"Each deck has a spark - no matter what colors, playstyle, or cost -. The spark may try to turn into a blazing wildfire early on or maybe later on. But no matter wherever or whenever the spark turns into a blaze. The spark is doused. Then, out of the ashes, lies a new spark. This is the spark of the Izzet League."
Izzet - Blue & Red, Red & Blue
Blue - Cunning, Wits, PatienceRed - Quick, Aggressive, Aggro
I believe that Izzet is both early, mid, and late-range. First, there lies a pale of water. The pale of water is used to douse the opponent's on coming flare. Yet there is also a match and some candles. The match and the candles are used to take out anything. Yet later on as the pale of water and matches go unwatched, undisturbed, there comes the deluge and the wildfire.
It's simple really!
First, Counterspell, Mana Leak, and so forth douse the opponents on coming flame. In addition, anything that avoids the water gets burned by a Lightning Bolt or Mizzium Mortars. Yet later on, your own spark flares. Bonfire of the Damned
spreads the wildfire. Brainstorm
Devastation Tide
ends the opponent's any last hopes to spark their flame.
Here's the breakdown.
Mana Leak, Counterspell, and Dissolve are simply the pales of water.
Lightning Bolt and Mizzium Mortars are the matches and candles.
Bonfire of the Damned and Thunderous Wrath symbolize the blazing wildfire.
Devastation Tide (RIP and Temporal Mastery RIP) represents the thundering deluge.
After the deluge and wildfire, however, comes rebirth. Or at least, the rebirth of my creatures...
Now, some combos.
Brainstorm : The card is banned in modern (I substitute it for the inferior Serum Visions or well-balanced Gitaxian Probe for Modern tournaments). It plays well with this deck despite the utter lack of fetchlands and so forth; however, Miracles can be easily set up from your hand or from anywhere with Brainstorm. In addition, Temple of Epiphany can substitute for the lack of Preordain.
Bonfire of the Damned + Brainstorm
Thunderous Wrath
Temporal Mastery
Devastation Tide
Temple of Epiphany
R.I.P.*Galvanoth : The card's ability receives tons of criticism from my friends. To be honest, I'm thinking of ditching it, too; nonetheless, casting my most mana expensive cards for free is great. Although, my most mana expensive cards are Miracles...
Charmbreaker Devils: A quick and hasty decision to add this before FNM.
Spellheart Chimera: On so many occasions, this one creature has stepped on the battlefield and just been taken out with a Lightning Bolt and so forth. At the same time, it has survived and attacked for lethal.
Guttersnipe: This has been the savior of so many - too many in fact - good and bad matches. The opponent starts laughing when you cast a Guttersnipe while they're at 20 and your at 4. But - and I know from experience - that they're laughter dies out quickly. In the next turn, your deluge has become a tsunami; your wildfire gone national. From 20, they find themselves at a staggering 11 then 0.
Keranos, God of Storms : Brainstorm - as always - has proven to be lethal with Keranos, God of the Storms. Although the Izzet God has never been worshiped enough to take the form of a 6/5 Indestructable Creature, Keranos, God of the Storms has performed perfectly on do-or-die occasions (which are - unfortunately - not occasional).
Questions, Comments, Suggestions, and Upvotes Welcome.