Credit to LeftoverName from the spikes subreddit for the original list, and to Eric Froehlich for his work on the U/R Spells Deck.
The idea behind this deck is to grind out your opponent with Fevered Visions and Thermo-Alchemist providing a steady stream of damage and some card draw. With that in mind, I'm trying to minimize the opponent's board state as much as possible by burning their creatures, and then burning them.
All of my creatures have a low mana-cost and high toughness because I'm prioitizing blocking with them, while my spells do most of the damage.
Thing in the Ice
can bounce all the creatures back to their owners hands as it becomes a threat on its own when it transforms into
Awoken Horror
. Stormchaser Mage is my answer answer to flyers, it also doubles as an evasive threat that can chip in a few points of damage. Thermo-Alchemist is another good blocker, but its strength is in its ability to constantly ping our opponents for damage.
My spells are focused mostly around burning our opponent's creatures, or the opponent themselves. So, being able to target both creatures and players is important to us, with extra points going to Collective Defiance for some added versatility.I have a small amount of counter-spells with Unsubstantiate and Negate to keep my opponents honest.
What's my sideboard plan?
Bring in more counterspells if I have to deal with lots non-creature things, or on cast abilities from creatures. I expect to see those from control decks and ramp decks. I can bring in
Weaver of Lightning
Nahiri's Wrath
if I find that I need more removal. And lastly, I can bring in Bedlam Reveler to be more more aggressive.
Any suggestions are welcome.