As I playtested this yesterday (yes, I'm totally playing this in my town), I feel like you can't do 2) if you don't have 1), this leads to no 3) and thus you end up doing 4)
Check it out and see it for yourself! :)
February 4, 2016 10:29 a.m.
KingFruitLoops says... #3
Put them in the wrong order lol, yeah, I've run into this issue before. The third game I played I had to mulligan down to five and then just yielded entirely because both hands had me hard casting my surge goblings. I'm thinking about going with Zurgo Bellstriker because he brings an incredible amount of early threat to the board.
February 4, 2016 10:35 a.m.
WeWhoSaidWhat says... #4
I want to like Goblin Freerunner, I really do. The issue is, however, that if you cannot activate his surge cost, he is pretty much a dead card. Even if you can, he doesn't have haste, and while Menace is a great ability, he could be easily blocked by a couple of tokens.
Instead, I'd give him up for some other worthwhile 2CMCs. Mardu Scout has some great evasion, and could benefit greatly from a Slip Through Space or Temur Battle Rage. Most board-wipes in the meta right now are at Sorcery speed, so in the event that yours should be wiped, Mardu Scout will allow you to continue laying on some pressure.
Zurgo Bellstriker is another, cheaper option in lieu of Scout.
You mentioned Elusive Spellfist as a substitute, and I find this one to be the most useful substitute. He(?) isn't as big as Freerunner, but unblockable trumps Menace nearly all the time.
Stratus Dancer is another viable alternative. At face value, its another flier to contend with, but it allows for some extra control should you flip it, AND it makes it just as big as Freerunner while being arguably more evasive. This does come at the price at five mana though. Luckily, it can be saved for when you don't have a counter in-hand.
Finally, for extra control, you could substitute Freerunner for a simple Turn to Frog. Nothing like polymorphing an Eldrazi Titan into a chump-able amphibian and blocking with a measly mage.
February 4, 2016 12:11 p.m.
Turn to Frog is genius for the sideboard vs Eldrazi Ramp, which is a very prominent deck at the moment. Love it.
February 5, 2016 1:34 a.m.
WeWhoSaidWhat says... #6
I'd run Kozilek's Return over Fall. Hits everything, and most of your relevant creatures will be unaffected.
February 5, 2016 8:52 a.m.
KingFruitLoops says... #7
Thank you all for your suggestions! I'll try adding in some Turn to Frogs when I go to my friends house. WeWhoSaidWhat I did think about Kozilek's Return but what I needed was a straight punch to the face that could burn for 4 dmg and higher. As Neko069 stated previously, Game one wins typically go to aggro decks, but in the 2nd or 3rd games it becomes increasingly difficult to get the kill on someone. Fall of the Titans allows me the option of pushing all out and then burning them for 4/5/6 dmg for the win.
February 5, 2016 10:15 a.m.
KingFruitLoops says... #8
Also an update, Zurgo Bellstriker and Reckless Bushwhacker single-handedly won me a few games. In one game I was able to outrace a g/r aggro with both of my bushwhackers pumping an abbot and then titan's into a rage. I was at 4hp and my friend was at 12. Ended it on T6.
February 5, 2016 10:44 a.m.
KingFruitLoops says... #9
I added some Turn to Frogs to my sideboard and ran them against a Grixis Eldrazi aggro this weekend. They did work. I also had the immense pleasure of going up against a g/r dragons and turning a plus +1 Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker into a frog and having my Stormchaser Mage eat it.
February 8, 2016 1:29 p.m.
WeWhoSaidWhat says... #11
The Dig Through Times and Anticipates work well in most blue decks, but not so much in this one. I'd recommend moving some Dispel to mainboard in place of the Digs. Nothing worse than a instant removal on your pumped attacker. Dispel is cheaper as well, and will trigger prowess again before damage. If it's card advantage you need, run Treasure Cruise instead.
So: -2 Dig Through Time for 2 Dispel
-3 Anticipate for either 3 Treasure Cruise or Roast
Add some more removal in sideboard or Sure Strike in place of the mainboarded Dispels
February 11, 2016 9:56 a.m.
WeWhoSaidWhat says... #12
Ah. You already removed Dispel from sideboard. I would still recommend at least 2.
February 11, 2016 9:57 a.m.
KingFruitLoops says... #14
I'm contemplating on placing Gift of Tusks into the sideboard in favor of Turn to Frog, thoughts?
February 11, 2016 5:40 p.m.
KingFruitLoops says... #15
And I added Dispel to the sideboard, I have only ever used Anticipate once with this deck... in several weeks.
February 11, 2016 5:41 p.m.
WeWhoSaidWhat says... #16
Had a guy at our GameDay make it top 4 with some success with Mage-Ring Bully and Stratus Walk. I don't recommend Bully, but Walk is decent
KingFruitLoops says... #1
Thank you Neko069 and Herman for your input! And yes, both of you are correct. Out of the 10 games I played at our own FNM (we don't have a magic retailer where I live so about 15 to 20 of us get together and throw our own local tourney) the three games that I lost were because of:
1) No haste prowess opening hand.
2) No surge mechanic to trigger
3) No Cantrips.
4) Hard casting Goblin Freerunner
I will be taking both of your suggestions into consideration and I'll be revising my deck once I get off of work. There should be some updates tonight or tomorrow morning.
February 4, 2016 10:20 a.m.