Izzet burn control. Wins far more often than it loses in casual play, though I haven't been keeping track.
Card choices:
Gelectrode: This guy is fantastic. Whether he's pairing up with Electrolyze to murder token armies or adding that extra bit of damage to your Prophetic Bolt to get rid of a titan, he'll get the job done. If he's not killed very quickly your opponent will have a bad day.
Cerebral Vortex: Instant-speed card draw, and endgame burn if need be. Teams up with Sun Droplet quite well. Also my favorite win condition:2 copies in hand and a Cloven Casting = 3+5+7+9=24 damage during your opponent's draw step. And according to the flavor of the card, yes, you have literally just blown your opponent's mind.
Cloven Casting: One card that makes the deck really shine. Once this hits the field, your Electrolyzes and Prophetic Bolts become completely insane. Stitch in Time is pretty much broken with just one copy, not to mention multiples plus recurring with
Electrolyze: The card that gets you through the early game. Great for gunning down tokens or killing slightly larger creatures. Plenty of synergy with Gelectrode. Cantrips too, so it's never a dead draw.
Izzet Boilerworks: Card advantage on a land. Of course it's in here. Admittedly it's a bit awkward early on, but it's certainly worth it.
Izzet Signet: This is your Rampant Growth/Farseek. Except it can tap for mana the turn you play it. Yeah.
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind: I couldn't leave this guy out. He's just so good. I chose him over Dracogenius because Firemind's ability runs itself, without sucking your mana after the casting cost. I'm already casting electrolyze/vortex/activating lighthouse, it's just added value instead of having to pay for it.
: Great card. Better than firemind facing a lot of removal; they don't have to stick around, just hit the battlefield, to grant serious card advantage. Copying a Stitch off of Cloven Casting only to bring it back with this is often a game-winning play.
Prophetic Bolt: Your mid-late game bread and butter. There are few things this, especially paired with Gelectrode/cloven, won't get rid of for you. And it will filter for that last burn spell to finish off those.
Stitch in Time: Early game it's a durdle to avoid discarding after a Boilerworks got your hand above 7. Midgame it can be an incredible clutch play. Late, with a Cloven Casting/
or two, it's simply absurd.
Suffocating Blast: I don't know who had the idea to staple
to Counterspell, but I should find that mad genius and thank him. This card is fantastic. It's a tad clunky, because you have to have a creature to target in order to actually cast it. If you don't, that means you are doing a good job keeping your opponent's board clear, so you're doing fine anyway.
Sun Droplet: It's a synergy machine. Against faster decks it gives you time to stabilize. Midgame it removes the drawback from your Vortexes. Late it can be combo'd with Transreliquat to cheat a turbocharged Sphinx-bone wand onto the field. A card I am rarely unhappy to see.
Mizzium Transreliquat: Fun and shenanigans. Copies mana rocks when I need the mana, copies Sun Droplet when I need the life, copies Sphinx-bone wand when I'm about to burn somebody's face off. Also copies any relevant artifacts opponents might have. My favorite is when my opponent ramped into Platinum Emperion, and then conceded when I copied it because his deck had no way to deal with it.
Pristine Talisman: Artifact ramp, lifegain. Solid card. Not much else to say.
: This replaced Double Negative. It always wins counter wars, and it's your trump against the odd cascade/storm an opponent tries to pull.
Sphinx-Bone Wand:Expensive, but powerful. I'm usually just copying it with a pre-charged Transreliquat, but it does pull its own weight. Absolutely ridiculous once it gets going.
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth: Recycles the GY as its primary purpose. If you draw it too early, pitch it to Lighthouse. If you draw it late enough, well...nobody expects the spellslinging deck to cast an Eldrazi titan. Plus it refills your hand, so even if they somehow deal with it, you're likely to be able to finish them off anyway. This is rare, and kind of unfun though. I usually just use it to get my gy back.
Desolate Lighthouse: Pitch useless cards, draw relevant ones. Hit your land drops, or get rid of extra land. Great for a utility land.
Pyromancer's Goggles: See Cloven Casting.
Currently looking for sideboard options to deal with early rush, hexproof/shroud, regeneration, indestructible, and flickering creatures. In short, the things that I can't easily deal with by pointing expensive burn spells at them. Also maybe looking to trim the deck down, considering maybe removing the artifact package? I'd rather not do that though, it adds a lot of character, on top of the utility and ramping.
Oh, and I'd love one more good red sorcery to team up with Nucklavee and, now, Goggles. the four Stitches aren't enough to always get Nuck online.
Any and all feedback appreciated. Constructive criticism preferred, but do be honest.