Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 466 | 200 COMMENTS | 59780 VIEWS | IN 227 FOLDERS

Darkshadow327 says... #3

Deck looks awesome! You'll have to take a look at my Dino EDH and leave your thoughts.

Awesome deck, good luck on moving up in rankings!

September 14, 2017 7:10 p.m.

TehGrief says... #5


Love the deck idea, love dinosaurs in general...

I notice that dinosaurs seem to have a large focus around ETB effects, so perhaps using cards such as;

These would all make for great synergy, especially with Verdant Sun's Avatar or Burning Sun's Avatar, and who doesn't want more tokens with stuff like Regisaur Alpha?

Just an idea! Though, I think it would be a powerful way to fully take advantage of all the ETB effects repeatedly.

September 15, 2017 10:25 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #6

TheWallinator74: I like both of them, but I am having a hard time taking cards out as it is. I had to make room for some good dinosaurs already. Any suggestions on what I should take out for Cream of the Crop and Sylvan Tutor? I already lost two lands and two acceleration cards (one of which was my Mana Crypt).

TehGrief: I noticed that too, however, it was hard to get to this point. So I don't know what I would take out for all those flicker cards. I like my combat cards and giving them double strike is fun. I also don't want anything less than 30 creatures since this is a heavy tribal theme.

September 16, 2017 9:15 a.m.

CardTyrant says... #7

TheWallinator74: I actually think I might drop Angelic Purge for Decimate. That looks really fun. :D

September 16, 2017 10:05 p.m.

GoingConcealed says... #8

The only thing I can think of, is to spend as much money on this deck as possible. You can't do a budget build, because then you can honestly say to your opponent "spared no expense".

September 21, 2017 12:27 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #9

GoingConcealed: Defiantly! And whenever someone does something that annoys me I will say "Clever Girl." lol. I do actually want to foil this deck out and get the promo cards of all the rares. I wouldn't mind getting the upcoming boarderless full-art lands from the next Un- set.

September 21, 2017 12:49 p.m.

A good "Hold on to your butts" and the occasional "SHOOOOOT HERRRRR" will be common place at your FNM.

September 21, 2017 1:09 p.m.

I almost feel like you should dress up like Jeff Goldbloom everytime you play this deck.

September 21, 2017 1:11 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #12

GoingConcealed: I would, but I actually have a hat that has Jurassic Park Security on it, and I always wear it. I'll have to think of some other good JP puns.

September 21, 2017 1:19 p.m.

Bxbx says... #13

Hi, deck looks pretty solid so far.

here are a few suggestions:

Maybe you should add even more dinosaurs to get more out of the Gishath trigger. You did not add any of the old 'beasts' and 'lizards' that got errata'd. Check them out here: https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2017/09/14-mtg-creatures-erratad-dinosaurs/

You could also consider some of the shapeshifters like Mirror Entity.

Duelist's Heritage is a nice card for multiplayer and it lets Gishath trigger twice. Take out True Conviction, Berserkers' Onslaught or Rage Reflection because I think you only need the extra trigger for Gishath and everything else is 'win more'. And their mana cost is too high.

Cryptic Gateway might be cool to get dinosaurs into play that would otherwise be stuck in your hand. Take out Genesis Wave. Yes, it's a commander allstar, but Gishath does already cheat your permanents directly into play and I'm not a big fan of having cards in your deck that have more or less the same effect as your Commander. The same is true for Lurking Predators.

Scroll Rack is great in this deck as a good 'draw' engine for naya and to manipulate the top of your library for Gishath. It's also a nice way to make use of needless dinsoraurs in your hand. You could take out one of the cards mentioned above.

Warstorm Surge and Where Ancients Tread let you finish the game in combination with the Gishath trigger but they let you control the board as well. That's why I prefer them over True Conviction, Berserkers' Onslaught, Rage Reflection, Aggravated Assault or Overwhelming Stampede.

For Ramp I would consider some of the land fetching sorceries like Kodama's Reach and Cultivate because they thin out the library for the Gishath trigger. They also help colourfixing considering that you're in naya. Maybe take out Drover of the Mighty, Keeper of Progenitus or Exploration (yes, it's a good card but you do not generate that much card advantage to make it really really good)

You should also consider Sylvan Library as a green allstar that is perfectly suited for this deck. Another option would be Mirri's Guile. You can leave the big dinosaurs on top of your library for Gishath and only draw the useful stuff. Take out Vanquisher's Banner because it costs too much and the hymn-effect isn't needed when you're already playing the big guys.

That's all for now. I hope that you find some of my comments helpful

September 22, 2017 5:51 a.m.

x12721 says... #14

Ambuscade? An instant speed one-sided fight spell should be great, especially with the massive power of dinos. It can also be used as a pseudo-double strike in combat if needed!

October 4, 2017 6:46 a.m.

CardTyrant says... #15

Shadow12721 - I honestly don't run any real fight cards. Yeah, Domri and Huatli have fight abilities, I'm not too worried about fighting other creatures. I'm actually worried more about trying to protect my creatures... just don't know what to take out for them. I like my combat tricks. Thought about getting rid of my cheat abilities since Gishath cheats very well. Some of my draw spells might go after I start playing. I know my acceleration package is complete and will not mess with it. The two tutors are good for top deck manipulation. So the fight cards are out, but I would like to get into the protection field.

October 4, 2017 7:37 a.m.

x12721 says... #16

In that case, I'd recommend Heroic Intervention.

October 4, 2017 9:13 a.m.

Bxbx says... #17

I think it's a good idea to cut your cheat cards because you're basically wasting card slots for an effect that your commander already provides. There is no need for redundancy (especially since tucking the commander doesn't work anymore). So you should take out Lurking Predators and Genesis Wave for the time being.

I'm not a fan of heroic intervention because it is a card that will be stuck in your hand being useless most of the time. Additionaly, it depends on your meta if it does work. In my meta for example there are a lot of sac effects or Cyclonic Rift.

In my naya deck I have made rather good experiences with Stranglehold as a very versatile and preemptive card that stops your opponents to search for the right answer for your threats. But this again depends on your meta game. In my meta there are a lot of black tutor effects.

A similar preemptive and versatile card that protects your expensive threats from getting countered would be City of Solitude.

October 4, 2017 11:06 a.m.

Bxbx says... #18

Also, you should really include Scroll Rack and Sylvan Library. Even if there was no additional syngergy with Gishath, Sun's Avatar they would be great. In my opinion, they should be staples in all naya decks because of the cardselection/-draw but in Gishath edh they are even better. I would even go so far as to say that they are the two best cards in the deck!

With Scroll Rack you can always put the useless dinosaurs from your hand on top of the library to 'draw' some fresh cards and then let Gishath cheat those dinosaurs directly into play.

Sylvan Library lets you line up your dinosaurs on top of the library until gishath is ready to hit. You can choose to only draw utility cards (ramp, removal) and lands as long as not all of the three top cards are dinosaurs. If you reveal no dinosaurs with sylvan library, but you want to hit with Gishath that turn, you can even increase your odds by drawing all three of the cards.

Additionally I would recommend to play a lot of the green land-fetching sorceries (Kodama's Reach, Cultivate, Farseek, Hunting Wilds, Skyshroud Claim, etc.) as your ramp package because they thin out the library for Gishath and have great synergy with Scroll Rack and Sylvan Library because they let you shuffle it.

These recommendations are based on the assumption that you really don't want to draw and cast the dinosaurs in this deck. Better cheat them into play and have your hand filled with support.

October 4, 2017 2:16 p.m.

Bxbx says... #19

My bad, I just saw that I already commented on your deck in the archives.

October 4, 2017 2:22 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #20

Bxbx - It's fine. I was never a huge fan of Scroll Rack or Sylvan Library. Don't get me wrong, they are good cards, just not my cup of tea. The accel package for this deck is really good. I do like it. I have almost no issues with mana when I test played it. If I were to play land fetching spells I would play spells that let me pick any land. Not just forest or basic lands. Once I have the deck in paper I will defiantly think more into the listed cards. The two cheat cards are cards up for change.

October 4, 2017 8:49 p.m.

mezz2296 says... #21

If you want protection, my only recommendation is Asceticism. It'll also regenerate creatures. As for what to take out. Settle the Wreckage is only good in really specific situations so mabye take that out.

October 7, 2017 3:50 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #22

Okay mezz2296, I like your style of thinking. :D Once I get the deck to 100% I will take out StW for Asceticism. The hexproof for all my creature and regenerate is not too bad.

October 7, 2017 4:27 p.m.

ndgipper says... #23

nice deck! how about Pyrohemia for triggering enrage? maybe also Drover of the Mighty for a 3/3 for two and ramp

October 9, 2017 9:25 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #24

ndgipper - I would run pyro but there is just not enough enrage dinosaurs. I did have Drover in there, but I opted to take him out to make room for other creatures.

October 10, 2017 5:41 a.m.

CardTyrant says... #25

ndgipper - I might put Drover back into the deck if I feel my ramp needs a boost. Might switch all my cards that make my dinosaurs cost less in their own category. That will free up 4 spots in my accel package. I would have to take out four cards. :/

October 10, 2017 9:09 a.m.

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