Woops, missed that Rot Shambler. But still, that's only 6 creatures that benefit from Hardened Scales right? How did you arrive at 18 Cicjose?
May 15, 2018 1:32 p.m.
Buckminsterfullerene says... #3
If you're planning on keeping Sporemound, Life and Limb would allow you to generate an arbitrarily large number of saprolings, provided that you can break the loop (which would go infinite and result in a tie).
May 17, 2018 2:08 p.m.
Vines of Vastwood would be great to save your Mycoloths or as a response to blocking.
May 20, 2018 1:18 a.m.
Thelon of Havenwood and Sprout Swarm are definitely in the conversation. Sprout Swarm becomes almost self-sufficient towards the lategame. You might also want to splash black for Fungal Infection and Slimefoot, the Stowaway. The latter of the two gives you a hedge against boardwipes and a second win condition. Slimefoot has immense synergy with Utopia Mycon.
Finally, Song of Freyalise is a way to anthem your team and alpha strike your opponent come lategame. It's probably too much of a Magical Christmas Land combo for modern, but so is Saproling tribal so maybe you want to tinker around with it...
May 30, 2018 1:31 p.m.
My biggest concern would be having no answers to anything, I would put Naturalize and other artifact/enchant hate in the sideboard for stuff like Ensnaring Bridge, and I would probably add some graveyard recursion in case of board wipes, or Heroic Intervention to save my board vs control.
June 12, 2018 12:50 p.m.
belugawhaleonthefloor says... #8
I would mainboard both Thallid and Hardened Scales bcus not having a turn 1 play in modern is kinda risky, especially since your deck is already so slow
June 29, 2018 1:27 p.m.
Haven't been playing this deck in the last month or so. My Magic buddy no longer comes over to play.
An LGS just recently moved nearby, so I'm going to see what the support for Modern there is there. To bad one of the other LGS I went to is closed and still in the process of finding a new location.
July 2, 2018 4:02 a.m.
GoblinsBeatElves says... #11
I think Thelon of Havenwood would be good here. He has good synergy with Sporesower Thallid, because Sporecrown puts counters on fungi that can’t actually use them (If you don’t get Sporoloth Ancient), like Yavimaya Sapherd. And if you ever wanted to splash black, he would also be good, although you’ve already stated that you don’t want to do that.
August 18, 2018 10:07 a.m.
Fungal Plots seems bad as a 3-of. It's ability is entirely redundant.
September 1, 2018 8:19 a.m.
Kjartan - Awhile back, when I was testing the deck out against one of my former Magic buddy's decks, it didn't show up enough. I originally had it as a two of, but since bumped it up to three.
October 15, 2018 5:34 p.m.
You have Font of Fertility in your sideboard and Rampant Growth in your maybeboard. I think the best option would be Sakura-Tribe Elder . While it's not a fungus it gives you a chump blocker and since it's a creature you'd be able to search for it with Adventurous Impulse , you would be able to tap it for mana with Song of Freyalise , you'd be able to exile it for a saproling with Fungal Plots , and sacrificing the elder would put a +1/+1 counter on your Rot Shambler .
March 3, 2019 10:35 p.m.
looks like a cool, super-budget deck!
i highly recommend Second Harvest with at least 2 copies for this deck! i really like this budget card for token strategies! :)
Cicjose says... #1
i mean you are running 18 creatures that benefit from Hardened Scales
May 15, 2018 12:51 p.m.