Izzet Progress

Standard* Sweet-Nightmare


sylvannos says... #1

Have you thought about including combo packages with Blistercoil Weird ?

June 7, 2013 1:29 a.m.

I've considered it, actually, I've been wondering whether I want Delver or Blistercoil more right now. Blistercoil's looking more appealing as Delver's chances of flipping shrink with more permanents.

June 7, 2013 2:31 a.m.

KingSorin says... #3

i love Kiln Fiend myself. It's an amazing card, but i just find that Guttersnipe is just better than cyclops, since you don't have to play your instant beforehand like Kiln Fiend . I've played cyclops, but it's much better to deal them the physical damage with a guttersnipe rather than hope for them to be tapped out creaturewise so you can kill them with a cyclops. It's much easier to whack a Curiosity or 2 onto a Guttersnipe and burn them 2 and draw a card per instant/sorcery. This is from my experience with gutter and cyclops. I like izzet, and if that's why you like cyclops, then try Izzet Cipher It's similar in playstyle, but faster. Oh yeah, if you still want to use cyclops, then add more land, since 20 isn't enough for this style of deck.

June 7, 2013 3:12 a.m.

SwiftDeath says... #4

Travis Woo was playtesting this idea the other day and he might still be doing so you can see his twitch page here and get an idea of how the deck is built/played if he is still playing it and he might play it at this weekends SCG.


he decided to cut delver almost immediately and he really likes Snapcaster Mage and Guttersnipe and plays a small amount of white for Boros Charm and Faith's Shield .

June 7, 2013 3:55 a.m.

I've heard a lot about this Travis Woo fella in my playgroup, glad to hear he's been playing around with something similar. Snaps are a no go, as I don't have /that/ big of a budget to build this on. Not to say it's a budget deck, I just don't have that kind of money right now, I prefer being able to eat to having Snappy. :P Guttersnipes I have, and that's not a total bad idea, I'll take both Snipe and some Blistercoil Wierds with me to see which synergizes better. Glad to see SOMEONE's taking it to a tourney besides FNM. :D

I was splashing white for a while for the same things, but boros charm's not only still four bucks a pop at my LGS and I only currently have one, but, well, I like the flavor of Izzet. Living on the edge, every game a new experiment, each game a chance for it to blow up, either in a good or bad way. I think I missed having flavor in my FNM deck. But like I said, Valid suggestion, and if all I needed were charms I might do it, but the only white duals I have are gates, four Glacial Fortress, and two Sacred Foundries, and they don't pop up near enough without also running sulfur falls. Sometimes I envy those america flash player's mana base.

As far as Faith's Shield, I actually prefer Mizzium Skin. On color, and cheap overload for late game if I have lots of dudes.

June 7, 2013 9:35 a.m.

maskedtoaste39 says... #6

I'm messing around with something similar right now, and here are my thoughts.

Major problem with running a deck with so few creatures is the opponent removing them. Because of that, I have found Negate to be more useful than the Izzet Charm . The charm's draw effect is almost a card disadvantage because you're using 3 cards to get 2 (if you have a near-full hand), and I'm pretty sure that if you cast the charm and are left with an empty hand, you have to discard the 2 cards you draw with no chance to play them. Negate is a hard counter, and it prevents removal of your few creatures.

Might I also suggest Guttersnipe and Goblin Electromancer . Neither card costs much $, and they have great synergy with the number of instants and sorceries in your deck. Being able to spend 2 red mana for 2 searing spears for 6 damage and have Guttersnipe ping them for 4 more is great. Using a Thought Scour afterwards to draw a card and hit them for 2 more (via Guttersnipe ) is just brutal, and gets you a card. Speaking of which, through playtesting I've found Thought Scour to be more helpful than Think Twice , because of the reduced mana cost. It's possible that I've found that to be the case because I also run Dissipate and even with Goblin Electromancer on the board that costs 2 blue.

Regarding Melek, Izzet Paragon : I think you'll have a hard time casting him in this deck. You don't have many creatures to block (although you do have Unsummon to help slow down the other guy, and you don't have very much burn for slowing down their population growth, so getting to turn 7 (6 to drop Melek, you can use him on turn 7) might be difficult. That's also assuming you don't miss a land drop, which is unlikely because you're running a pretty low land count (20).

All in all, I would recommend continuing to tinker with the deck and see what helps and what doesn't. Try the Guttersnipe and Goblin Electromancer to see if it helps you get a few more burn spells off (if you put them in your deck). Also, try a few spells oriented towards countering your opponents' attempts to remove your creatures.

I like the idea man, it's an interesting deck to play with.

Come check mine out! Burn / Control

June 7, 2013 1:14 p.m.

All nice suggestions. I personally like think twice more just because I get to use it more, but that's just personal preference, I have tried both. I own Dissipates, I'm just less countery mainboard. Izzet Charm can burn small early threats and mana dorks, wierd I know, but I've learned killing dorks is a great way to set midrange back. Its counter ability is usually used against Sphinx's Revelation, though I'll try swapping it with Negates and having it in sideboard. I've tried Guttersnipe and Goblin Electromancer before and neither really help a whole lot; they often just eat a kill spell. Unsummon's are usually more to protect the Cyclops, actually. I'd rather be set back a couple of turns than lose my wincon, lol. I wouldn't mind burn, but then I'd lose some of my "combo" pieces.

June 7, 2013 1:32 p.m.

KingSorin says... #8

No Artful Dodge ... In a cyclops deck? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS???????

June 7, 2013 7:15 p.m.

Um, yes I do, it's under the sorceries...

June 8, 2013 4:18 a.m.

KingSorin says... #10


June 8, 2013 4:36 a.m.

GreenKandy says... #11

I really like the deck, I run a similar izzet deck like this. In place of the flux chargers, I use an AEtherling , and a Melek, Izzet Paragon . I think Mizzium Mortars would do awesome in this deck. The only thing I would trash is the counter flux , until storm cards come out, but then I would still sideboard it.

June 8, 2013 6:58 p.m.

I prefer starting with Counterflux in just because I'm going to lose Dissipate anyways, so I don't want to rely too heavily on cards I'll need to replace. (Luckily Artful Dodge has a replacement in Teleportal.)

I've modded the deck a little, I just haven't changed it on here. I took out the Delvers for Blistercoil Wierd(synergizes better) and one got removed for mainboard Aetherling. Fluxchargers are still main. I'd like to play Melek, but my meta is removal and control heavy. If I get one, I'll try him casually, but otherwise he won't get added just because I have quite a few permanents. (Although the thought of a copied Think Twice makes me happy.)

June 8, 2013 7:40 p.m.

WizardofWaz says... #13

@ Aurrorian I entirely disagree. Izzet has sooooo many better card draw options. Steam Augury is a really bad choice because you leave the choice of which cards you get up to your opponent, aka you get the cards that they can deal with best. Jace, Architect of Thought is a better source of card draw with his minus two because you get to pick pill you want. You can also do it twice generally because most players won't think anything of him until he gets close to ulting. Opportunity is a really good instant speed card draw if you need it. Quicken is a really good card cycling card because it give you an opportunity to deck thin as well as play Mizzium Mortars or Anger of the Gods at instant speed.

April 15, 2014 11:33 a.m.

I agree on Jace while he's in standard, especially since I already have two from when he wasn't such a hot commodity. Quicken will probably go in once Jace's rotated, depending on what comes in M15.

April 15, 2014 2:52 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #15

I love control/burn. Unfortunately, Essence Backlash is a little to expensive to see competitive play.

April 22, 2014 1:39 p.m.

As it is now, I'd -1 Keranos and +1 Aethering, just so you don't always get stuck with multiples in your hand and can't play them. Plus it varies your threats becasue like was mentioned in your description, Deicide will be a thing in standard. I'd also try and squeeze Ral Zarek in there for some acceleration and burn. He's just a fun card! Maybe taking out a Divination or Lightning Strike? He also would help with devotion if you ever wanted to attack with the God.

April 22, 2014 1:46 p.m.

-Logician says... #17

I feel like Dakra Mystic could be something better, like Izzet Staticaster . Dakra is a lot of fun, don't get me wrong, but Staticaster makes so much more sense.

April 22, 2014 2:07 p.m.

Staticaster is nice, but I feel like she's not very relevant in my meta; Dakra at least gives me a chance to get a card or pitch one of their good cards. I may consider an Aetherling, though I am also trying to find a place for a third Jace, Architect of Thought .

April 23, 2014 12:29 a.m.

phaze08 says... #19

Recommend Guttersnipe until the block falls off. He's exactly the same, only you can burn out your opponent's creatures all day and he'll burn their faces! or if you choose to burn them, he'll just tack some on. With Epic Experiment he really puts on the hurt.

April 25, 2014 11:30 a.m.

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