Izzet Madness! A Controlled Burn

Standard* StormZing


Alsritt says... #1

I dunno, Izzet Madness, or isn't it?

Anyway, the only card I can suggest taking out of here would be Essence Backlash . Replace the Backlash with another Counterflux , as it's cheaper and can help you survive longer. Essence Scatter might also be a good idea to help you last until that Melek or Niv.

Blast of Genius would be awful in any other deck than this, so keep it, unless you just find it plays awfully. Then try Uncovered Clues or simply Inspiration .

Also going off the counter theme, Nivmagus Elemental ... There's a card that has interesting implications in this deck. I like it! You can counter a spell with Melek's library ability, and exile the unecessary copy. It's like a mana garbage disposal!

Overall, consider adding in more specialized spells and less draw, as with Izzet and R/U you ALWAYS want to be doing SOMETHING to interrupt the opponent so you can pull off some crazy trick in the resulting confusion. Awesome deck, though!

Epic Experiment would do well here...

May 23, 2013 11:04 p.m.

StormZing says... #2

Alsritt I have the Essence Backlash in here because with the goblin's they're cheap and they can burn through an opponent's life total. And I know Blast of Genius seems like a strange card, but it has worked out so well actually. Because I have so many high mana spells, I can drop 4-6 damage on an opponent without a problem( plus a few extra if I have a guttersnipe). And between Ral's +1 and Goblin Electromancers, I'm usually dropping Blast of Genius for cheap.

And I know right? Nivmagus Elemental is awesome! Between Melek's ability, or if an opponent counters a spell of mine, I can exile mine to pump Nivmangus up. He works out very well against stalling out aggro decks. I can usually stall long enough for my Chemister, Niv-Mizzet, or Melek, and cause crazy amounts of damage.

And I've actually had trouble with getting Epic Experiment to run well in this deck. While it is awesome when I can cast it (Twice with Melek Especially, that's absolutely ridiculous), I run just a hair too many creatures for this deck to really benefit from it. I found that almost 7 out of 10 times I was either wishing I had one of my 6 mana creatures, since I'm going to want to wait as long as possible to use it. Because I kept just sending land and creatures to my graveyard, where as if I use the draw spells, I can usually burn an opponent with guttersnipe, and draw cards for really cheap.

I'll probably drop a Melek for a Guttersnipe once I can get my hands on it.

May 23, 2013 11:31 p.m.

Formortiis says... #3

Right, so bad cards:

Dragonshift, Essence Backlash, Melek, Blast of Genius.

I'd suggest other cards you could use to replace them with, but it might just be better to use the added space to fill out some of the unfinished playsets.

June 22, 2013 noon

StormZing says... #4

Formortiis I agree with that to some extent, but I actively use each of those cards, and they work well. Granted, I need to drop Essence Backlash for a second Counterflux when I get the chance. No argument there. But Dragonshift I usually use to finish a game off by transforming a creature, deal damage from guttersnipe, and get in a swing to finish someone off. However, I also see your point. I probably should drop it to get multiples of other instants and sorceries. Finally, I don't think I'll take Melek out, because he works so well in this deck. If I have Melek, Izzet Paragon out with guttersnipe, I can burn the opponent for the game. I can use Melek to get multiple uses out of a control spell, and they cost less because of Goblin Electromancer . And I should take out Blast of Genius , and I will when I get another Ral Zarek . I've been thinking about that for a while, I'm just waiting until I can. Anyways, thanks for your advice!

June 22, 2013 12:23 p.m.

I don't have a lot of time to look at this thoroughly because of work soon but I can attest to Blast of Genius fun and devastation factor. It's easily one of my favorite cards. If you're interested in a deck utilizing it more and maybe adding more to the "madness" factor, try taking a look at my Izzet Nuke (although it's still a work in progress). It's all about chucking away cards to do damage, blast creatures, and be all around unpredictable and Blast of Genius is its core.

I'd agree take out the Essence Backlash for Counterflux . You might think about Nivix Cyclops especially in place of Nivmagus Elemental or Dragonshift because my experience with Nivmagus Elemental is I'd much rather use the copy than sacrifice it for a little buff and Dragonshift seems really out of place here. I mean you said yourself you want to burn them with spells not swing with monsters, right?

I'd say take out the Mercurial Chemister for another Melek, Izzet Paragon or Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius . The draw and burn of Mercurial Chemister just don't really compare to getting one of those others on the field.

And just fyi: Melek, Izzet Paragon COPIES the spell it doesn't copy AND CAST the spell (unlike spells like Spelltwine ) so Guttersnipe would only ping for 2 damage unless you have two out on the field (found that out the hard way xP).

Also I've had pretty much the same frustration with Epix Experiment but you might try Firemind's Foresight just keep in mind that even with one or two Goblin Electromancer on the field it's expensive.

Like I said, I can't take too much time to look at it right now because of work soon but I can come back if you want. But overall, take out some of your x1 cards to double, triple, or quadruple up on other key cards. It's better to have a greater chance of drawing your "core" cards than a variety of "this-is-kind-of-neat-and-could-be-helpful-with-x-or-maybe-y-cards-or-situations" if that makes sense. I'd probably sideboard Skullcrack btw because Searing Spear (which would be another card to consider adding) is more versatile and Skullcrack extra affect is only useful against decks that gain life.

Anyway, these are just suggestions and do what you will with them. But I feel they'll help a bit especially with giving your deck a little more focus which I think it sort of lacks at the moment. Let me know what you think and good luck!

June 22, 2013 12:26 p.m.

Epic Experiment * not Epix Experiment xP my bad haha

June 22, 2013 1:04 p.m.

StormZing says... #7

Gorenucopia I appreciate the feedback! And thank you for having someone finally agree with Blast of Genius ! It isn't the best card sure, but it is fun and can work well in the right decks.

And bummer on the Guttersnipe Melek, Izzet Paragon combo... that kind of sucks. But it doesn't really put a massive damper on my deck. Knowing that though, I'm probably just going to keep it to one. I would take out the Mercurial Chemister , but the draw usage when I'm top decking is amazing, and the burn can come in handy occasionally.

I used to have Nivix Cyclops in here, but I like Nivmagus Elemental much better for a few reasons: 1) One drop compared to a Three drop. I usually just chump block with them and try to help halt more aggressive strategies. 2) I like to throw away the extra Melek's copy because I've usually already overloaded a spell, or have kept their board clear, so have the second spell go into Nivmagus happens very often. Also, if someone tries to counter one of my spells, I can use Nivmagus to exile it so that way it gets boosted as well. 3) +1/+1 counters > the temporary boost since I'm not really swinging at my opponents. This deck usually deals large amounts of burst damage, but I'm not trying to nuke them with a Nivix Cyclops lol.

I agree, I've just been looking for more people to agree with me on the Dragonshift thing to get rid of it. I would swap out a Searing Spear for it, but seeing as how the next core set comes out in less than a month, I'm just going to swap it out for Shock since it is being reprinted, and the same with my Think Twice . Since I'm swapping the think twices, I really need to keep Mercurial Chemister in here for drawing.

I have used both Epic Experiment and Firemind's Foresight in here before, and I've noticed that neither worked spectacular for me. While they both have the opportunity for being amazing, I always found myself needing more of a certain cmc with Firemind's foresight, especially the 2 cmc one. You are right that it usually doesn't cost too much with the goblin electromancers, but nevertheless, it just hasn't worked out very well for me in the past.

I appreciate you help though. Love getting other people's advice and ideas on my decks, to try and make them as great as possible.

June 22, 2013 5:51 p.m.

Formortiis says... #8

Finally, I don't think I'll take Melek out, because he works so well in this deck. If I have Melek, Izzet Paragon out with guttersnipe, I can burn the opponent for the game. I can use Melek to get multiple uses out of a control spell, and they cost less because of Goblin Electromancer .

One thing I'm going to say right now: Melek IS a fun card. Even though he actively only won me 1 game during prerelease, he was still a lot of fun to play. That said, he's still by no means good. For 6 mana, the spells you're copying have to be REALLY good which very few are. You are significantly better off running either another Niv-Mizzet or, better yet, AEtherling .

June 22, 2013 8:24 p.m.

TheJTrain says... #9

Where are your Steam Vents ??

June 23, 2013 9:20 a.m.

StormZing says... #10

TheJTrain Well about that... I originally owned three Steam Vents , one which was foil, and wasn't using them, so I decided it was a good idea to sell them thinking that I would get plenty of shocklands from Dragon's Maze. I didn't realize that they were cutting the amount of shock lands they were printing in half until afterward lol.. so I kinda screwed myself on that. So they are in the shop, waiting for me to have money to buy them back to be precise hahahaha.

June 23, 2013 10:05 a.m.

Formortiis says... #11

Blast of Genius still probably shouldn't be run when you have very few high CMC cards to pitch to it.

July 15, 2013 4:32 p.m.

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