
Lets play with Hydras and Jacks!!!

I've begun to call Corpsejack Menace Jack the King of Menace as he really has a good board presence with Primordial Hydra or Wolfir Silverheart.


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After extensive research and playtesting i decided to run this at FNM. I was Baffled at how well i did. Ending with a nice 3-0-1.

Match 1.

Golgari vs Rakdos

Game 1.

I know this kid, he comes every Friday and i've seen him progress his deckbuilding immensely. But ageinst a 24/24 Hydra and twin Jacks it wasn't very fair.

Game 2.

Black Mana screwed, he beat me down with a hilariously pumped Goblin Arsonist

Game 3.

Hydra and Jack for the win, with some Saprolings for funsieys 2-0-1

Match 2

Golgari vs Some M13 based deck (new kid i felt horrible that he had the game with me, it was kinda unfair)

Game 1.

He didn't stand a chance :(

Game 2.

Let my Hydra get so big that the dice covered the card 144/144 i think, was funny cause i killed him with saprolings instead, we both laughed. taught him afew things about his deck and some ideas he could use. 2-0-0

Match 3. (currently 2-0-0 in matches and 4-0-1 in games)

Golgari vs Monored speedfreak

Game 1.

Wow this was intense, he won this on with a well placed Zealous Conscripts on my 12/12 hydra.

Game 2.

Hydra and twin Jacks for the win

Game 3.

Hydra, Jacks, Vampire Nighthawk and saprolings for a final assault. It was soooooo close i was at 3 after he swung out, i had played a Fungal Sprouting with a 6/6 hydra so i chump blocked most of his grounders and then nuked him next turn, nighthawk saved the day with his lifelink as i would have died.

Match 4. (currently 3-0-0 matches and 6-0-2 games)

Golgari vs Reanimator angels

Game 1.

This guy was a serious DBAG. He had this superiority complex like he owned WOTC. I tromped on him with twin hydras and twin jacks.

Game 2.

No chance with so few creatures... was irked.

Game 3.

Had him on the ropes with a 7/7 hydra and a Jack then he Unburial Rites an Angel of Serenity and clears my board, hits me with a Thragtusk then hard casts another Angel to clear me again for game... Very Disappointing..


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 2 Mythic Rares

5 - 2 Rares

23 - 6 Uncommons

13 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.55
Tokens Ooze */* G, Saproling 1/1 G
Folders FNM?
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