Nikolai1204 says... #6
Thassa is not meant to be played as a creature in this deck though. If you can get her to be a creature then good for you, you have a 5/5, but she's meant to allow you to filter through your deck while making Spellheart Chimera unblockable. For 3 drop she's a really solid card to have in this deck.
October 3, 2013 11:16 a.m.
Good description, solid deck, unique Idea! That's a +1 from me! Thanks for sharing your good ideas with the community! :D
October 8, 2013 12:43 a.m.
BurritoBrain says... #23
Hey is this deck difficult to play? I just started playing magic with my friend's red/blue deck and thought I'd try to model the deck I'm making after this one, but I don't want to be too nooby to play it right.
May 10, 2014 3:34 p.m.
Nikolai1204 says... #24
@BurritoBrain I wouldn't say it's difficult to play, so much as some of the cards can be on the expensive side. I'm updating the description for the new strategy involving the deck so check back in a bit to get an in depth look at a pretty effective strategy if I do say so myself. The basic concept is Counter/Burn so you essentially wanna shutdown your opponent's moves with your blue counter spells like Dissolve while hitting them with cards like Lightning Strike from afar; the creatures are all based around assisting this concept. Because there's not a super complicated combo or anything I feel like this deck would be very comfortable for even new players to utilize. You'll have to shell out some money for cards like Keranos, God of Storms and Jace, Architect of Thought but the deck still works fairly well without them. If you want any help on constructing and/or playing Red/Blue feel free to message me! This is my primary color combo:)
May 10, 2014 3:54 p.m.
BurritoBrain says... #25
@Nikolai1204 Cool, thanks! I should be able to get started with a draft I'm doing next week, and then I'll start building up towards something like this. The first deck I played had Keranos in it and it was a lot of fun, so it's cool to see that other people think he's a good card too.
WRZX says... #4
It's hard to get 5 U devotion to make Thassa, God of the Sea a creature.But I like this deck+1 :)
October 3, 2013 4:47 a.m.