Thank you I do think some of the cards you suggested are great to add on...Probably the only problem I have with the deck so far is mana. Sometimes i'm short on it for cards like Wolfbriar Elemental and Howl of the Night Pack
December 30, 2013 1:42 a.m.
You should probably get Wolfbitten Captive Flip or another one-drop. Mid to late games don't really exist because both aggro and control will chew you up. A few early creatures will help tremendously. And I don't think Parallel Lives is worth the slots. Your only token generators as far as I can see are Howl of the Night Pack , Feed the Pack (both very slow), Garruke, and Howlpack Alpha Flip , which is good enough on its own. I'd switch them for early creatures or more Forest s.
January 4, 2014 9:54 p.m.
Your right but this deck is sort of for fun but I do want it to run a bit faster. I'll have to see what I can do, if anything I may make it r/g if i can't seem to get around in making the deck a bit more aggressive early game.
January 7, 2014 5:31 p.m.
I think it's a fun and new kind of idea! I think that instead of a lot of counter spells maybe you should put in some tempo instead, cards like Vapor Snag , such as Disperse . definitely more creatures like Instigator Gang Flip if you want to keep it werewolf themed. also, cut down on like one land, and I would also suggest you get rid of Dissipation Field and Manabarbs . if you want to get a bit cray, you can run Manamorphose and things like Wolfbitten Captive Flip and Mayor of Avabruk or Immerwolf since you have the green mana option. hope this helped!
March 6, 2014 7:05 p.m.
Thanks alot! I want to keep it izzet so splashing green is out of the question. But I do want some control that way my werewolfs transform when my opponent really has nothing to do. I took out Manabarbs cause it hurts me too much more than it does my opponent, Dissipation Field I can see it benefiting some creatures my opponnent may have so I may take it out for something better though. I already have Vapor Snag in here, and I'm considering adding Instigator Gang Flip too...thanks alot back to some testing! :D
March 7, 2014 1:32 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #7
the problem with this theory is that casting a counter spell on their turn counts as a spell so they will not transform at the opponents upkeep, you can not cast anything on your turn on purpose to transform, but an enemy can still counter that by casting instants or flash creatures on your turn
March 7, 2014 2:37 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #8
also if you are running izzet Lightning Bolt is pretty much a necessity
March 7, 2014 2:39 p.m.
Yea I can understand that, however, at some point in the game they will transform because it all comes up to when they have nothing to play they will transform after their turn, if they use all their mana and have nothing to during my turn they will transform if i choose not to use any spells, or if I counter their creatures I still get to deal damage if they have nothing to get rid of them. Its meant for fun anyways but I understand what you mean. What would you recommend I take out for Lightning Bolt and do you have any other cards that can help control the board to give the deck a better chance of transforming the wolfies?
March 7, 2014 3:16 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #10
the best wolves like Huntmaster of the Fells Flip are sadly mostly green or green/red, as are important tribal werewolf cards like Full Moon's Rise and Moonmist , Kessig Wolf Run , Domri Rade Destructive Revelry Xenagos, God of Revels , as far as blue, werewolf and wolf creature types are exclusive to red and green, although there may be white or black but not many/any good ones, blue is the control color and the only viable tribals are merfolk mono blue or faerie blue/black/illusions, its very hard to pull off with budget especially since multicolor decks require dual lands which are expensive such as Steam Vents Scalding Tarn , if you want them to transform without the help from green spells, id say an enchantment that prevents casting spells would help, a relatively cheap option is 2-4 Isochron Scepter which are 4-6$ each, when played you can exile a Lightning Bolt Izzet Charm Essence Scatter and use it every turn, its best used leaving scepter untapped and countering/bolting on your opponents turn every turn as long as scepter is out, the absolute most effective way is Isochron Scepter Silence but of course that is white, i think having a few isochrons will help the deck since you can cast all your important 1-2 mana instants or sorceries every turn if the scepter isnt killed
March 7, 2014 4:13 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #11
the best wolves like Huntmaster of the Fells Flip are sadly mostly green or green/red, as are important tribal werewolf cards like Full Moon's Rise and Moonmist , Kessig Wolf Run , Domri Rade Destructive Revelry Xenagos, God of Revels , as far as blue, werewolf and wolf creature types are exclusive to red and green, although there may be white or black but not many/any good ones, blue is the control color and the only viable tribals are merfolk mono blue or faerie blue/black/illusions, its very hard to pull off with budget especially since multicolor decks require dual lands which are expensive such as Steam Vents Scalding Tarn , if you want them to transform without the help from green spells, id say an enchantment that prevents casting spells would help, a relatively cheap option is 2-4 Isochron Scepter which are 4-6$ each, when played you can exile a Lightning Bolt Izzet Charm Essence Scatter and use it every turn, its best used leaving scepter untapped and countering/bolting on your opponents turn every turn as long as scepter is out, the absolute most effective way is Isochron Scepter Silence but of course that is white, i think having a few isochrons will help the deck since you can cast all your important 1-2 mana instants or sorceries every turn if the scepter isnt killed
March 7, 2014 4:14 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #12
sorry for double post, website error or something
xKrenko says... #1
Wandering Wolf over Timberpack Wolf , Garruk Relentless Flip and Parallel Lives over Verdant Haven and Lost in the Woods . You may or may not need Daybreak Ranger Flip you have no red in here to make it fight against a creature and can use maybe another cheap werewolf in replace. Gatstaf Shepherd Flip would be good.
+1 for idea I always like seeing mono-green werewolf decks!
December 29, 2013 9:58 p.m.