lowlyslayer says... #2
I put the Flames of the Firebrand in because with Meletis Charlatan + Illusionist's Bracers lets me toss 9 damage around how I like, but I think the shocks will be good too, especially if I don't draw Goblin Electromancer to cheapify the Flames. I can't believe I didn't even think of Cyclonic Rift (which I already had two of :p). Finally, the Ember Swallower went in because the deck needed punch when I first built it, but I didn't change him out when I loaded it on here. The help is really appreciated. Thanks.
April 29, 2014 10:54 p.m.
lowlyslayer says... #3
Any ideas on what to move for the Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe
quaker171 says... #1
Ember Swallowers seem a bit out of place here, monstrosity has no real place in a build like this. If it interacted with Illusionist's Bracers, I could see it being an end-all, but the monstrosity is a triggered ability. Those mortars could take the place of Fated Conflagration, five damage is a little small for four mana, and you can get better scry power with more Magma Jets. I'm also not a huge fan of Flames of the Firebrand, it seems like Shock could pick up the little guys just fine. Disperse should definitely be dropped in favor of Cyclonic Rift , and with all the spells you're casting, Guttersnipe or Young Pyromancer could bring in some benefit. Another card that loves a pair of Bracers is Elite Arcanist , and he can crank out a lot of use before he gets burned out, if he's packing a Magma Jet then he can net you some huge deck manipulation. Are there any matchups that just torture you?
April 29, 2014 10:22 p.m.