DarkRequiem says... #2
I did consider Shape Anew at some point. I ended up chosing Arcum Dagsson instead. I'm more inclined to morph my own stuff than my opponent's. That's why I removed Proteus Staff (for now) too.
As for Skill Borrower, that's an interesting suggestion indeed. I'd have to add Future Sight and Druidic Satchel back in to maximize the top of my library. Since that was part of what I wanted to do right from the start, all I can say is that I like the idea a lot. But what should be removed from the deck to add those?
April 23, 2015 5:35 p.m.
Karns_Pyromancer says... #3
I'd say Top, Primordial, therspouts, or Lightning Greaves.
April 23, 2015 5:53 p.m.
DarkRequiem says... #4
The mana base as been slightly changed so that now my morphs don't trigger lesser creatures, as suggested by msanchez13.
From what you suggested, I see myself removing the Top. Greaves are important for defensive effects and both Primordial and Tidespout are good things to polymorph into. Primordial being better than Tidespout, of course (chances are I'll always cast interesting stuff from someone's grave).
To add: Skill Borrower + Future Sight + Druidic Satchel
To remove: Sensei's Divining Top + Nuisance Engine + ??
April 24, 2015 11:54 a.m.
DarkRequiem says... #6
Its a mana rock that turns into a creature that I can sacrifice if I don't have any.
April 24, 2015 12:29 p.m.
DarkRequiem says... #7
I'm considering the removal of Caged Sun. Its expensive and doesn't allow me to do much more the turn I cast it.
April 26, 2015 7:37 p.m.
Karns_Pyromancer says... #8
Not a bad choice. I'd put it in the maybe board though.
May 3, 2015 9:20 a.m.
DarkRequiem says... #9
The deck has been slightly updated. I just remembered that Caged Sun is also one of the go-to artifacts to fetch with Arcum Dagsson...
Anyway, I need to test the deck as is. I like the changes since it went back to its origins, where I wanted to play Future Sight. Are there any other cards on blue similar to it?
May 4, 2015 4:58 p.m.
DarkRequiem says... #11
True. But I don't have one. So... Ordering it online. :D
May 4, 2015 6:07 p.m.
JimmyInferno says... #12
This deck looks incredible! Also finally a use of Moondrake :P
Just a question though, is Mystifying Maze in use over Maze of Ith?
July 20, 2016 12:22 a.m.
DarkRequiem says... #13
Ah, the deck needs to be updates. As a matter of fact I did think about adding a Nephalia Moondrakes (I take it that that's the cars you're talking about) but they seem to pale in comparison to Sphinx of the Final Word which has been added.
As for the Mazes, Ith's costa lots of money. That's the only reason I don't use it: budget.
And thanks for considering it incredible. :)
July 20, 2016 7:20 p.m.
JimmyInferno says... #14
Ah okay :) A fellow blue player, and Jalira is awesome, so the deck looks boss :P
I understand the choice of Sphinx of the Final Word over Nephalia Moondrakes however, you could Jalira INTO the drake, perhaps you have a boardstate, or managed to last long enough, so let's say Stormtide Leviathan is also on the field. Use the second ability of Nephalia Moondrakes while it is in the grave, now you can swing WITH EVERYTHING. I mean, what is scarier than a Blightsteel Colossus...a flying one.
Same time though I am honestly trying to find a place for drakes, yet sphinx of no works wonders too.
Only suggestion I have, is what about Copy Artifact to copy the Illusionist's Bracers so you get 3 triggers from Jalira?
July 20, 2016 9:28 p.m. Edited.
DarkRequiem says... #15
Ah, the Colossus, that wonder of New Phyrexia... Is banned on my playgroup. We banned everything Infect related.
I had the same thought as you regarding the Drakes... And I'd lovento add them. Just unsure about what to remove since everything else seems quite good. Bare in mind that the deck needs to be updates.
Copy Artifact sounds interesting but it would only work as a copy of that specific Artifact. I see nothing else that I'd copy. So, I find it a bit too narrow.
July 21, 2016 9:55 a.m.
DarkRequiem says... #16
Damn. I had already updated the deck and didn't remember doing it. So, I only had to remove the Moondrakes to add the Sphinx.
July 21, 2016 4:33 p.m.
JimmyInferno says... #17
you could copy any artifact creature, or tag it along with Memnarch and copy whatever you wanted
July 22, 2016 2:02 a.m.
JimmyInferno says... #18
also Mishra's Factory and Blinkmoth Nexus would be good lands to have over terramorphic and evolving wilds. Yes the latter two thin your deck out, but when it is a small amount of cards out of 99, I feel it isn't worth it. You may as well throw in some lands that give Jalira some options to polymorph perhaps?
July 22, 2016 2:06 a.m.
DarkRequiem says... #19
Terramorphic and Evolving (and Myriad Landscape) are great. They have a two-folded job on this deck. 1st they allow me to thin the deck out of lands (admittedly, that's not much of a thing) but 2nd they allow me to shuffle the deck after all those polymorphs. Jalira forces me to put all my (revealed) legendary creatures and noncreature cards onto the bottom of the deck but I might want those back. Blue seems to lack a bit on the shuffling department and I wish I had more lands that did this (avoiding the real fetches though).
And even though Factory and Nexus are great ideas, I don't feel that much like blowing up my own lands. I'm running two man-lands and I'm a bit iffy about them. At times I think that 2 basic lands would suit me better. Springjack Pasture though... Would love to find myself a few more lands that did the same.
Memnarch is fun. But its also legendary, meaning I can't morph into it and I'd have to pay the full 7cmc... I'm not much into it although I see its potential. :)
July 22, 2016 6:09 p.m.
JimmyInferno says... #20
Now that you mention the reason behind the evolving wilds and teramorphic, I am considering them in my own Jalira deck now.
I know he is 7cmc, but Memnarch does some SERIOUS work. Sure you got to hard cast him, but what he brings to your side of the field is a lo of versatility.
Also, Clever Impersonator has proven etremely useful for me as well. Gets funnier with Fool's Demise
would you mind having a look at mine? I made it from cards I had at home so I am not sure how well it rolls.
July 23, 2016 9:33 p.m.
DarkRequiem says... #21
Yeap. Nothing too fancy on the reason why I use those but they do something useful for the deck. I think Jalira does indeed need shuffle options and these cards don't hurt you a single bit.
Memnarch is nice and I see him working. I just find it too expensive for this deck since I want to use my mana on some other tricks. I came to notice that this deck consumes lots of mana!
Clever Impersonator is one cool option. I'll have to check if I have one available. Fool's Demise is also fun and I used it on a first version of the deck. It got removed for something else but that's something I'd enjoy adding back.
July 24, 2016 7:24 p.m.
zaerox12345 says... #22
Awesome! Found this deck buried in the lists. +1 upvoted it plus... I am gonna borrow it! I've been trying to find a good Jalira deck to take some pointers on!
Rock on man!
September 19, 2017 10:13 a.m.
DarkRequiem says... #23
Thanks for the kind words and the upvote.
I need to update the decklist though. Some cards were changed (not the gameplay, the deck still plays the same). I just need to figure out a few things since I'm doing one last change before updating it here.
Karns_Pyromancer says... #1
Have you considered Shape Anew? The amount of artifacts you're running makes me think it could be good.Maybe look at Skill Borrower too.
April 23, 2015 9:51 a.m.