Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 466 | 200 COMMENTS | 59781 VIEWS | IN 227 FOLDERS

CardTyrant says... #1

WUBRG87 I am actually getting ready to switch over to Atla Palani, Nest Tender and add in Thornbite Staff and Ashnod's Altar . Gishath will be added to the 99.

September 8, 2019 7:02 p.m.

Too bad your deck doesn't have black for Rotting Regisaur

September 15, 2019 7:57 p.m.

Zifier says... #3

Are you still updating? Is the deck fun to play and somewhat competitive? I want to build it.

If you didn't have a budget, what changes would you make?

October 4, 2019 7:55 a.m.

CardTyrant says... #4

Zifier - I am still updating it with every new set. I just haven't been active with paper Magic. I am going to switch out Gishath for Atla Palani, Nest Tender and I will be adding in some tasty combos for her. I feel like the deck will be faster and more competitive. I have managed to pull some fast victories with this deck against Power 10 or 9 decks.

If I had no budget I would put the three original duel lands for sure and Mana Crypt. I don't know what else I would put in there.

I have all the cards to upgrade the deck, just too lazy to do it.

October 4, 2019 8:35 p.m.

Kaffe says... #5

Bookmarked the deck! Abselutly beastly, in its truest sence.

Though, rip my wallet

October 13, 2019 8:03 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #6

Kaffe Thanks. This is by far my favorite deck. I've been wanting to upgrade it and add Atla as the commander, but I love Gishath so much that I just can't bring myself to switch commanders.

October 16, 2019 5:37 p.m.

Kaffe says... #7

Hey. Have you considered adding Nessian Boar to the deck once TBD gets released? Nessian Boar + Smothering tithe + Gishath could be somewhat of a wombo combo really early

January 2, 2020 9:16 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #8

Kaffe - Unfortunately no. Nessian Boar is not a dinosaur, so it has not been considered.

January 5, 2020 3:37 p.m.

Brandino says... #9

have you considered rhythm of the wild?

January 12, 2020 6:41 p.m.

Ravenrose says... #10

Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip need to be added in and what sort of a dino deck does not have Star of Extinction?! It is too flavorful not to go in! Tectonic Instability is also something to consider.

Raven Rose

January 29, 2020 10:12 a.m.

Arcum_Dagsson says... #11

I think this list is great and am really looking forward to the changes you mentioned. Do you happen to have any sort of idea of when that might be, CardTyrant? Also have you ever considered doing a version of the deck if you had no budget? I think that would be very interesting to see.

February 20, 2020 2:42 p.m.

WUBRG97 says... #12

Hi CardTyrant

Awesome list, i have taken some notes for when i start retooling my own gishath deck.

But there are some inclusions I myself have experienced to be underwhelming and was wondering what you thought about them.

  • Bellowing Aegisaur: Does he work as occasional +1/+1 counter placements or do you have multiple activations when you use him. I myself find the occasional trigger to be underwhelming, and not doing much for 6 mana. And when i can use something like Pyrohemia he does not protect himself.

  • Burning Sun's Avatar: Have been very disappointed with this one, tough to cast due to its cmc and triple red. Bolting a creature and a player seems very limited for 6 mana, and even when its cheated into play it seems underwhelming for a card slot when something like Apex Altisaur could remove multiple threats. And a 6/6 without trample is underwhelming as well in my opinion :/.

  • Deathgorge Scavenger: How often do you meet graveyard decks, because without that interaction it seems very limited in its use.

  • Raging Regisaur: I have been on the fence with this, it is a very nice trigger on a dinosaur body. But the amount of enrage targets are limited and - at least in my meta, a 4/4 will rarely be able to attack anyone without dying to one of their larger blockers. Killing an X/1 is nice, but the difficulty of having it attack without dying is a bit tough.

  • Raging Swordtooth: Same case as above, but i like this less. It triggers only once, which means it needs a lot of setup for getting a lot of enrage triggers. An army of 1/1 seems uncommon, most token decks will have something to buff them. A possible swap could be Staff of Nin it gives card draw and a nice way to trigger enrage, although at a higher cmc and no way of cheating it into play.

  • Siegehorn Ceratops: How has this performed for you? I find it very hard to trigger it the first time with only 1 damage. And even if it gets buffed it is just a big beater without trample. I really like the card and want to include it, but its hard to justify.

  • Territorial Allosaurus: Is a 5/5 for 4 with a possible fight ability really worth it, feels there are better options available.

  • Trapjaw Tyrant: Have shown to be very risky. Some setup is required to trigger the enrage, and even if the problems are removed, they will come right back when the board is cleared. And then one have to take care of those problems again with an empty board.

And what do you think about some of these cards?

February 22, 2020 6:48 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #13

Wow! I have been really inactive with my pet deck. My bad everyone.

Brandino - Rhythm of the Wild is a heavy consideration. I have one sitting inside my deck holder. I just have yet to actually update the deck. Haven't had time to really play commander.

Ravenrose - Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip is a card I am on the fence with. It is an okay ramp spell in this deck, but I feel that it's home is in token decks where one can maximize it's power. Ask for your other two suggestions, I really try not to mess with other people's lands. Tends to make me a huge target in my experience.

Arcum_Dagsson - Thanks for the comment. Sadly I did not think making a budget version of this deck as this is my official paper deck list. I use TappedOut to keep track of my decks and what all cards are in it. I actually plan on updating the deck tomorrow as I am going to start playing commander on Sundays.

WUBRG97 - Thank you for the suggestions. I actually had Lurking Predators, Elemental Bond, and Samut, the Tested in the original deck. I took out Lurking for it has a high CMC and I rarely used it. Bond was taken out for it requires me to have a creature on the field and card draw is not a huge issue with this deck. Samut was dropped since I don't see enrage being reprinted anytime soon and I need more protection. I am thinking about adding Rhythm of the Wild and Aura Shards to the deck. Right now my main issue is keeping Gishath on the field. She tends to die a lot.

February 22, 2020 8:38 p.m.

kgmf says... #14

CardTyrant - Do you ever find yourself getting hated out of games because of your commander? At my LGS there's one player in particular that tries to get the other players to gang up on me when I play my dinosaur deck. I'm testing out things like Veil of Summer and Seedtime to try and protect myself. Also thinking of running Carpet of Flowers as there seems to always be someone playing blue. Interested in hearing your thoughts!

February 22, 2020 10:10 p.m.

Arcum_Dagsson says... #15

Thank you for getting back to me CardTyrant, I really appreciate it! So you don't have a "dream list" of sorts that you'd make if you had every card available? I know you have stuff in your maybe board that should be in the main board. Either way, I really like the deck list you made and look forward to you updating it.

February 23, 2020 1:01 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #16

kalfred16 - So for I haven't had any hate come my way. Most of my matches have been 1v1 with my wife. When I do go to the LGS, most people just combo off and beat everyone. No one really targets me, yet.

February 27, 2020 6:42 p.m.

kgmf says... #17

CardTyrant are you following spoilers for Ikoria? So many new dinos! Any you are excited about so far?

April 4, 2020 6:32 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #18

kalfred16 - There are actually a few. Quartzwood Crasher, Titanoth Rex, Yidaro, Wandering Monster, Zilortha, Strength Incarnate. I am also highly considering running Kaheera, the Orphanguard as a companion card and taking out everything that isn't a dinosaur. I am waiting to see what the boros companion looks like.

April 8, 2020 1:36 p.m.

kgmf says... #19

CardTyrant - Those are all the ones I'm thinking too. Giving all inos +1/+1 and vigilance would be pretty awesome. I'm thinking of adding Molten Echoes too for double dinos.

April 8, 2020 4:54 p.m.

Hey there! Big fan of your deck, even bigger fan of dinos!! Would you be willing to look at my deck and give me any pointers?

Jurassic World: The Indominus Strikes Back

Also, was curious, why not add Scroll Rack? I have it in my deck and it's a big help!

April 8, 2020 10:35 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #21

SpeedOfLightning - I don't run Scroll Rack because I cannot find one for cheap. The Cavern of Souls I run I was lucky and got it for only $30 thanks to a contest I won, and I was able to get a few other lands with it. I sure can look at your deck. :D

kalfred16 - Molten Echoes wouldn't be too bad. Shame a lot of my creatures are legendary or enter f

April 8, 2020 10:53 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #22

enter image description here

I jest - obviously. Very cool deck. I too am a big fan of the Dinos, but A giant 3 headed tyrannosaurs rex is way cooler than 1 beefy gurl t-rex who brings her friends to the party - if they can manage to show up - in my opinion. Honestly, I think your could utilize a little bit more top deck manipulation to fully take advantage of her ability. Congregation at Dawn and Worldly Tutor are an excellent start, but maybe a Mirri's Guile, Sensei's Divining Top, and/or a Scroll Rack (actually I see you're already considering it - awesome) are worth testing. The previously mentioned can help you dig deep and make more informed decisions on if you should swing with Gishath - or if you have a dino in hand you could have it positioned perfectly for a free play after your commander swings and gets some damage in. Also separately - Sword of Feast and Famine is just really good in an archetype where you want to always have access to big mana. Not required, but i've had alot of success with that card in my Zacama deck The Predator of Predators. Maybe you could take a look and clap back with some dino flavored graffiti/vandalism of your own? :) +1 from me. I hope you get to your 300 upvotes during this weird time of quarantine.

May 12, 2020 8:52 p.m. Edited.

CardTyrant says... #23

Thanks Mortlocke! Loved the Zacama gang vandalism! Made me laugh. I hope that was MSPaint and you used the spray can for that!

I love the suggestions. I honestly wanted to run Mirri's Guile, Sensei's Divining Top AND Scroll Rack in this deck; but the price of Guile and Rack really stopped me from buying them (YES I know I have Cavern of Souls, but I really hate control decks). Ask for SDT, I actually have one, BUT..... My wife refuses to let me have it out of her planeswalker deck (Thought about liberating it since she never plays the deck though). I don't run any swords in the deck for I have never really been interested in them. I know having one or two of them would most likely push the power level of this deck up, but I would rather buy them for my Mardu Knights deck where they will be better used (I'm a weird person who hates shifting cards around).

Thank you for the suggestions. I'll re-add Guile and SDT to my maybe list.

May 14, 2020 1:26 a.m.

kgmf says... #24

Mortlocke & CardTyrant - Mirri's Guile is a great one! I added Kaheera, the Orphanguard as a companion and had to take out all the human dino ramp cards, so I put in Sylvan Library. May need to add in Mirri's Guile as well though. Here's my dino list here: Clever Girl

May 14, 2020 1:43 a.m.

Aesatr says... #25

Hey, I've been playing my Gishath deck for a while, you can check my deck if you feel like it: EDH Dinosaurs

Some card suggestions I would give are:

Elemental Bond, its just like your Guardian Project

Apex Altisaur, big Dinosaur from a recent Commander Set

Time of Need, it's cheap to buy and can tutor you Ghalta, Etali etc

Mosswort Bridge, super easy to activate

Rishkar's Expertise, it's greedy, but it feels awesome when you play it

Hope this helps, feel free to give me any feedback on my list as well.

May 14, 2020 6:09 p.m.

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