You can check out my Izzet deck if you like: Nivix-magus Sniper. I'd say drop Tablet of the Guilds all together since it slows your deck down and izzet is about being fast. Other than that, you've got the right idea. You have counter-spells, unsummons, and burn spells which is exactly what you want.
One thing you want to think about when building any deck is what exactly your overall win strategy is. You want all your spells to serve more than one purpose. You can use spells as exile fodder for Nivmagus Elemental and as burn with Guttersnipe and as buffs Nivix Cyclops (who I would highly recommend you add).
June 3, 2013 7:35 p.m.
VinylScratch says... #4
I think i will keep the Tablet of the Guilds they really do keep me alive long enough to get something good on those close games. I do have a couple Nivix Cyclops ' which i guess i never read closely enough to realize is pretty good. Now im at the problem of what should i take out for Nivix Cyclops .
June 3, 2013 7:49 p.m.
you could replace Tablet of the Guilds for Elixir of Immortality it not only gives life gain but it puts all those nice instances and sorcires back from the grave and into the deck. The Elixar is also coming back in M14. I'd also replace the Goblin Electromancer with something a bit more viable along with replacing Mugging for a burn spell.
June 12, 2013 2:31 p.m.
InfamousPie says... #6
Unsummon , Mizzium Mortars , and Izzet Charm are good, cheap and can still benefit late-game.
June 14, 2013 11:33 p.m.
InfamousPie says... #7
Oops didn't see you had mizzium mortars in already. Sorry!
June 14, 2013 11:34 p.m.
VinylScratch says... #8
unsummon is gonna be illegal in standard soon, and izzet charm sucks (counter is easily counter countered with 2 mana, 2 damage... for 2 mana, i could use mugging then they cant block for endgame, hey imma draw 2 cards now what i gotta discard them)
thanks for the suggestions anyway :3
June 19, 2013 2:21 a.m.
Izzet Charm is WAY stronger than you're giving it credit for. sure they can prevent your counter, but if you're in a control matchup, it may force them to tap mana so you can get stuff out next turn. or what if you're playing against an aggro deck that HAS to have one more creature or it loses? charm to counter oops you're already tappedout.
the damage is still very good, can finish off big things you've been burning on, or killing a utility creature.
As for the card draw, being able to filter is more useful than you're allowing. early game, you can pitch late game cards for more things you need now. late game, you can pitch unneeded lands for more spells.
I've only been playing grixis for 6 months and use Izzet Charm in EVERY game i play. but you know... my 2 cents ;)
September 28, 2013 3:04 p.m.
InfamousPie says... #10
Wow. that comment was ages ago. Let me explain my reasoning back then. Unsummon is a solid card, that was available at the time I commented. I wasn't taking theros into account because it wasn't spoiled back then. I was using what was viable at standard at the time, to make the deck potentially stronger, not PR ready. Izzet Charm is a utility card, even if it is 2 for 2. you can deck thin, kill a weenie, or counter a potential threat. Most decks usually leave 1 or 2 mana open for counterspells and such. Another thing you could do with it is discard cards with Flashback, so you get draw, and keep the spells. however Izzet Charm won't do in this deck, because of the scry cards in theros, and Flashback is out of standard. ThatMagma Jet you got in the deck right now is a great card, that in my opinion is a better card. Deckthin, and damage at the same time, all for the same cost.
As of right now, I can Potentially give you a few suggestions.
Assuming this deck is competitive, Take Tablet of the Guilds
out and either more scry cards or more Cyclonic Rift
s / Mizzium Mortars
. Yes, Life gain is good, but speed/utility is more important than 2 or 3 free life a turn. Assuming it's good against your meta, then keep it in. Theros influences a slightly slower meta so it's still beneficial.
Cards to consider for competitive play.
Triton Tactics
Curse of the Swine
Dragon Mantle
Titan's Strength
note Your creatures are pretty good, some people are touchy about Goblin Electromancer
but its pretty under-rated. it's as close as ramp U/R gets.
Assuming this deck is Casual
It's Pretty damn solid. Keep it up.
Once again, this is just an opinion so do as you please :)
September 28, 2013 4:25 p.m.
VinylScratch says... #11
Thanks for the suggestions! One thing I have grown to love in this deck was Artful Dodge that unblockable is crazy good with Nivix Cyclops, plus the flashback was great. The thing is now i have to substitute with teleportal and that cost more and essentially cuts my unblockables in half. I was thinking about putting in 4 Aqueous Form in place, my only problem is that it isnt an instant or sorcery so i loose a bunch of cool effects I could get from artful dodge. Should I keep teleportal or go with aqueous form?
September 29, 2013 11:40 a.m.
InfamousPie says... #12
If you keep Teleportal , the deck has more synergy, hence potentially doing more damage.Aqueous Form makes it easier to deal damage, but reduces the deck's overall synergy. I would playtest the deck with each of them, and keep the one you like better. Im hoping for some better stuff in journey into the nyx. Ill mess around with both and give you feedback.
September 29, 2013 8:33 p.m.
VinylScratch says... #13
I just changed a ton of stuff in this deck ill update it tomorrow.
September 29, 2013 9:58 p.m.
I like it I used to run something very similar however you are missing one of the best things about blue the Counters I would get rid of the Goblin Electromancer since you have nothing over nothing over 1 colorless and overloading Teleportal early will do nothing for you. I do like Nivmagus Elemental but I think you could do with some more control. hope this helps you out.
September 30, 2013 11:10 a.m.
VinylScratch says... #15
I have this thing against counter spells. Its just that when you have a counter in your hand you HAVE to keep 3 mana open, and if they dont do anything worth countering you just completely wasted 3 mana. In a deck like mine i can play ANYTHING in it for 3 or less so that 3 mana is super important. Thanks for the suggestion thought, I really appreciate it! Also, I already update it so this is my current version of my deck.
September 30, 2013 11:21 a.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #16
Instead of Tablet of the Guilds , id throw in some Young Pyromancer s for a simple defense to go along with all the instants and sorceries. Also, are you aware that Goblin Electromancer will only make 6 of your spells cheaper?
September 30, 2013 9:27 p.m.
VinylScratch says... #17
Good point Zimmers_0 thanks a ton! Ill replace my Electromancers with Young Pyromancers! I'm still reluctant to get rid of my Tablet of the Guilds, but if something was good enough I might trade it out.
September 30, 2013 9:40 p.m.
Tablet of the Guilds is a very underrated card. it can hold the game 5 or 6 more turns
October 20, 2013 12:47 a.m.
I like the way you're thinking. I've been trying to make Izzet relevent in standard for a little while now and what I've come up with is called Guttersnipe Blitz. Take a look if you have the time.
Saljen says... #1
You're a bit heavy on the creature spells for an Izzet deck. I'd drop Lobber Crew and Nivix Guildmage completely because they don't really fit and dont add much to the deck. I'd also drop Melek, Izzet Paragon and Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius to 1 each (If you plan to keep them). Also, there is almost no scenario where you want to run more than 22 mana in an Izzet deck. Izzet is about fast cheap spells and creatures.
Another thing you want to take into an account is that any time you run more than 60 cards in your deck, every single card in your deck has a smaller chance of being drawn. Ideally you want exactly 60 cards to have the best draw chance for your strategy to play out properly. If you make the changes I suggested it will put you at 61, drop Tablet of the Guilds to 3 and you're @ 60 and it will help the deck a ton!
June 3, 2013 7:17 p.m.