The deck is pretty similar to a twin exarch type of deck, one that can control decently if it needs to but can also combo off early (turn 3 at the earliest here). The deck abuses Izzet Guildmage
Training Grounds
to copy most of your instants or sorceries for just 1. The main win condition here is to keep copying a Manamorphose to draw 20+ cards into a Banefire or Comet Storm and then cast it with all the mana that manamorphose generated. I will explain the combo in further detail in the deck breakdown. The rest of the deck is mostly there to protect and facilitate the combo, and the sideboard is there to deal with other decks.
Deck Breakdown:
[izzet guildmage + training grounds + manamoorphose]] - the deck's namesake combo. This works by casting Manamorphose with both an Izzet Guildmage and a Training Grounds on the battlefield. The manamorphose can be copied for 1 blue mana. Then, you let the copy resolve, adding Ux (preferably UR) to your mana pool. Use the blue to copy the original Manamorphose again and repeat. This will draw you a large portion of your library and leave you with a large amount of mana in your mana pool. Keep doing this until you have either Comet Storm or Banefire in your hand and cast a huge one of these for the win. You should leave enough mana left over for the obligatory counter spell and also not draw so many cards that a Sign in Blood or your own Remand or something will not kill you. The combo is nice because it can all be performed at instant speed once the guildmage and Training Grounds are down, (during your opponent's turn or in response to removal targeting the guildmage)) and it can be done the same turn every piece is cast.
Banefire - a classic ramp finisher. This is the primary killspell for the deck as it cannot be countered or prevented in any way, but it is a sorcery and therefore must be cast on your own turn.
Comet Storm - good because it lets you combo off on your opponnet's turn, possibly right before they combo off. Also, having two different killspells lets you avoid random Slaughter Games or things like that. If someone would ever be dumb enough to remove the killspell and not the combo pieces.
Dispel - a solid way to protect your combo at any time, as instants are usually the only way to stop it.
Electrolyze - card advantage! kills little problem guys and replaces itself. Good card.
Izzet Charm - protects your combo. Or kills a dude. Or digs for cards. Very versatile and helpful.
Lightning Bolt - primary removal for the deck. Also serves as a convenient and powerful backup win condition. I hear Lightning Bolts! look good in blue. (Izzet Guildmage Training Grounds as many copies as you want for U each after the first one is cast).
Remand - you know what remand is for.
Serum Visions - to dig for combo pieces or whatever.
Snapcaster Mage - for its own sake. If your first manamorphose gets countered or something and you can't find another, he will bring it back at instant speed so you can try again.
Spell Pierce - protects your combo. Does a good job of it, too, for just 1 mana!
Spellskite - also protects your combo and acts like a wall against aggro.
Vendilion Clique - like a blue Thoughtseize. Makes sure you can combo off with no hitches.
Ancient Grudge - sided in against any sort of artifact based strategies (robots, pod, what have you).
Anger of the Gods - good board wipe, can take care of aggro stuff and tokens, and any sort of graveyard stuff.
Blood Moon - classic color-screwer, kills urzatron and many modern decks due to the prevalence of dual and fetchlands.
- great killspell, takes care of some very scary creatures like
Baneslayer Angel
and many multicolored things.
Counterflux - halts other storm decks pretty severely. Really strong counterspell.
Molten Rain - hoses land decks pretty strongly and does work against most decks in the format.
Relic of Progenitus - good graveyard hate. You know the drill.
I'm pretty proud of this deck and combo. I know that I'm probably not the first to think of it, but I did come up with it on my own and I'm happy with how well it performs. both with and without the combo. Thanks in advance for any advice!