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Jace, Combo Prodigy

Commander / EDH


This is my attempt at my first EDH deck that I've worked on and designed myself I drew my inspiration from several sources across the web. I've also taken a considerable amount of advice from my close friend Guerte.

The idea bihind the deck is primarily a combo deck. There are several ways to go about it, but the main game plan is to cast a Blue Sun's Zenith that is big enough to make your opponent draw their whole deck. This is achieved through several infinite mana combos. Palincron is the Main way to facilitate this, either through the use of High Tide, Caged Sun, or Extraplanar Lense. For those unfamiliar, you need 6 lands, and one of the mana doubters previously mentioned. You cast Palincron, float all of your mana, and then return it to your hand.After you untap all your lands, you should have 1 mana floating, more if you have more available lands. Repeat this process as many times as needed. Palincron can also produce infinite mana with the help of Deadeye Navigator, forgoing the need of any sort of Mana doubling effect.

If you can't find your Blue Sun's Zenith, don't worry, Capsize works just as well. With infinite mana, bouncing all of your opponents permenants back into their hand works just as well as bringing them to 0.

Can't find Palincron? Rings of Brighthearth and Basalt Monolith produce I infinite mana as well, albeit colorless. This makes it unable to facilitate Capsize wins, but with only three blue mana still facilitates the mana required for Blue Sun's.

Even if you're unable to kill someone with one of you're infinite mana combos, you can cast many spells a turn in this deck. That's where the storm cards Temporal Fissure and Brain Freeze come into play. If you produce infinite mana, you can have an unlimited storm count with both these cards, and even if you can't, it's not difficult to hit 8+ storm count even with limited amounts of mana. That can be good enough to take the game, esspecially with Temporal Fissure.

The rest of the deck is mainly to facilitate and hold off until you can combo off, but there are other cards that can win you the game outside of comboing off. Talrand is pure gas in this deck, able to put you from no board state to the most dominant presence in a single turn. All the Planeswalkers work as alternate win cons as well.

Now finally, the Commander. Why Jace? Well part of his selection as the commander was a project of mine I started recently. I want to build a deck for each of the Flip Walkers known as the Origin 5. Now, why this kind of deck for Jace? It seems pretty obvious to me, but in case you need an explanation, he hits on pretty much every point he needs to. His front side powers you through your deck, allowing you to find combo pieces faster and set up your kill. Between him and your plethora of cantrips, your card quality should be much higher than your opponents, and You should rarely if ever miss land drops. His back side is also very important. His play is lackluster in commander, but that's okay, because his -3 is a Snapcaster Mage that can be used multiple time. His ultimate even comes in handy occasionally, functioning as another win con when needed. All of this combined with his low cost make Jace perfect in my eyes.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens Drake 2/2 U, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Emblem Teferi, Temporal Archmage
Folders Decks I need to build ASAP
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