Quadsimotto says... #2
For your sideboard i would suggest Dark Betrayal as it is a cheap way to get rid of big scary demons and those pesky BW combo decks are going to struggle against that card as well.-1 Hero's Downfall -1 Breaking / Entering + 2 Temple of Deceit Or you could keep both of those and just add the land.
October 1, 2013 12:44 p.m.
Quadsimotto says... #3
And don't give up. Mill is (hopefully) going to be making people cringe in standard this year. No cards= No win.
October 1, 2013 12:46 p.m.
DimirQueen says... #4
mikeyuhr I think I'm going with control mill this time around. Last time I was aggro, which worked for casual play until the aggro decks got so powerful (I HATE GRUUL) that I just could not keep up with the pumping and the mana ramping. I'm hoping with Theros slowing things down, that Cyclonic Rift will last long enough to be played with its overload cost to return all aggro creatures back to my opponent's hand. I'm just not sure how to balance mill spells with counters right now, I guess. Also hoping the number of creatures I have will be enough to stop what I can't stop with my instants. I'll definitely find a way to bump up my mana though. Try to find something to take out tonight.
Quadsimotto thanks for the tips! I will definitely be sideboarding that beautiful card, along with Illness in the Ranks for token decks. I'll end up putting in more Temple of Deceit s when I get a hold of them. >_> It's just so irritating because everyone I know plays aggro, and those who don't play aggro are playing esper control or the like. When I mention I have a dimir mill deck, they kind of laugh and assume it's a crappy casual deck I threw together. That's not fun to see over and over again. One of my friends plays mono green and told me he was doing a favor by not playing my mill deck because "It'd be embarrassing to lose over and over again."
October 1, 2013 12:59 p.m.
Quadsimotto says... #5
I am hoping to place well my first night back home from the middle east in a little over two weeks. Lord knows i have playtested against every style of deck on here,but how i play their deck may differ greatly from how they play it. I have heard that this style is seeing some success at FNM from others so that is reassuring. I might suggest one more card though i am not sure where you would fit it in. Aqueous Form a nice little one drop that makes your wight unblockable and allows you to scry every attack. Just a thought. I know i have my ways of getting my aberration through and that is going to be the key to or the downfall of my deck.
October 1, 2013 1:13 p.m.
Have you thought of trying Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker with Aqueous Form + maybe Whispering Madness and or Paranoid Delusions - Maybe even putting them onto Consuming Aberration instead?
October 4, 2013 10:18 a.m.
DimirQueen says... #7
Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker I tried for a while but it did not work out well having 7 five drops. I've thought about it ever since I heard about Aqueous Form but I'm thinking I'd rather have removal in there instead, and just focus on the Aberration's ability. I'm not big on the ciphering, and I think the way I'm going right now is to do all the hard hitting mill with Jace, and have some small mill at the beginning to beef up the Wight. Also, you really can't have Whispering Madness without comboing with Notion Thief because the combo is so dang awesome. I just don't think it fits my deck.
I might try it out though. I'm going to test this deck tonight and see how it fares. Hopefully well. D: If you have any other suggestions, please let me know!
October 4, 2013 10:55 a.m.
Saltybones says... #8
My initial reaction to the deck is where/how do you target Agent of Fates. It is a great card but I see no use for it here. Dissolve definitely should go in with the scry potential after the counter. The only draw power is from Jace so either scrying through your deck or adding Read the Bones would be a priority in my opinion. I would probably put Nighthowler to the sideboard just because you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket and hoping they have a ton of creatures. That's just a few initial thoughts. You have seen my mill deck before but I changed it drastically to Your creatures may be MY creatures (Help please) Check it out if you want :)
October 4, 2013 1:27 p.m.
DimirQueen says... #9
Saltybones, Neat! Mostly I was just interested in the Agent because of the deathtouch. So good. Also, Nighthowler would activate the Agent's heroic, and it counts for both the graveyards. He'd get decently big I think; bigger than the Wight anyway. I have to admit I'm not sure what to do now that rotation has hit. I miss Jace's Phantasm . :(
I noticed you're not using Cyclonic Rift , and using Voyage's End instead. Why is that? Thinking about doing the same because the scry seems so nice.
More questions: What about Curse of the Swine ? At first I thought it was a crappy card, but it can totally get rid of the Gods can't it? Ouch.
What would you take out for Dissolve ?
October 4, 2013 2:20 p.m.
Saltybones says... #10
First of all yes, Jace's Phantasm will be missed dearly. :P
I'm using Voyage's End because I have them and I don't have access to Cyclonic Rift s but I have enjoyed them for scrying. Cyclonic Rift is probably better though.
I like Curse of the Swine
for one of the reasons you mentioned, the gods. It also hits cards like Boros Reckoner
and other cards with annoying abilities making them nothing more than a 2/2 is nice.
I personally would take out Essence Scatter 's for Dissolve . The reason is similar to why I made the change in my deck. Dissolve counters everything counterable and if you cant counter a creature on turn 2, you still have Hero's Downfall and Far / Away and Cyclonic Rift to deal with those creatures. It's a little more controlly.
If you haven't seen this deck of mine Literally Milling for Damage you might be able to get a few more ideas. This was the dimir deck I made for post rotation before theros came out.
Thanks again for stopping and looking at my decks :)
October 5, 2013 4:07 a.m.
I'd recommend Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver having used during a booster draft and then using him in my deck he is quite insane. Nothing is funnier than milling 3 creatures one turn and then putting out a Boros Reckoner you milled this way the next turn. (I actually did that to someone.) also it's a 3 drop which makes him easy to get out and while his loyalty is 3, he's basically a 5 right off the bat when you plus 2 him. Downside is he doesn't assist your aberration or wight.
October 7, 2013 6:06 p.m.
I really like the start you have here. I'm working on my own Dimir control-mill deck right now -- Dimiller Machine. Have you considered AEtherize ? I'm using it as a 4-drop Cyclonic Rift . I also put a couple Rogue's Passage s to get the unblockable effect rather than using Aqueous Form , that way I can use it as a land and get the effect when I need it. I'd love to get your thoughts on what I have going as well, but you definitely gave me some ideas to consider.
October 8, 2013 9:17 p.m.
Just saw you already have the Rogue's Passage , so disregard that part.
October 8, 2013 9:21 p.m.
DimirQueen says... #14
dan8080, that's true but I think Ashiok works better in blue black straight control. I don't know what I would take out. D: I'm not sure how synergy would work with Ashiok either, what are your thoughts?
mmcfarlin, thanks for the tips and the deck for reference! I have AEtherize in there already as well. :) I'll take a look at yours and see if I can learn a thing or two.
October 9, 2013 12:36 a.m.
As much as I like Agent of the Fates I feel he doesn't fit too well, I think he works best in decks that abuse his heroic ability because his 2 toughness makes him really easy to kill. Your deck doesn't seem to have many spells that target creatures or at least creatures you control that doesn't kill or bounce it. I'd look into putting an ashiok in for atleast one of those. He flat out won me 2 games and forced a draw in a match I otherwise had no chance of winning one night. Also ashiok can serve as a diversion if nothing else. Because of how fast he can get high loyalty people try to prioritize a turn for him.Sorry for the novel.
October 9, 2013 2:24 a.m.
DimirQueen says... #16
OK, I'll definitely try it out. I happen to have pulled exactly 1 Ashiok in all the Theros packs I bought. We'll see how he fares! And you're right, the Agent really doesn't fit. I wanted the deathtouch but I can always fit in something cheaper, like Thrill Kill, but perhaps I'll try adding in more counter spells instead.
October 9, 2013 9:04 a.m.
Doom Blade might help. I had the same issue with the agent in one of my decks. Thought he was sick but I couldn't find a way to abuse his heroic ability.
October 9, 2013 9:15 a.m.
DimirQueen says... #18
Yeah, I already made a B/W deck around him so I shouldn't have a problem taking him out :P
October 9, 2013 9:20 a.m.
Before I make any suggestions, do you have any sort of budget you're sticking to?
October 9, 2013 11:02 a.m.
DimirQueen says... #20
Nope, none in particular. Probably not wanting to spend a ton on new cards for this deck, but I'm up for any suggestions!
October 9, 2013 11:10 a.m.
Alright well in that case I think the best thing you can do here is to remove the Nighthowler and Wight of Precinct Six for a combination of AEtherling , Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and/or Jace, Architect of Thought .
I understand the synergy in those two cards (I actually started out as a Dimir player, myself), but unfortunately they just die so, so easily. AEtherling gets around this. The only reason Consuming Aberration is usable is because his ability provides a way to work towards your other win-con, milling. And, of course, once you're up against an opposing control deck, those two creatures aren't going to be feeling any pumps from creatures in graves. You don't want dead draws main-deck.
Lastly (and this is a personal preference) I might suggest running one or two more lands.
October 9, 2013 11:30 a.m.
In regards to your mention of thrill-kill I'd look towards Baleful Eidolon basically the same except instead of unleash you have the option to bestow it but its a matter of preference at that point probably.
October 9, 2013 11:32 a.m.
MindAblaze says... #23
What do you think about Omenspeaker ? She's a 1/3 body that will help slow aggro, and you get to dig through the top 2 as a bonus. I would look at the Nighthowler s and Wights as potential things to remove/sideboard simply because they're "dead" against non-aggro decks. I know it's aggro season right now, but the way I see it there's more immediate upside to the 'speaker than the Wight. Especially turn two when you haven't milled anything yet. Something to consider anyway.
October 9, 2013 11:33 a.m.
DimirQueen says... #24
Spootyone, I definitely understand what you're saying. I've been debating making this deck more controlly, but I'm really worried about how it'll hold up against aggro. My end goal is to have this deck be at least somewhat competitive at FNM (I'd even be happy with 2-2), but I see aggro decks everywhere! Not only that, but literally everyone I play with casually outside of FNM plays aggro decks. I will admit I am not experienced with magic, but I find myself getting really scared about what's going to happen until turn 6 when AEtherling can get out on the field. :/ I've seen control decks do really well in those situations, but I have to share my spells with milling spells, so I don't get all of the counters. Are my worries correct or will it work out differently, you think? Also, is mill kill or just mill better for being competitive?
MindAblaze!, I've seen Omenspeaker all over mill decks on here. I have to say, she is really appealing. I wanted to keep the Wight just for that small piece of Timmy in me, but he can be sideboarded. Which are more common at FNM would you say, aggro or non-aggro??
October 9, 2013 11:51 a.m.
Well, the beauty of Jace, Architect of Thought is his ability to be a force against aggro with his +1 to stall and then his -3 afterwards to get the cards you need. Ashiok can also deal with aggro pretty well by stealing their own exiled creatures to use against them early game while you're using kill spells against the rest. You might also try looking into Frostburn Weird if Omenspeaker doesn't quite appeal to you. The former handles things like Fleecemane Lion and Experiment One better, and is able to trade with more creatures.
mikeyuhr says... #1
first of all, i like the looks of this thing, as a fellow dimid player :) i would bump your mana base to 24, maybe +2 Temple of Deceit , the scry can help you get to the cards you need a little bit faster. second, i think you need to focus on less mechanics to make this run more consistent, either focus on control, milling, or throw in some more creatures with some kill spells to back them up. take a look at my deck UB murder mill (post rotation) youll notice i focus alot on milling and heavy creature presence (to help stave off those fast aggro decks) but they also grow ffrom my milling, sprinkle in some kill spells to get rid of threats in addition to adding to their graveyard and making my creatures that much stronger. i think once you decide which dimir path you want to go down it will be easier to help tweak your current deck. but all in all, your doing good and have the right mindset, keep up the good work :)
October 1, 2013 11:59 a.m.