
Creature (4)

Land (4)

Instant (5)

Sorcery (2)

I've decided to try out an Izzet version of Delver in Modern, which, like the Blue Moon deck, will allow many free wins against certain matchups by dropping a T3 Blood Moon. Outside of the Blood Moon plan, I aim to tempo them out, beating them down with Delver of Secrets, burning them out with Grim Lavamancer, and chumping and beating with tokens from Young Pyromancer. As I put the pressure on with the aforementioned creatures, I aim to use cheap disruption to slow them down just enough to force through a win with Lightning Bolt, Mana Leak, Remand, Spell Pierce, Spell Snare, and Vapor Snag. In order to keep my deck running smoothly, I aim to thin it out with 8 fetchlands while Gitaxian Probe-ing to find out what answers I need and drawing into them with Serum Visions. Finally, in my sideboard I am planning to run the 4th copy of Vapor Snag as well as a full playset of Vendilion Cliques for creature heavy matchups where Lightning Bolt and soft-counterspells won't cut it alone, or where you just need those additional flyers to go over a Tarmogoyf or other beater. I also like to have 3 Cryptic Commands as hard counters in the board for games that potentially go longer. The last 7 boards slots are space for dedicated hate.

Any suggestions and assistance that could be given for changing this deck up (especially with the sideboard) would be greatly appreciated. I don't really play modern, but I am working on getting into it, so I certainly am not a perfect deckbuilder. Right now I have the sideboard specifically tuned towards Affinity and Scapeshift hate, as other decks I can think of can be fended off with the counters, bounces, 'bolts, and cliques, but I am sure my board could use a good bit of diversity to fight off other decks and combos.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 4 Mythic Rares

19 - 4 Rares

19 - 6 Uncommons

13 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.46
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
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