to punish control and not you :)
June 19, 2015 9:36 a.m.
SomeDipshit says... #11
Well... Consider this:
Tectonic Edge says you can only plays your spells on your turn without untapping abilities.
Price of Glory says you can play low cost spells on other's turns without much drawback. Mana Drain for 1-2 lands is still worth it.
June 19, 2015 10:49 a.m.
Thankfully, I use both Price of Glory and Tectonic Instability. And thanks to a little premeditation, I've never had problems with Tectonic Instability. I mostly play spells on my turn or I don't play them at all. Opponents, however, don't really seem to appreciate Tectonic Instability's hampering on their control spells until its too-little too-late.
June 19, 2015 12:38 p.m.
griffstick says... #13
you know adding cards that grant extra attack phases is great here because it would trigger Xenagos, God of Revels, ability twice. i would consider adding in Savage Beating and World at War
August 24, 2015 9:49 p.m.
TheRedGoat says... #14
I like it, but I have a different kind of meta around me. One that tends to do poorly when flooded with mana or has all their plans thrown out the window.
Thus I have deemed it necessary to create a true god of revels. A god of good drinking buddies and mischievous pranksters. I speak of course, of group hug chaos. My question to you is, do you think any creatures here besides the obvious Malignus could withstand being in a chaos deck?
Also I'd take a look a the new set of cards in you'd like to find some more worthwhile additions. I think there a quite a few out there now.
April 10, 2016 2:17 p.m.
TheRedGoat says... #15
So what is your experience with Bloodshot Cyclops , or Soul's Fire , or Thud and effects like that?
Additionally, have you considered utility creatures that are incidentally larger than their cost? Wayward Swordtooth is the only example that comes to mind, but you get the idea.
August 21, 2019 9:47 a.m.
TheRedGoat - I've been considering some effects like that, namely Bloodshot Cyclops and Chandra's Ignition , due to their proclivity at dealing a lot of damage. As for Wayward Swordtooth and other incidentally fat creatures, I'm always open to ideas that fit. The current decklist as it is still relatively new, so I've got to get some gameplay experience down before I can say what sort of cards will stay or go. Thanks for your comment, my friend!
August 21, 2019 2:51 p.m.
jaredtritsch says... #17
The Great Henge and Grumgully, the Generous seems like solid adds from Eldraine.
October 20, 2019 11:12 a.m.
Octrate +1
If I were to make my Xenagos deck more "competitive," this list would be a pretty solid reference. I do have a couple questions regarding card choices...
- Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer - Used in early game for treasure and maybe late game for a random card? How impactful has this card been for you?
- Beanstalk Giant - A big beater with no trample or a less impactful ramp spell. While the flexibility is nice, which side do yo use more often? I can see you using him as a means to capitalize on draw like life's legacy and what not. But is the flexibility really worth it?
- Tireless Provisioner - Treasure producer. How impactful is it in a non-land's build?
- Cavern of Souls - Is this just for Xenagos, or dragons?
- Utopia Sprawl/Wild Growth - I've genuinely thought of adding these into my own deck. But with single use LD in my meta, it wouldn't work well. How much LD is prevalent in your meta?
- Gamble - I've always lost the card I gambled away. What do you generally gamble for? A beater, a draw spell? How often do you whiff on it?
- Chandra's Ignition - How often do you have your beater remain on board after you pass your turn? Unless it's something like Carnage Tyrant, I feel many people would 2 for 1 you. Unless this is to get around Maze of Ith, how has this played for you? Is spot removal rampant in your meta like mine?
October 17, 2021 2:57 p.m.
Heya Profet93! Thanks for your comment.
Really solid questions all around, I'll try to answer them in a satisfactory way.
- Ragavan is an aggressive mana-dork for me mostly. If he can come down turn 1, he can get me a turn 3 Xenagos, assuming he can connect. For me, that is most of the reason I play him. In the late game, he provides some occasional versatility. End of the day, I find him just a fun card to play.
- Beanstalk Giant is primarily a ramp card that has the potential to be a late game beater. While he's not as effective as say Nature's Lore or the like, I still find his late game beating potential to be solid. I've made some surprising plays by throwing him on the field with anEmbercleave. I've even skipped ramping to just Sneak Attack him into actionUsually, he is a solid Greater Good/Life's Legacy fodder. 0.Tireless Provisioner is fine here. It's versatility is only as flexible as my ramp/fetch-lands. It's on a short list for maybe being cut in the future.
- Cavern of Souls is here mostly for Xenagos or whatever big creature I need to get through vs control. I've said dragons, elves, and once, Monkey. Definitely not necessary if one is on a budget.
- Utopia Sprawl/Wild Growth are criminally underplayed. However, if land destruction is prevalent in your meta, I'd definitely be careful using them.
- The trick with gamble is casting it when you have at least five or so cards in your hand. Assuming you can keep your hand plentiful, Gamble is one of the best tutors in the game. Typically, I'll go for Greater Good if I have no other draw sources. If I do, then I'll prioritize an answer if I need one. Otherwise, Seize the Day can never miss. I don't usually wiff, but it has happened once or twice.
- Chandra's Ignition is a hail-mary play that will certainly wipe the board if it doesn't just win the game on the spot. One player in my group loves playing fogs, so this is partially an answer to that (as is Malignus). I don't usually cast it unless it's on a creature I'm sure to protect or unless opponents are tapped out. Spot removal has definitely punished me before though.
Really appreciate your questions! I hope my replies are helpful. If you have any further questions, I'll be more than happy to discuss things further.
October 18, 2021 6:25 a.m.
Yes you did, thank you :)
- How have your 1-2 CMC mana dorks been treating you? I understand their purpose is to ramp out commander earlier than T4-5. I've always been hesitant about adding them in my build due to their fragility. I've opted for the slower yet safer land ramping in the form of Cultivate, Kodama's, Nissa Pilgrimage, etc.... What I'm asking is, if you don't draw them early game, doesn't it kind of suck? Or is the fragility and late game draw potential outweighed by the potential of ramping out your commander more aggressively to apply pressure?
- What is the primary purpose of Noxious revival? Is it to mess up opposing reanimation or for your own recursion?
- What is the primary purpose of Shadowspear?
October 18, 2021 3:48 p.m.
Profet93, happy to hear!
To answer your further questions:
- As the deck stands, the early/faster ramp is rewarding for my meta, as it can explode into big damage while people are still setting up. Admittingly, it can sometimes get tripped up, but the dorks aren't usually the reason for that. If people interrupt draw or remove a beater at the right moment, that's more likely to mess the gameplan up. That being said, Deflecting Swat, Bolt Bend, and other redirection/protection effects are absolutely vital.
- Noxious Revival is usually used as a self recursion. I usually prioritize Greater Good, Sneak Attack, Selvala, or another key card. It's certainly not a vital card, just a pet card I usually sprinkle into most of my green decks.
- Shadowspear is a trample enabler primarily. The lifelink is gravy and the activated ability can surprise some people. Since the activation can be done at any time, it can also be a political tool.
October 18, 2021 4:01 p.m.
I saw your deck cycle, throwing more at you....
Reflecting Pool - I feel this is better in tricolor decks where there is more versatility. Having 2 of the same when you sometimes need another color isn't always ideal. That being said, given your dorks/ramp, I doubt it has whiffed on you before. Still curious
Urza's Saga - For sol ring and shadowspear? Would suck if you already drew into them. I dont think you have enough targets to make it viable, how often has it whiffed? I feel if you added Sensei's Divining top, it would be more viable.
Wheel of Fortune - Seriously considering this in my build. How do you know when to and not to play it? Would love some advice on that. Xenagos lists draw through combat damage or through targeting a high power creature you control. Having draw that is not reliant upon maintaining a creature on board
Bonders' Enclave - While colorless making dork casting more difficult, the potential for draw might be worth it
Dread Statuary - While same issue above, having a man land has been very helpful for me. Making it a 8 power with commander, then casting draw spell is nice.
Castle Garenbrig - Similar issue to above, but helps ramp out 5 of your creatures more quickly. Might be worth it
Skullclamp - Draw, power booster and makes your late game dorks into draw engines. I've almost always been happy to see this card. Not to mention that if you equip pre-combat, they have to decide whether they want to remove it to prevent you from drawing. But many times (meta dependent), people are hesitant to use removal on a threat that might not be coming to them. #politics
Rancor - Turns 1/1 --> 3/1 --> 6 power with commander. Recurs itself, provides trample. Not needed, but nice to have. Often times, I cast selvala, rancor onto it, go to combat, pump, no swing --> main phase 2, use the haste + pump to cast big spell (greater good, riskhar's etc....)
Heroic Intervention - Most important suggestion, super useful. Dont sleep on it.
Your list is pretty tuned, so its hard to recommend any cuts
May 14, 2022 1:42 p.m.
Hey again Profet93! To answer your questions:
I've not yet wiffed on Reflecting Pool, though I can see how that could be an issue at some point. Thankfully, the high prevalence of fetchlands at my disposal allows me to very consistently get the colors I need rather easily.
Urza's Saga is purely here to get Sol Ring to get a fast Xenagos into play on turn 3. Shadowspear is a nice worst case, but I've only had to grab it a handful of times.
Wheel of Fortune (and by extension, Wheel of Misfortune), are extremely good. I usually save it for when I'm low on gas or have a TON of mana to abuse. I'll try and avoid casting it if someone has a portion of mana untapped as well, but... I don't mind playing risky at times. The circumstances vary, but if you can proxy it or have access to it, I recommend giving it a spin.
As for your suggestions, I am still running Rancor at the moment. It has hilariously gotten me a win or two with a Birds of Paradise and an extra combat spell. As for the others, I'll keep a few in mind. I've been thinking about Heroic Intervention, as well as Tibalt's Trickery, but for now, I am satisfied with my current spells.
Always appreciate your feedback. Thanks again.
May 14, 2022 2:37 p.m.
Regarding your update
Cemetery Prowler - Is it's primary purpose GY hate, early blocker, ramp? I feel GY hate is what you were going for. Why not add a Soul-Guide Lantern in it's place or even a Scavenging Ooze. This way you are reactive rather than reliant on attack. Something to consider regarding creature count and pump draw spells. But personally, I feel you are light on beaters. I know your deck is a big more aggressive so perhaps thats just how it plays. I think Kogla, the Titan Ape in your maybeboard would be helpful. Synergy with eternal witness, provides creature and artifact/enchantment removal. Unlike bane of progress, won't remove your land enchantments
Budget per card? - I added mana crypt to Xenagos and went ham depending on how much of a threat I was viewed as. If not crypt then perhaps Mana Vault might be worth considering in place of time of need? Unless you are actively trying to assemble creature based infinite combat rather than passively drawing into them, ramp might be a higher priority for T2 Xenagos. Having additional ramp redundancy for Xenagos is nice. The untap cost is steep, but depending on your opening hand. or if you just need a little more juice for a draw spell, or to cast your hand after a wheel, it could be useful.
May 15, 2022 1:22 p.m.
Hey! Love the deck. Any updates from march? I'm trying to fit invasion of ikoria somewhere
SirDancelot says... #1
Wow! What a Xen deck! I will most certainly be stealing a few of your cards :D +1 to you sir. Also, have you ever considered Crater Hellion instead of Flametongue Kavu? Its not targetted but the hope is you will have mostly fatties out when you drop hellion. Also cards like Flametongue Kavu and Balefire Dragon especially pair extremely well with Repercussion. Check out my Xen deck, I'd appreciate your input.
February 25, 2015 3:21 p.m.