"Izzet" modern ready?

Modern Jamesfurrow


Epic Experiment would be a good card for this with all of those instants and sorceries. Definitely look into getting at least 1 Keranos, God of Storms . You have a lot of draw mechanic in here which is nice, but really nothing to burn directly except 6 of your cards. Thunderous Wrath is a good card to have at least 1 of. Getting those 2 more Lightning Bolts! is key. Flames of the Blood Hand is good against life gain decks. Searing Spear and Lightning Strike are good for instant speed. Spellheart Chimera is an awesome card as well as Chandra's Phoenix (good to have flying on the board and the spellheart just gets bigger). Gelectrode with Time Warp and other instants or sorceries can wreak havoc. Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind = BAMF card for U/R. Psychosis Crawler is awesome with a card draw mechanics. Because even though you are drawing into what you need, in modern, it is very competitive and aggro is very good in modern. So you want to be doing damage as you're drawing. Counterspells are great, but I would get rid of mana leak for a better counterspell such as Remand , Memory Lapse , Dissolve , Dissipate , Hinder ...

July 28, 2014 2:33 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #2

UpperDeckerTaco thanks so much I should get Epic Experiment into my deck which would also allow more burn spells to be in the deck. I also don't think mana leak is a bad counter spell idk why everyone hates on it. at best it mana stops early aggro and at its worst it taps them out and I would use it when their not able to prevent it by using mana. also I definitely like Keranos, God of Storms but you don't think hes too late game for modern? and I want the deck to have a low curve but I don't want to make it so it cant go into the late game. im trying to keep this deck cheap and effective for a small budget of 200 dollars but ill make some changes to see if the deck is stronger that way. thank you for looking into the deck

July 28, 2014 2:53 p.m.

In modern, if you are playing control, you'll see the game go to at least turn 7. Because that is what you are hoping for. You probably won't beat them by turn 5 with a control/aggro mash up of the deck every time. And control is one of the most widely used variants of the game, if you are up against a control deck, you will need a turn 5 drop to significantly improve your chances. Keranos, God of Storms is a card that by itself can kill opponents slowly. You don't even need it to be a creature. It allows you to either draw a card when you didn't need that mana, or a free Lightning Bolt , then you Lightning Bolt them again. 6 damage possible on turn 6 for 1 mana, AND you can still play whatever else is in your hand....add that to Guttersnipe and you're finishing them hopefully that turn.

July 28, 2014 2:58 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #4

UpperDeckerTaco thank you for pointing that out to me. also I changed the deck a little and its based on what I can easily do to the deck because I either have them or the card is very easily accessible at my store. what do you think of the minor changes? also Flames of the Blood Hand I would rather use Skullcrack because it is less mana for only one less damage. also could you help me with my side board? I have it posted as to how I actually have it at the moment and I would like to know what would be better spells to have in there.

July 28, 2014 3:04 p.m.

I work my sideboards differently, but basically, you want your sideboard there to react to any threat that your deck may face. Example: For mill/discard decks, use Elixir of Immortality and Witchbane Orb in the sideboard. Counterflux is great for modern due to the infinite win-cons using the "Storm" ability. Pithing Needle is great in the sideboard. For token based decks as well as "Weenie Decks", a few board wipes wouldn't hurt, Anger of the Gods or Pyroclasm or Chain Reaction or Flamebreak .

July 28, 2014 3:14 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #6

UpperDeckerTaco thank you very much for helping with the deck!! This is how i think it will look when it is finished. Until i can get Epic Experiment im still using Think Twice and ill have 2 Uncovered Clues until i get the god. Other than that my deck is acually how you see it up there. Id there anything you think my deck is lacking?

July 28, 2014 3:50 p.m.

Maybe swap out the sideboarded Izzet Charm and Negate for 2 Counterflux and the Street Spasm isn't that great of a card. If you're hoping for it to go with the Polymorphist's Jest , a better card would either be Scouring Sands or Electrickery .

July 28, 2014 4:19 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #8

Ok i think ill use the sands because it has scry for the same mana cost and yea i definitly would need Counterflux

July 28, 2014 4:27 p.m.

Infallable says... #9

ive actually been working on a burn deck similar to this. i found that Pyromancer's Gauntlet isnt bad for that extra kick. also like taco stated earlier Guttersnipe is a must with burning. i dont know if its standard anymore but Sphinx-Bone Wand is great with all the instants and sorceries your running.

July 28, 2014 7:53 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #10

Infallable both those cards have great effects for this kind of deck the mana curve for them are simply too high to be considered for modern. The time i can play them it would be late as i would have burntthrough a good portion of my spells or one of us already lost though those are great commander artifacts

July 28, 2014 8:08 p.m.

tchau204 says... #11

Young Pyromancer is a really strong card, but I'm worried that if you try to squeeze him in, he may change your overall structure. Up to you, but you can try replacing Augur of Bolas for them.

July 29, 2014 3:13 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #12

tchau204 yea pyro is a great card on its own and can make some really devestating decks but i think he would disrupt my decks synergy and cause a problem with cycling the deck to get all of my spells as soon as possible but was definitly a card worth considering

July 29, 2014 8:52 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #13

I'm currently working on a modern Izzet deck myself and I want to first thank you for showing me some cards I completely overlooked that could fit into my deck. You could consider [Cone of Flame] to help your burning. It's always nice to throw 6 damage (albeit divided) around. At worst you'd be burning 2 targets. That being said, it's not cheap. I run it only because of [Goblin Electromancer], but it looks like it could fit into your curve.

July 31, 2014 9:34 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #14

NimRod_25 thank you for looking at my deck!! Also use double brackets on cards so that i can see them apear for future referece. But if you could post a link of your deck id be more than happy to take a look at it and give you some ideas! Also feel free to +1 if you think the deck deserves it. Also for curiosities sake what cards did i show you that you overlooked?

July 31, 2014 9:38 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #15

Jamesfurrow sorry about the missing brackets. Still new to Tapped Out. Getting the hang of this eventually, haha. You take check out here: Izzet Electromancy - suggestions pls

July 31, 2014 9:46 p.m.

Davik100 says... #16

I would suggest cutting Guttersnipe , it's too slow, dies easily, and doesn't make an immediate impact. Guildgates are too slow for modern. Modern is all about making a quick board presence and stabilizing fast if you aren't aggro. I would suggest some form of lifegain, more Snapcaster mage, and a strong turn 4 play that immediately impacts the board. That turn 4 play could be a burn spell or 3, a boardwipe, a couple of or one powerful creature/s, it's just important to have something at that turn, because in modern, turn 4 is pretty much the declarative point of who's winning and who's not.

August 2, 2014 12:31 a.m.

Davik100 says... #17

I have more suggestions, sorry for the double post.

Cut Epic Experiment . Chances are it's going to get Remand ed.

On that note, 2 or 3 Remand wouldn't hurt.

Same thing goes for a 2/2 split of Spell Pierce and Spell Snare .

From here downwards, I'm going to assume you're willing to drop a couple hundred bucks, because of your current usage of snapcaster.

-1 Uncovered Clues , +1 Keranos, God of Storms . Keranos is a win con, you want it to be consistent.

-2 Thunderous Wrath +2 Lightning Bolt . Fast cards in a fast format.

-4 Augur of Bolas , +2 Vendilion Clique , +2 Venser, Shaper Savant OR +2 Cryptic Command . Clique's are essential. Venser and Cryptic are interchangeable.

-3 Negate , +2 Izzet Charm , +1 Skullcrack .

August 2, 2014 12:41 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #18

Davik100 sorry for my delayed response to your message. And no my budget for this deck is 200 dollars so cards like cryptic are out of the question. I decided to make this deck revolve around Guttersnipe and im fine hes easy to remove. And i changed the deck up since you took a look. How does it seem now? I will purchase the remands once i can find myself them and i definitly can not afford cliques. This deck will not be perfect though it can be a pain to face when im done and its still under the budget

August 3, 2014 11:03 p.m.

Hurmph says... #19

Sweet looking deck, I love Izzet. If you wanted a more tempo style deck you could run Delver of Secrets  Flip (there is an entire archetype around this deck in both modern and legacy) I run a modern delver deck my self.

You have no defense against affinity (artifact combo) so I would highly fitting in a Shatterstorm into your sideboard. And for vs tron ether BloodMoon or Stone Rain .

Also you tagged this as a burn deck and I don't know if you are still going with a burn win conn. But if you are Searing Blaze is a corner stone along with Lava Spike in this archetype.

Even if you desire to ignore all my advice witch I totally understand seeming as you know how the deck works a lot better than me. I would take out Rift Bolt for Electrolyze the card can 3 for one your opponent it is an allstar. If burn is your plan of attack try testing out some Grim Lavamancer he recycles your burn spells once you have used up your snap casters or just can't find them. Plus he helps shrink Goyf witch you seem to have no plan against.

Also Spell Snare is in your maybe board but you really should put it in. The card hits everything you care about.

Great deck though seems like a lot of fun to pilot. Best of luck. Make the changes you see fit after all you know the deck way better than I do. Good luck! -Hrumph

August 3, 2014 11:22 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #20

Hurmph lol too funny you mention delver because i have a delver izzet deck list on my profile. And this is a burn deck but its a counter burn deck. By that i mean Guttersnipe makes all my spells hurt. Also i rather my burn spells more or less hit anything on the feild while also hitting the opponent. But i understand those spells completely. Also i just like Rift Bolt suspend lets them get rid of creatures sure but im going to hit you if my target isnt going to die from it lol. And everyone says to put in Spell Snare but i dont want it lol and goyf isnt that scary when i board in my 1/1 frog wipe with electrickedy

August 3, 2014 11:30 p.m.

Davik100 says... #21

everybody is telling you to put in Spell Snare , and here's why.

Modern has a general rule for playability in counter spells and removals. That rule goes: "Is it efficient, and does it kill tarmogoyf?". That's why Abrupt Decay is worth so much. It's 2 mana and it kills Tarmogoyf . Spell Snare is your Abrupt Decay . We aren't here telling you to put snare in because we think it'll be funny, and it hits roughly 70% of the cards played in modern at all.

August 4, 2014 1:34 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #22

Davik100 ik why the card is good and why poeople like it and use it but i myself just dont want it in my deck. I completely understand the card i rather not use it unless its proven nessissary for my deck in my local fmn i think ill be fine with mycurrent counter spells. But what do you think of my deck so far? Ik its not perfect but im trying to stay under my 200 dollar budget ( thats on the low end on the deck costs) and i had a good portion of this deck before i started making it so ill put in the description how much i h ave paid so far

August 4, 2014 9:51 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #23

Hey JakeHarlow, scrotality, cian114, and Hurmph what you think of the izzet deck as it currently stands in real life? I got most of these cards through trades so im very happy that this deck stayed well in my budget and im almost there to having it complete! But do you guys think im missing any key cards?

August 5, 2014 9:39 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #24

I am jealous of your playset of Snappy!

Deck looks great. I like Electrolyze a lot though. I'd almost say run 3. Also, Remand would fit well in your counter suite.

Finally, consider the lowly Goblin Electromancer . He can really help the deck curve out. Also. Gelectrode is stupidly effective in this type of deck. Test him out.

Nice! +1 here.

August 5, 2014 9:52 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #25

JakeHarlow thanks so much for liking the deck!! And i plan on making an Izzet Charm and Skullcrack into two more Electrolyze and my Think Twice into a Spell Snare . i dont think Goblin Electromancer would do anything for this deck because my cards are almost purely 1-2 drops and i definitly like Gelectrode but wouldnt a Blistercoil Weird do the same job more or less? And im trying to keep the spell count high for delver and pyromancer so i think the creature base i have is not going to change( Snapcaster Mage + young pyromncer is ffing amzing))

Though my main inquirey is Remand what would you take out to put remand in? I definitly like drawing and i have 3 solid counter spells at the moment. Mana Leak is essentially a hard counter spell that wont stop giving in any situation.

August 5, 2014 10:01 a.m.

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