Izzet Aggro for a T3/T4 Win!

Standard* KingFruitLoops


Mono-White-Man says... #1

Goblin Dark-Dwellers is a good fit for the surge mechanic.

January 15, 2016 10:25 a.m.

MAniACK_Magee says... #2

Finally, a Stormchaser Mage deck to remind me I'm not alone!

January 15, 2016 10:42 a.m.

KingFruitLoops says... #3

I am still considering it. The only drawback for Goblin Dark-Dwellers is the mana cost. For mid-late game, I'm sure this card can potentially excel but it does slow down the board development considerably as (aside from Jori En, Ruin Diver) all the cards in this deck can potentially be cast for two mana. Still his flashback effect can be a game changer... in the meantime I'll add him to the maybeboard and see if I can build a mid-game izzet control deck. Thank you for the suggestion Mono-White-Man!

January 15, 2016 10:48 a.m.

KingFruitLoops says... #4

@ MAniACK_Magee You're definitely not, I've seen what an evasive Monastery Swiftspear can do, and with the extra toughness Stormchaser Mage is a triple-threat! Now if Stormchaser Mage only had haste...

January 15, 2016 11:03 a.m.

Neko069 says... #5

There's no reason whatsoever to play Brute Strength instead of Titan's Strength

January 19, 2016 10:03 a.m.

KingFruitLoops says... #6

It's a bit of a test, I did consider Titan's Strength but I wanted to see if Brute Strength would work. Thus far it has helped given that I can punch through creatures but the two cost has slowed me down at times. I'm going to keep running Brute Strength and if it feels to be more bane than boon I will swap it for Titan's Strength. Thank you for your feedback Neko069!

January 19, 2016 10:14 a.m.

Neko069 says... #7

With Titan's Strength, you could go:

January 19, 2016 10:25 a.m.

KingFruitLoops says... #8

I just replicated your T1-T3 Neko069 and you're right, Titan's Strength is the right card for the job

January 19, 2016 5:59 p.m.

Neko069 says... #9

Glad it helped!

I believe the idea is to play surge spells, and act as fast as possible.

Hmm well, thinking about it, I'd guess that playing Day's Undoing is not correct in this deck. Yes, you get to recycle and start over. But at what cost? I'm quite sure you would prefer to cast something more after that. In that case (and, as I pressume, with so much graveyard), playing Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time will be better. You can delve its cost, draw more cards, and keep playing surge spells. That's something Day's Undoing won't do...

It's just a guess, but I'm positively sure it'll be better...it's your job to test it if you want! :)

Do not sell the card though. People haven't really realized its true power...

January 19, 2016 9:17 p.m.

I will definitely test Dig Through Time. Given the mana curve for the deck I should be more than able to cast it turn four or five. And I just realized where I recognized your name from, Of Demons and Dragons v2.0 helped inspire my current mardu deck! Keep up the great work Neko069

January 19, 2016 9:36 p.m.

Neko069 says... #11

PS: Since it's a monored-based deck, I'd include something like Crater's Claws or Fall of the Titans. Just 1, maybe 2. No more than that.

Monored-based decks usually win the 1st game no problem, but tend to die in 2nd or 3rd match against cards like Languish, Flaying Tendrils, Radiant Flames and so...

Basically what you try to do is to have a 'plan B' card. Is the match locked up? Have all your creatures been destroyed? Ok, then "...Fall of the Titans for 5 dmg to player. Game Over, good game. I win."

January 19, 2016 9:36 p.m.

Neko069 says... #12

hah, thanks for the kind words :)

I have changed my Of Demons and Dragons v2.0 deck, and I'll be playtesting it with a friend tomorrow. Basically, I'll add more Smothering Abominations and abuse their sac/draw game by playing creatures that come back from death, with Bloodsoaked Champion and Flamewake Phoenix. If it does work, I'll post updates soon!

January 19, 2016 9:43 p.m.

Looking forward to it!

January 19, 2016 10:09 p.m.

Neko069 says... #14

I just found something quite useful here..

Slip Through Space

January 22, 2016 9:05 a.m.

I added two to play test over the weekend and this card did work. Completely removes any need for trample.

January 25, 2016 11:02 a.m.

With over half your critters already having haste, I'd consider swapping Expedite out for Refocus. I'm working on a somewhat similar build, but with more burn, less counter, and Zada, Hedron Grinder to throw the combat tricks onto later. Looking for feedback: Burn, counter, kill: U/R Zada.

January 26, 2016 10:22 a.m.

That's a great suggestion TheFishisRound! I'll add it to my maybeboard until I get a chance to run it. And Zada, Hedron Grinder is a great card, especially for prowess triggers (a +1+1 pump in addition to replicating Titan's Strength to all your creatures) but the mana cost is too high for me. Turn four has to be a potential kill turn or smash, and I can't risk the creature development in place of a prowess pump/burn finish.

January 26, 2016 12:03 p.m.

Yea, people don't seem to be running Zada, Hedron Grinder, but the idea of drawing a card for each critter off of Slip Through Space seems like too much fun to pass up.

January 26, 2016 6:27 p.m.

I kid you not TheFishisRound I'm currently working on a Temur deck that uses Zada, Hedron Grinder in a similar fashion.

January 27, 2016 10:10 a.m.

Herman says... #20

You have to playtest Temur Battlerage in this. It amounts to 12 damage on either Monastery Swiftspear or Stormchaser Mage on turn 3.

January 27, 2016 10:21 a.m.

Thank you for the recommendation Herman, and I do swap it out on occasion. If it proves to be more reliable I'll make the appropriate changes.

January 27, 2016 4:06 p.m.

Herman says... #22

I am building a similar list, here is a link. Please have a look and comment. I have gone the Grixis route however, seeing as I think it gives a bit more grindyness whilst still being aggro enough for constant T4/5 kills. :)


January 28, 2016 3:11 a.m.

Herman After adding Temur Battle Rage I routinely [7 of 10 games] end up with a T4 kill. Usually goes like this:

T1- Shivan Reef Monastery Swiftspear 1 dmg -Opponent HP=19

T2- Mountain Stormchaser Mage /or Monastery Swiftspear Mage 1 dmg= 17 hp. Spear with a second spell 4-7dmg 15hp-12hp

T3- Titan's Strength Temur Battle Rage mage 15dmg = 2hp Spear 15 dmg = fatal.

T4- Slip Through Space mage 2dmg = fatal.

February 3, 2016 2:33 p.m.

Neko069 says... #24

Man, I was debating with a friend today as we're trying to play this here in LGS, and we found out a little problem that you might want to check...

See, your deck works awesome when you can play chinese boys on 1 or 2nd turn, so then you start triggering prowess, drawing cards, and making your opponent think of sideboard while you're striking almost for lethal...but what if you do not draw any of them in your initial hand?

When your initial hand contains Goblin Freerunner, Jori En, Ruin Diver or Reckless Bushwhacker, deck does NOTHING. It goes "Land...go" until you can drop some minion. And it does nothing because 90% of your instants/sorceries need a target, which comes, as stated before, in turn 3 or 4...we need to avoid this at all costs!

Besides, beware of surge costs, they're quite deceiving. One may say "I can definitely cast Goblin Freerunner for ", but that's a lie. For it to be casted by that cost, you need at least 3 mana (because you need to cast something beforehand). And if you don't have valid targets for your spells, then you're pretty screwed...

(I hope I'm being clear enough hahahah)

See, as an example, take this as an initial hand:

You won't be able to do anything up to turn 3, in which you'll cast a 3/2 creature which does nothing up to turn 4. By turn for you'll have to face a Siege Rhino and it will be impossible to win...

So, taking all of this on account, I arrived to the conclusion that you need more turn 1 creatures. They are surge enablers, they are early drops, they are fast...they're what you need.

The obvious change here is



Other not-so-violent but interesting options include:

I'd definitely go for Zurgo Bellstriker. He's not expensive at all, might be at 2 bucks by now, and trust me, it will change your deck in an amazing way ;)

February 3, 2016 10:04 p.m.

Herman says... #25

If your hands looks like the example you have given, then you mulligan. It is an aggressive deck and you MUST have either a Monastery Swiftspear or a Stormchaser Mage in your opening hand, or else you mulligan. The deck is grindy enough with 4 copies of Treasure Cruise which I usually cast effortlessly on T4 if I failed to killed my opponent by then. I agree on one point though and that is that Goblin Freerunner doesn't belong in this deck. I personally opted for Elusive Spellfist since it has pseudo Prowess and Unblockable, and I find him to be a great threat that has to be removed due to the easy activation of that Unblockable. I just want to mention that this deck doesn't care about Siege Rhino because of the flying on Stormchaser Mage as well as the Unblockable triggers on both Slip Through Space and the Elusive Spellfist that I play. This deck is amazing once streamlined, although I have to admit, it doesn't like to mulligan, but then again, which deck does.

February 4, 2016 7:57 a.m.

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