The deck definitely looks I interesting for an aggro build. I honestly feel like you need at least 2 more land. I built a deck similar and kept getting mana screwed.
So, meat and potatoes:
Zada, Hedron Grinder looks good on paper but you really dont need it to win
Sure Strike is a tbeautiful card to get ahold of.
Roast makes for some great removal
Rolling Thunder helps for late game burn to help.end the game
You are johney on the spot with Zurgo Bellstriker. He needs to be at least a 2/3 of
Maybe look into Shaman of the Great Hunt
I have more possible suggestions, but im on my phone so its getting hard to go back and forth :) I can post more if you are interested later, on a conputer. Good luck!
January 27, 2016 1:43 p.m.
AndWelcomeToTheJam says... #4
I would start by diversifying the manabase a bit. You can take advantage of the fact that you dont have hardly any cards with dual color mana costs (most just have either one or one
). I really like Sea Gate Wreckage, it helps fuel you when you run out of steam. I also think Looming Spires is decent here; it's basically a free spell. About creatures, I believe Jori En, Ruin Diver is exceptional, especially in combination with Dimensional Infiltrator. With Jori, you almost always have something you can bounce to the hand to get the trigger. Without Jori, you just have a 2/1 flyer with pseudo-hexproof for
, and you only currently have 4 sources of
anyway. Also consider Goblin Dark-Dwellers. It's a good top end body with menace that can grab back a spell to clinch the game. For a look at a similar list, check mine out: Izzet What I Think It Is?.
January 27, 2016 2 p.m.
KreepingShadow says... #5
Thank you hawk393 and AndWelcomeToTheJam. I'll definitely take a look at the lands, I don't think it'd hurt the deck too much to remove the 2 Dragon Fodder to make room for 2 more lands. I'll add one each of the Looming Spires and Sea Gate Wreckage and test a bit, if I feel it needs it I can always replace more Island or Mountain with additional copies. As for Zada, Hedron Grinder I completely agree, that is meant as a sideboard card for longer match ups, but when you do get a combo going with it it's a game-ender. I'll definitely look into Sure Strike as a main-board add. Rolling Thunder seems like it'd be great in the sideboard but Fall of the Titans may be able to fill that role as well. Shaman of the Great Hunt is definitely being added at least to the sideboard, if not as a 1-of to the mainboard I didn't even know this card existed. Yes it's a 4-drop but so is Zada and it would synergize well with Slip Through Space or any creature with evasion.
I never even noticed the synergy between Jori En, Ruin Diver and Dimensional Infiltrator, and now that you mention that Zurgo Bellstriker can even play into that with its dash ability allowing me to recast it along with any buffs each turn. Maybe I'll move Jori to a mainboard slot.As for Goblin Dark-Dwellers I actually do own a single copy of this card and considered placing it in the deck but thought that the high cost might undermine the intent of the deck, though it does almost play like a more expensive Snapcaster Mage but with a much more formidable body, so it may be worth looking into again, just not sure what to cut for it.
Thanks again for all of the advice, I will update the decklist.
January 27, 2016 6 p.m.
KreepingShadow says... #6
Alright, changes made.
Main board
- -1 Island
- -1 Mountain
- -3 Dragon Fodder
- -1 Expedite
- -1 Zada, Hedron Grinder
- +1 Looming Spires
- +1 Rogue's Passage
- +1 Sea Gate Wreckage
- +1 Skyline Cascade
- +1 Jori En, Ruin Diver
- +2 Sure Strike
Sideboard changes
- -2 Dispel
- -1 Turn to Frog
- a few other things I can't remember atm
- +1 Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh Flip
- +1 Goblin Dark-Dwellers
- +1 Negate
- +1 Rolling Thunder
- +1 Shaman of the Great Hunt
- Moved Zada, Hedron Grinder to side
Let me know what you think of the changes or if you can think of anothing else to add or remove.
January 27, 2016 8:10 p.m.
Deadenglish says... #7
Hey, Good to see its doing well, thank you for showing me.
January 30, 2016 6:07 p.m.
KreepingShadow says... #8
Took this to a game-day event and I feel it did OK but it's definitely in need of some tuning.
Played against 4-color collected company deck my first match up and just got stomped, he just seemed to have an answer for every move I made.Second match was a mirror and a lot more interesting. First game he won very quickly, hit a combo for 14 damage on turn 6 or 7. Second game he won again but it was a much more drawn out game and came down to me risking casting a Slip Through Space and banking on drawing a spell vs holding back blockers, I felt the more aggressive option fit Izzet better and left him with a life total of 1. Third match up was against a 4 color ally deck that this build just steamrolled. Won 2 games within 12 minutes of the round starting.
I'm going to remove Zurgo Bellstriker, Dimensional Infiltrator and Jori En, Ruin Diver altogether. As much as I like the idea of the card draw combo with them both Zurgo and the Infiltrator just felt like dead draws most of the time when I pulled them. As much as I enjoy playing Jori En I just don't feel there is enough synergy without those other 2 creatures to justify it. So for now my replacements for those creatures will be an additional Zada, Hedron Grinder, 3x Elusive Spellfist, 2x Mage-Ring Bully and a single Abbot of Keral Keep, the Bullies will be replaced with 2 more Abbots as soon as they arrive.
I'm considering adding either Unnatural Endurance or Touch of Moonglove to the mainboard as combat tricks but I'm unsure what to slot out. Another card brought to my attention by the first match up was Kolaghan's Command which seems like it'd be very powerful as a 2-of sort of toolbox card. Again not sure if it'd fit but it's an idea. Also Dig Through Time seems good, but I think Treasure Cruise is still the better choice.
Anyway, let me know if you agree with these changes or if there happens to be anything else I'm missing.
February 16, 2016 3:31 a.m.
Still not a big fan of Zada, Hedron Grinder And still love Scab-Clan Berserker. Though I like "party boat" better I feel like Dig Through Time is better in the deck. Jori En, Ruin Diver is still a good card to have in the deck. Reckless Bushwhacker is beautiful if you are looking for more aggro guys and don't mind the surge cost.
February 17, 2016 1:15 a.m.
KreepingShadow says... #10
Thanks hawk393, I do think Scab-Clan Berserker would be an interesting choice, it could be particularly punishing to control players or mirror match-ups. With Slip Through Space it shouldn't be difficult to gain the renowned trigger either. I'll do some testing swapping in berserker and Jori En, Ruin Diver as 2-of in the slot used up by Zada, I may be over-valuing Zada as a finisher here. Reckless Bushwacker looks nice but all of the other options for that slot have multiple-use effects so I'm not sure it's the right choice. I'll also test using varying amounts of Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise
jl337 says... #1
KreepingShadow Welcome back to Magic! I have also come back into the scene 8 months ago after not playing for almost 20 years.
I've been working on a deck that has a similar build but splashed in green (keeping some of the nice Atarka Red in place). I will be taking it this weekend to FNM to test it out. Maybe it will give you some ideas. Power sURGe
January 27, 2016 10:53 a.m.