This deck is not explosive. Rather, it methodically finds its answers and win-cons and deploys them at the most ideal times. Once it has a strong grasp on the game it is very likely to eventually close things out for the win. The most usual way of winning is by getting through with one or more large or evasive creatures like the Terror or the tokens from Murmuring Mystic. The two monarch-granting creatures in the deck can also help bring the game to an end but also provide counterplay to opposing monarch strategies and create a powerful value engine in the later stages of games when control over the board has been established. Additionally, Augur of Bolas helps smooth out early draws and provides a buffer against more aggressive strategies in the early game as well as being a shield against sacrifice based removal and digging for impactful spells in the late game.
Many of the spells featured in this deck are some of the most iconic and powerful options printed in magic, which is one of the biggest draws to play this deck. It is important to know the functions of each card and how they can be deployed in isolation or in synchrony to achieve different goals. The aforementioned Brainstorm is often at its most powerful when combined with shuffle effect such as Seething Landscape or Lorien Revealed, which can be an excellent late-game draw to refill the hand with cards, in order to improve the quality of cards that are immediately accessible. Consider is excellent for powering out an early Terror by putting up to two cards into the graveyard or digging up a relevant answer at instant speed. Skred is a flexible removal spell that should scale throughout the game to deal with even the meatiest of threats. Lightning Bolt fills a similar role but has the added utility of helping close out grindier games by dealing damage directly to the opponent. Breath Weapon provides a succinct answer to many of the formats threats and helps to blunt most early aggression or mid-game surges that would threaten the pilot's life total. Counterspell is the catch-all that can halt any early or late game problem in its tracks. All of these removal spells work beautifully with our main win-con by either making it cheaper to cast or clearing the way for the Serpent to close out the game and all at instant speed!