Izzet Burn

Standard ansgard


ansgard says... #1

Her first FNM ever and she just missed top 8 by one win!

March 22, 2014 6:26 p.m.

Wwwskyler says... #2

I'm actually in the process of making an izzet deck and I have been researching a lot of different builds for izzet in this deck you seem to have a little bit of everything so I have two questions first what do you like in this deck like what is your favorite thing to do because your personal preference means a lot when it comes to building a good deck my second question is what is your budget for this deck

March 22, 2014 6:43 p.m.

Troommate says... #3

Respect first FNM getting anywhere near top 8 is good +1.

-2x Pyromancer's Gauntlet Sideboard

-2x Steam Augury

-1 Counterflux

+1 Young Pyromancer

+2 Shock

just some suggestions to get back to 60 cards.

March 22, 2014 6:49 p.m.

ansgard says... #4

@ Wwwskyler The budget for this deck was not that bad I might have spent $40-50. Most of that was to get the shock lands Steam Vents but other than that just asked around and traded for the rest I didn't have. Had a few friends that needed some cards so it just kinda worked out. As for what I like most about this deck is how fast it can be and there are a few different win cons burn them down with whatever as fast as possible. Then AEtherling is a win all by his self. You can also try to control the field with burn to just get the right combo with Young Pyromancer and Master of Waves making elemental tokens while Purphoros, God of the Forge is in the field each token is 2 dmg to each opponent.

March 22, 2014 7:15 p.m.

ansgard says... #5

@ MightyMM1 Thanks for the input I had a few questions though any Idea what to replace Pyromancer's Gauntlet for in the side deck?and Steam Augury seamed to help a lot when you were searching for a card especially if you already had a Spellheart Chimera in play already. But yes I do think i should cut down to 60 cards

March 22, 2014 7:21 p.m.

Wwwskyler says... #6

Yea I do think that combo between the tokens and perferos is great I guess I honestly do not like goblin electromancer that mutch I guess I don't think it's all that great I think it could turn into a second aetherling and I guess another burn spell

March 22, 2014 7:24 p.m.

Troommate says... #7

Think Pyromancer's Gauntlet is a bit mana costly and slow.

You have a good point with Spellheart Chimera .

would -2x Fated Conflagration 3 Red requirements,rather a listing of the smaller

burn spells to rack up the Spellheart Chimera .

March 22, 2014 7:27 p.m.

Wwwskyler says... #8

I guess in the sideboard you could probobly replace the pyromancers gantlet and I think the opertunity could probobly go as we'll but I think gainsay would work I seen it sideboarded in the Gand Prix all the time in mono blue decks but I think they could see play here

March 22, 2014 7:28 p.m.

Troommate says... #9

Or could cut Goblin Electromancer better to Magma Jet or Young Pyromancer turn 2.

March 22, 2014 7:29 p.m.

ansgard says... #10

I think the only reason I put in Goblin Electromancer is for the blue devotion for when Master of Waves comes out to get more Elemental tokens that and its nice to have the possible combo of Skullcrack for one red with a Guttersnipe out makes it 5 that cant be prevented with out a counter.Yea the Fated Conflagration and Pyromancer's Gauntlet are a bit much I think I will look to replace what do you think about 2x Chandra's Phoenix

March 22, 2014 7:39 p.m.

ansgard says... #11

I think I will put a few Gainsay in the side deck just because there are alot of W/U control going around right now.

March 22, 2014 7:42 p.m.

Troommate says... #12

Chandra's Phoenix could be a great addin with the large amount of instant burn.

March 22, 2014 7:42 p.m.

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