Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 466 | 200 COMMENTS | 59780 VIEWS | IN 227 FOLDERS

Max_Hammer says... #1

Pretty gnarly deck! $700+ is a little rich for my blood, but still. That said, I mostly just want this comment tutorial to go away.

May 6, 2022 3:21 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #2

Max_Hammer - Yeah. >.> I've put way too much money into this deck. Thank you for choosing my deck to rid yourself of the comment tutorial. :D

July 8, 2022 7:41 a.m.

lhetrick13 says... #3

First off, love the deck list. I am in the transition from online to paper and looking at switching from modern to commander and this deck has been helping me with that transition. My modern Dino deck has some similarities but commander is so different with so much more to draw from…steep leaning curve!

I did want to ask, you have so much for draws in this deck but did you ever consider something like Descendants' Path? It is a little slow for modern but I thought it might fit well here.

November 25, 2022 10:52 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #4

lhetrick13: Thank you for the comment. As a filthy casual, I found commander really easy to get into. I would only play kitchen table with friends and family, sometimes going to prereleases. The only thing I found hard to grasp was commander damage. At home we don't even keep track of it.

Descendants' Path and Lurking Predators were considered for the deck but were cut because of space limitations.

November 26, 2022 6:53 p.m.

Ziusdra says... #5

Since you have shock lands, Ranger's Path and/or Three Visits might be a ramp spell you can get behind, since it doesn't require basic land types and you can fetch your shock lands right onto the battlefield tapped. Even if you don't need green, fetch the Temple Garden or Stomping Ground to expand your white and red mana. Better yet, Jetmir's Garden for when you can spend a few extra bucks on the deck again.

Also, no hideaway lands? I feel like all three of the hideaway lands in your colors would be easy to trigger by your deck, especially the Mosswort Bridge.

January 21, 2023 10:49 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #6

Hey CardTyrant,

What're your thoughts on Unnatural Growth? Given your primary strategy of getting triggers off your commander swinging with a 14/13 every turn would ensure it would rarely be challenged by blockers. The drawback of 4 green pips may be a challenge but at least your in naya.

Separately, there anything in All Will Be One you considering?

January 22, 2023 1:13 a.m.

CardTyrant says... #7

Ziusdra: I love Three Visits, if I find one, I'll definitely add it. Ask for Ranger's Path, it's mana cost is a bit high for me. I like ramp to be 3 or less as a personal rule now a days. Ask for the hideaway lands and Jetmir, they come in tapped and there is no way around it. Eventually I would like to get my hands on the original dual lands.

Mortlocke: I love Unnatural Growth. I have been thinking about playing it and a few more power increases like Xenagos, God of Revels. But if Ixalan gives me more good dinosaurs, I might not run Xenagos and go with pure dinosaurs so I can run Kaheera, the Orphanguard as my companion. So far nothing from One has really jumped out at me except for Tyrranax Rex. I am gonna get my hands on that. Not being able to be countered really got me since I hate blue and trample and toxic are nice. I eventually want to get Triumph of the Hordes so poison counters could be an alternative win con for me.

January 22, 2023 6:35 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #8


I remember when companion was first introduced Lutri, the Spellchaser was the topic of conversation - not companion itself which is a shame. I find the mechanic fairly "meh" as you can only place the companion into your hand once, and most of if not all of the companions aren't necessarily going to turn the tide of a game - if I recall correctly. I'd suggest you reconsider Kaheera, the Orphanguard and companion altogether as it's just a "win more" card/mechanic, also your commander already has Vigilance.

I too am enamored with Tyrranax Rex, it's essentially Phyrexia's answer to Questing Beast that happens to be a badass Dinosaur as well. I intend on getting a copy and putting in one of my own decks as well, but it's very much dedicated to Poison counters and proliferation. I suggest you try and include Poison as a subtheme - Triumph of the Hordes is a start, but also include the recently spoiled/leaked? Tyrranax Alpha: a Phyrexian Dinosaur with haste and Toxic 3 for printed at common. Also there's Grafted Exoskeleton and the recently spoiled Prosthetic Injector as well. Will your Dinos be covering their victims in Glistening Oil, or will it simply be some more of that strange oil?

January 22, 2023 4:21 p.m. Edited.

CardTyrant says... #9

Mortlocke: I can see what your saying about companions, but it's a free card in my mind. Kaheera would give my other dinos vig helping them out. But I do like having access to the cost reduction the humans of Ixalan give me. So I am still on the fence. Just gotta see what the depths of Ixalan give me.

I love Tyrranax Rex. It could have been anything. What sold me was the can't be countered. I have a burning hate for blue and not being able to play my stuff. I have considered running Grafted Exoskeleton. But I would only run Grafted if I added the power increase effects to the deck. I know after the next visit to Ixalan, it's gonna be hard really choose what to take out and what to add.

January 22, 2023 5:17 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #10

I was hoping to be the vote to get you to the Funny Number, but I hope someone else on TappedOut will seize the opportunity.

Cool deck!

February 13, 2023 5:39 p.m.

livingrock says... #11

Don't forget Noxious Revival. If Gishath trades, but does at least 1 damage, you can put her in the graveyard, then top of your library before her triggered ability goes off, so she comes back onto the battlefield. Also I get a lot of mileage out of Chaosphere since dinos don't have a lot of fliers.

April 20, 2023 8:47 p.m.

Profet93 says... #12

CardTyrant +1

Elemental Bond and Garruk's Uprising are both good draw sources. I read your description and understand that you are not a huge fan of draw. Let me ask you this, how often have you felt you lacked gas? If your deck doesn't run out of steam in it's current iteration, great. If not, they might be worth considering. Also note Rishkar's Expertise

Yavimaya Hollow - Protection (and politics)

Is Forbidden Orchard necessary given you are only playing 3 colors, one being green?

January 20, 2024 9:27 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #13

Profet93 Thank you for the questions and upvote. :D

To answer the question about drawing, I don't have an issue with gas so much since most of my dinosaurs have high mana costs. I don't really have a huge issue with drawing cards, but if I draw a dinosaur, Gishath cannot call on them later on because they are in my hand. The deck really revolves around Gishath and his ability to call on others when he deals damage. I have considered adding cards that allow me to return a card to the deck to draw a card. IF I get a second Rishkar's Expertise, I will be adding it to the deck in the near future.

Forbidden Orchard can be cut, I just haven't gotten around to it. A 1/1 spirit really isn't a threat to my deck as this deck has slowly become a dinosaur trample deck. So I can use the 1/1 spirit as a political tool if anything.

Yavimaya Hollow is an interesting suggestion. I tend to overlook 'regenerate' cards, just because it's not as used anymore, but I might switch out Orchard for the Hollow.

livingrock That is funny, having Gishath summon itself with Noxious Revival. However, since I play the deck almost entirely against my wife 1v1, she knows to block Gishath to where I can't get even a single card with its ability. I'm sure my LGS playgroup (if I ever get one) will also figure that trick out really fast since I almost always play dinos. Chaosphere is such a good card! My wife ran one in her planeswalker deck, even though I only have one deck that flies. If she ever takes the deck apart, that is one of two cards I have been eyeing.

Crow_Umbra Thanks for trying to get me there, but even if I did get there, I want more. I really like the fact that I've made a deck on TappedOut that people voted to the top of the list. It is something I brag about and am really proud of.

January 21, 2024 11:41 a.m.

Profet93 says... #14


i was surprised to see u add Seismic Monstrosaur. I remember you didn't want draw and this is expensive draw in every sense, but it is a Dino. Please let us know how your updates play out. These are great changes!

April 1, 2024 10:58 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #15

Profet93: It's only in case of an emergency cuz I have to sac a land. He's mostly in there for the trample, 6 CMC, and the ability to search for a mountain card if needed. Might actually cut it for the Vaultborn Tyrant when it comes out.

April 1, 2024 11:05 p.m.

kill3rklown says... #16

I'm very surprised I'm not seeing any comments. I love what you're doing! I just pulled an Annie joins up and as I'm building this deck I think I might add that as well. It is a Decent win-con especially with Gisthath. I'm upset to hear that the raptor and such isn't working. When I had this deck in MTG: Arena I had some stuff to do damage to my own creatures for that purpose (such as Rite of Passage with Rile).

July 16, 2024 4:59 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #17

kill3rklown: I appreciate the comment. :D I actually have a ton of comments for the deck, but I archive them so that people can see the more recent ones. I haven't been testing the deck out as much since I have been working on my Karlach squirrel deck. I was running Rite of Passage, but it got cut early on. If I did put it back in, I'd also want to add Vigor to do the same, but I don't know if I will because that's less room for dinosaurs. I have also started to make this deck into dinosaurs who have trample to deal with token decks.

[Edit]: if you go to the Archive right above your comment on the right hand side, you'll see all the old comments.

July 16, 2024 5:17 p.m. Edited.

kill3rklown says... #18

CardTyrant; Ahh.. I see xD. Sorry, I just got back into magic and the website itself quite recently :/. Okay yea that makes sense about the Rite of Passage and such. Also, I like the squirrel deck. Been seeing a lot of people getting into that recently. If you're worried about trample, Akroma's Memorial might be able to help amongst other things of course.

July 17, 2024 8:09 p.m.

kill3rklown says... #19

P.S. You also might want to consider Primal Surge

July 17, 2024 8:19 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #20

Thanks and welcome back kill3rklown. The two spells you recommend are pretty costly mana wise. I don't think I'd add them personally. Akrona's Memorial is great, but my dinos already come with trample. The protection is good with it, and flying is great. Just 7 mana I would like to cast dinos.

Primal is good too, two dinos for 9 mána, but I would rather run Finale of Devastation.

July 17, 2024 8:34 p.m.

kill3rklown says... #21

Lol, thank you CardTyrant. You've definitely put a lot of thought into this which is actually awesome. I'm trying to rack my brain to make this more competitive, but you're already on point to be honest. Sooner than later I'm going to make this deck and test it with my pod and see if I notice anything that can "up the ante". Sorry for the pointless suggestions so far xD. I'll be keeping up with this and add/suggest anything I think might help over time.

July 18, 2024 5:39 p.m.

kill3rklown says... #22

I wish I knew how to edit my comments after posting (if even possible), but, if you think about it, you only have 16 non-permanent cards. Primal Surge might still be worth it.

July 18, 2024 5:46 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #23

kill3rklown Your fine. Any suggestions are fine. No suggestion is useless in my mind as it creates a conversation and either I learn something or the other player learns something. I'm all about seeing all sides of an equation before solving. And what's not to say one day a useless suggestion will be useful.

If I ever pull a Roaming Throne or Annie Joins Up, they will definitely go into the deck.

July 18, 2024 6:11 p.m.

that_dude33 says... #24

What turn do you typically get Gish out? Not a lot of ramp in the list.

September 19, 2024 1:53 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #25

that_dude33: I can get Gishath out around turn 5-6 on average. I run 16 pieces of accelerates. I try to do cost reduction since Gishath will get removed a lot and the commander tax will kill me after one or two removals. I also find reduction helps me get my dinos out of my hand faster and more consistently then running a ton of mana forks. I would run more land ramp, but that is a shuffling preference as my deck is kinda hard to shuffle since it's double sleeved.

September 29, 2024 10:10 a.m.

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