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I've Got Arachnusphobia Again!

Modern Combo Control Mono-Green




Enchantment (2)

A slight revision of my popular I've Got Arachnusphobia! deck. While that focused on preserving Spiders through regeneration, I've had a hard time actually acquiring the Swarmyards needed for that in real life. Fortunately, Innistrad offers an answer: Spider Spawning. This nifty little card actually makes this deck better if and when other Spiders kick the bucket. Pair it with Penumbra Spider for extra hijinks, as that particular Spider "dies" without actually going away. Mwaha.

Once you have enough Spiders out, be they little 1/2s generated with the spawning or more normal Spider creatures, get an Arachnus Spinner out and then start tapping away to web everything down with Arachnus Web s.

A subtheme is Spider poison. Not only do we have the venomous Deadly Recluse and Kessig Recluse , but we also have -1/-1 counters from Blightwidow (infect) and Juvenile Gloomwidow (infect's predecessor, wither). Frostweb Spider also gets +1/+1 tokens, and Aquastrand Spider and your special lands Oran-Rief, the Vastwood and Llanowar Reborn pass them out like candy. Why is that all important? Because spider-shaped artifact Contagion Clasp can proliferate those tokens to either -1/-1 token your opponent's creatures to death (or at least soften them up enough to make those Arachnus Web s stick even on large creatures) or make the Frostwebs and other "Aquastranded" Spiders quite massive.

The instants and sorceries provide some nice combat tricks. Evolution Charm is worth mentioning in particular, as its ability to give any creature flying can combine with flyer-killers Silklash Spider and Stingerfling Spider for instant kills, or get some tokens onto the Frostweb Spider s. At worst, the Charm can at least grab lands from your library or Spiders from your graveyard. If you don't want to leave them there to spawn a bunch of little tap-happy underlings, that is.


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Date added 13 years
Last updated 13 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Rares

14 - 5 Uncommons

26 - 10 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.30
Tokens Spider 1/2 G, Spider 2/4 B
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