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Izzet Artifact: Juggernaut is the Third Wheel

Modern Aggro Artifact Budget Casual UR (Izzet)


(Edit: Oh noes! I replaced Juggernaut with Lodestone Golem! Now my title needs to be changed to Lodestone Golem is the third wheel! Ehh, Juggernaut sounds better. Whatever.)

This deck was inspired by a round I played with the Izzet Artifact Intro pack from M15, Flames of the Dragon, where I played an Ensoul Artifact on an Ornithopter on turn 2 to get a 5/5 flier. It was fun.

Now that idea has been improved into this deck.


Ornithopter: A target for Ensoul Artifact and Shrapnel Blast.

Shrapnel Blast: Kills a lot of things for little mana. Also works well with Scuttling Doom Engine to deal 11 damage to a player in one swing.

Ensoul Artifact: 5/5 flier attacking on turn two (Ornithopter)? 5/5 indestructible creature tapped on turn two (Darksteel Citadel)? This card is pretty sweet.

Scuttling Doom Engine : 6/6 for six with natural evasion that has a penalty for the opponent when it dies. Usually what the deck is trying to ramp to.

Darksteel Citadel: Indestructible land that works with ensoul and shrapnel blast.

Lodestone Golem: A four drop with five power is very useful in this deck. This card used to be Juggernaut , but then I found Lodestone Golem and realized that making my opponent's life harder is good. Also, the only card in my deck it generally affects is Shrapnel Blast, which at that point in the game an extra colorless doesn't matter as much for me.

Generator Servant : Good ramp for the haste. A two-of.

Springleaf Drum: Good ramp and mana fixing. A four-of.

Renowned Weaponsmith : This guy used to be Chief Engineer . Then he was spoiled. Now he's him. Yeah.

Swiftfoot Boots: Hexproof is extremely useful in a deck like this that can be ruined by spot removal. Considering adding more of these.

Aqueous Form: Unblockable 6/6s and 5/5s generally good here. Also scry is a great added bonus.

Lightning Bolt: Sometimes finishes the opponent off if the damage hasn't quite added up from the other cards, but is mostly there to get rid of cheap important creatures of my opponent's and kill chump blockers.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 62
Avg. CMC 2.03
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